Brazil Breaks Psyllid Record Again

Josh McGillBrazil, HLB Management, Psyllids

The Brazilian citrus belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Sudoeste Mineiro has recorded yet another record high in the average number of greening-spreading Asian citrus psyllids captured by traps. In the second half of August, there was an average growth of 147% in the average catch compared to the previous two-week period.

Asian citrus psyllid captures in Brazil increased to record levels in the second half of August.

The average jumped from 3.4 to 8.4 insects per trap. It is the highest index ever recorded in the entire monitoring history carried out by Fundecitrus. The index keeps all citrus regions at extreme risk.

The regions of Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, Bebedouro, Casa Branca and Novo Horizonte accounted for 66% of all catches. The biggest increase registered is in the Limeira region, which went from 1.4 to 9.3, a 555% increase.

See a report on the psyllid situation from the first half of August. The data are part of the Phytosanitary Alert, a Fundecitrus tool that helps citrus growers in the regional management of greening.

Ivaldo Sala, Fundecitrus agronomist engineer and coordinator of the Transfer and Technology Department, encourages producers to work regionally with other neighboring citrus growers.

“It is important to promote joint strategies for the rotation of modes of action, use products with proven efficacy, and use adequate spraying frequency that reduces plant contamination and prevents psyllid reproduction,” said Sala. “Other actions that are indispensable are the quality of application of the products and the audit of all this work.”

Source: Fundecitrus

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