Florida Citrus Value Drops Steeply

Josh McGillFlorida, Production

The $438 million preliminary on-tree value of the 2021–2022 Florida citrus crop is 29% less than the $613 million revised value for 2020–2021, according to a federal Citrus Summary. The summary reported production, price and value of the 2021–2022 crop. It was released Sept. 7 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.



Florida’s all citrus production in 2021–2022 totaled 45.1 million boxes, down 22% from the previous season’s 57.9 million boxes.

Orange production decreased by 22% to 41.1 million boxes. Non-Valencia production at 18.3 million boxes is down 20% from the 2020–2021 season. Valencia orange production at 22.8 million boxes is down 25%.

All grapefruit production decreased 19% to 3.33 million boxes.

Tangerine and tangelo production in 2021–2022 is down 16% from the
previous season, to 750,000 boxes.

The top five citrus-producing counties in 2021–22 were Polk (7.78 million boxes), DeSoto (6.8 million boxes), Highlands (6.65 million boxes), Hendry (5.52 million boxes) and Hardee (4.75 million boxes). Together they account for 70% of the state’s total citrus production.

Oranges constituted 91% of the state’s citrus production, grapefruit accounted for 7%, and tangerines and tangelos represented 2%.


The Citrus Summary included citrus returns per box, by variety and utilization. The 2021–22 preliminary prices are based on cash sales only. Prices reflect final payments in cooperative and participation plans and changes in pick, haul and packing charges.

Oranges returned $16.55 per box for fresh and $8.19 for processing in 2021–22. Returns in 2020–21 were $15.47 for fresh and $9.78 for processing.

Tangerines and tangelos returned $40.25 per box for fresh and $1 for processing in 2021–22. Returns in 2020–21 were $27.85 for fresh and $1.50 for processing.

Grapefruit returned $25.55 per box for fresh and $8.78 for processing in 2021–22. Returns in 2020–21 were $23.37 for fresh and $6.85 for processing.

See the complete Citrus Summary here.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service

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