Florida OJ Tariffs Lifted in United Kingdom

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Trade

Photo by Aneta Voborilova on Unsplash

The United States and the United Kingdom announced a trade accord on March 22. The United States will remove tariffs on British steel and aluminum, while the United Kingdom will remove retaliatory tariffs on a number of American exports, including Florida orange juice.

“We appreciate the work of the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Agriculture in recognizing the importance of the many exports impacted by these retaliatory tariffs, including orange juice,” said Florida Citrus Mutual Director of Governmental Affairs Matt Joyner.

“We welcome the news that the tariff on orange juice has been lifted and we look forward to continuing to share Florida orange juice with our friends in the United Kingdom,” said Florida Department of Citrus Executive Director Shannon Shepp.

The U.S. tariffs were originally imposed in March 2018 under the Section 232 national security law to protect U.S. producers from a flood of subsidized imports and were met quickly with the responding U.K. levies. Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 allows the U.S. president to impose import restrictions based on an investigation and affirmative determination by the Department of Commerce that certain imports threaten to impair national security. Actions under Section 232 have generated debate in Congress and in the World Trade Organization.

Source: Florida Citrus Mutual


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