Citrus Commission Chairman: Marketing Programs Work

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Commission, Florida Department of Citrus, Marketing

Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) Chairman Steve Johnson recently shared his thoughts on the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) marketing programs.


“As the budget has decreased over the past couple of years, and into next year, the FCC has placed a stronger emphasis on the need for the FDOC to utilize data to track their programs,” said Johnson.

“Performance has played a key role in recent years for the FDOC’s marketing programs and their success. The expansion into e-commerce has largely driven sales, putting orange juice into consumer shopping carts both real and virtual. Our ad campaigns in the digital world continue to be innovative, expanding into places like Hulu, Reach TV and even reaching potential consumers on in-flight Wi-Fi as they travel to Florida.

“Influencer programs have been important drivers of health and wellness messaging, and the FDOC has worked to find influencers with strong social media engagement that can discuss these topics in versatile ways, whether it be from registered dietitians, from professional and home chefs in recipe creation, or lifestyle influencers incorporating healthy habits into their daily lives.

“Storytelling content enhances influencer programs on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, which all have different audiences. Grower profiles and stories of the history of the Florida citrus industry help consumers connect to our work and our products on a deeper level.

“All of these programs are driven through monitoring, analysis and execution. It’s a detailed process every step of the way. Program concepts are created with recent data and trends in mind, and they are tracked at every level. The one thing that these programs do have in common across the board is keeping Florida orange juice and grapefruit top of mind for consumers domestically and internationally.

“The question that I hear from growers and other industry professionals is simple: ‘Does it all work?’ Data and statistical monitoring tools tell us that it does. The FDOC can track real-time shifts in consumer habits or keep an eye on potential trends — good and bad — to help steer marketing campaigns. This is how we can set an attainable goal of $40 million in attributed sales for the 2022–23 fiscal year and end up over $58 million. This is how we keep our products on consumer tables as we begin our recovery.”

Source: Florida Citrus Mutual

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