
Growers Benefit From Citrus Nutrition Box Program

Ashley RobinsonNutrition

Florida growers participating in the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus nutrition box program have found great value in the program. Now in its second year of operation, the program provides free soil and leaf testing as well as tailored quarterly nutritional counseling. These free boxes of materials and instructions are distributed to registered growers …

Varieties for the Indian River Region

Ashley RobinsonVarieties

In response to HLB, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeding program is focused on developing improved varieties and rootstocks for sustainable and profitable production. Rootstock and scion performance trials have been established throughout the state. UF/IFAS citrus breeder Fred Gmitter touched on some of the experimental trials being done in Florida’s Indian River …


CRAFT Foundation: Two-Year Program Update

Ashley RobinsonResearch

The Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation Inc. is in its second year of operation. CRAFT Foundation Executive Director Kristen Carlson gave a program update during the recent Florida Citrus Show. CRAFT was designed to work as a cooperative effort between growers and researchers in order to provide examples of economically feasible production management practices and programs for Florida …

Gulf Citrus Growers Association

Gulf Citrus Growers Hold Annual Meeting

Ashley RobinsonGulf

The Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) held its 35th annual meeting at the Verandah Country Club in Fort Myers on June 9. At the meeting, the GCGA board elected officers to serve the organization for the 2021-2022 season. Ron Mahan of Tamiami Citrus, LLC was elected president. Other officers elected to lead the regional citrus association are Vice President Danny …

The Do’s and Don’ts of Weed Control

Ashley Robinsonweeds

When developing a weed management program, there are many things for growers to consider. Application site, the stage of weed growth, herbicide selection, the amount of herbicide used, spray volume and pressure, and herbicide bandwidth are just a few of the factors that contribute to the cost and success of a weed management program. Ramdas Kanissery, weed scientist at the …

Partnership Advances Citrus Variety Work

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, Varieties

Citrus studies are advancing in groves across Florida thanks to growers willing to collaborate and share their land with researchers. This type of partnership is rare and does not form overnight. Citrus grower Tom Hammond and University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeder and geneticist Fred Gmitter are a prime example of a dynamic partnership. …


Testing Prototypes to Get HLB Therapeutics into Trees

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are working on automated systems that deliver HLB therapeutics into the citrus tree’s phloem, where the materials are most effective. The project, “Development of an automated delivery system for therapeutic materials to treat HLB-infected citrus,” is in its third year. Ozgur Batuman, project director and UF/IFAS citrus …


Fruit Fly Pests of Florida Citrus

Ashley RobinsonPests

Exotic fruit flies are considered some of the most serious of the world’s agricultural pests due to their potential economic harm and threat to the food supply. They have a wide host range of fruit, vegetables and nuts. Most of Florida’s crops fall within the host range, including the fragile citrus industry. For this reason, it’s imperative to act quickly …

How to Build Consumer Trust

Ashley RobinsonMarketing

Consumer trust in the food and beverage industry has decreased drastically, despite surging at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer: Trust and the Food and Beverage Sector uncovers a 12-point decline in trust globally, the largest of any sector measured, following a major surge last spring. “People had high hopes and had real connections with …

Advances in Therapeutics for HLB Control

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is examining different ways to deliver therapeutics to citrus trees for management of citrus greening disease, also know an huanglongbing (HLB). The hope of the USDA initiative is to establish an HLB-therapeutic molecule and identify the most cost-effective strategy to deliver these molecules to growers. The project is in collaboration with the University of …

farmworker protection

Migrant Housing Project Rejected

Ashley RobinsonLabor

In a 3-2 vote, the St. Lucie County Commission on May 4 denied a proposal by Happy Foods LLC for a conditional use to construct housing for up to 96 migrant citrus grove laborers. Happy Foods LLC, a subsidiary of IMG Citrus, proposed four 2,930-square-foot dormitory-style buildings on 7.7 acres on Orange Avenue in Fort Pierce. It would have been …

Agriculture Group Addresses Climate Change

Ashley RobinsonEnvironment, Land

Florida agricultural leaders launched an initiative to identify and implement climate-smart agriculture solutions and ecosystem services that benefit the public, producers and the planet. The Florida Climate Smart Agriculture (FLCSA) Work Group is the collaborative effort of Solutions from the Land (SfL) and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). The multi-stakeholder effort is led by …

Florida Citrus Grower Discusses Issues

Ashley RobinsonCover Crops, Herbicides

Florida and California specialty crop growers recently gathered for a virtual discussion presented by J.L. Farmakis, Inc. to talk about issues unique to their crops and regions. Citrus grower Lee Jones with Cross Covered Caretaking represented the Sunshine State. He shared some of the struggles and successes of growing citrus in Florida. Jones says one of the biggest challenges he …

Dual-Function Peptide Treats and Prevents HLB

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

New research affirms a unique stable antimicrobial peptide (SAMP) found in an Australian plant can destroy HLB and help prevent infection. Hailing Jin, University of California Riverisde geneticist who led the research, shared the exciting discovery during the 2021 Florida Citrus Show. The naturally occurring peptide is found in HLB-tolerant citrus relatives, such as the Australian finger lime. The peptide …

Estimating Crop Yield With UAVs

Ashley RobinsonTechnology

A researcher at the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) in Greece is using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to estimate crop yield. “Crop yield is the most important piece of information for crop management in precision agriculture. Early crop yield estimations allow farmers to optimize farm operation scheduling, field management and product marketing decisions,” said AUA associate professor Spyros Fountas. Fountas …

Effects of Grower Tools on Citrus Diseases and Roots

Ashley RobinsonDiseases, Root health

Citrus researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are taking a more comprehensive look at how tools to manage HLB affect young trees. The goal is to develop integrated approaches and update management practices for growers. After one year of the research project, some interesting results are already emerging. The research project, “Establishing Healthy …

new grove

Updating Guidelines for New Plantings

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, HLB Management, Research

Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are taking a whole-systems approach to update current recommendations for new plantings. A research project, “Establishing Healthy Citrus Plantings in the Face of Persistent HLB Pressure,” is led by UF/IFAS entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock. According to Diepenbrock, current guidelines were created pre-HLB and therefore are out of date …

IPCs and Tree Performance

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management

Preventing HLB infection in newly planted citrus trees with individual protective covers (IPCs) can improve productivity and fruit quality. Thus far, IPCs have kept young citrus trees free of HLB in research plots. “Once you plant a tree, if it’s not protected, it’s exposed to HLB infection from day one,” says Fernando Alferez, an assistant professor at the University of …

Managing Lebbeck Mealybug

Ashley RobinsonPests

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock provided an update on lebbeck mealybug during the 2021 Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. The pest, first found in Florida commercial citrus in 2019, feeds on and damages citrus, causing up to 70% fruit drop in heavily infested groves. According to Diepenbrock, damaged fruit will not be marketable for …

Updates on Irrigation and Nutrient Management

Ashley RobinsonIrrigation, soil

Proper irrigation and nutrient management are necessary to maximize root density and tree health, especially in trees infected with HLB. Davie Kadyampakeni, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor, shared a few irrigation and nutrient research updates during the March episode of the All In For Citrus podcast. IRRIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS Young citrus trees require optimal …