The onset of rains in several regions of Brazil’s citrus belt has made it necessary for growers to pay added attention to citrus greening, Fundecitrus reported. The association of citrus growers and juice manufacturers from the state of São Paulo said the extra attention is needed due to the increase in greening-spreading psyllid populations in this period.

Fundectirus reported that this is traditionally the period of insect population peaks. A large number of insects is captured by the yellow sticky traps of the Fundecitrus Phytosanitary Alert during this time. The Phytosanitary Alert is a tool that monitors the insect population and shoots.
According to Fundecitrus, the rains, associated with the heat, favor the sprouts in the citrus plants. The sprouts are favorable for the feeding and reproduction of the psyllid, especially in the end of winter and beginning of spring. In addition, the rise in temperature that occurs at this time of year favors the development of the insect, and the wind helps in its dispersion.
Rigorous psyllid management is essential at this time, Fundecitrus stated. It said the psyllid population has grown considerably in recent years, according to data from the Phytosanitary Alert. Greening rates are also on the rise in Brazil. The recommendation is for citrus growers to pay attention to the sprouting and monitoring of the psyllid to intensify control in these critical periods.
It is important that chemical control of psyllids be carried out properly, Fundecitrus added. Special attention should be paid to the edge stands and rotation of product modes of action. Added attention should also be given to the joint action of producers from the same region. Joint action against the psyllid optimizes control and avoids migration of the insect between properties.
More management information is available in Fundecitrus’ technical manuals on the Asian citrus psyllid and greening management.
Source: Fundecitrus
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