An Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) sample has been confirmed positive for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), the bacteria that causes huanglongbing (HLB). The sample was collected from a commercial citrus grove in the Woodcrest area of Riverside County. Confirmed by Citrus Research Board’s Jerry Dimitman Laboratory, this single adult psyllid is the first CLas-positive ACP found in a commercial citrus grove …
California Budget Includes HLB Funding
Funding for Asian citrus psyllid (ACP)/huanglongbing (HLB) programs and the Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Division (CPDPD), an agency of the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), were included in the 2020-2021 California budget. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the budget on June 29. The CPDPD, known also as the Citrus Division, utilizes state, federal and grower-generated funds to prevent …
Growers Urged to Continue HLB Best Practices
The University of California, Riverside (UCR) recently released information regarding a promising new treatment for huanglongbing (HLB) and the Asian citrus psyllid that “effectively kills the bacterium causing the disease with a naturally occurring molecule found in wild citrus relatives.” While this news has exciting potential, UCR and California Department of Food and Agriculture scientists agree that growers should continue …
New California Face Mask Rules and Availability
In addition to California Division of Occupational Safety and Health face mask regulations, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) has issued new mandates regarding face mask use in certain settings. WHEN TO WEAR A MASKFace masks are required whether or not members of the public are present in workplaces. The CDPH guidance also specifies that individuals engaged in work, …
CRB, CCM Asks Citrus Industry to Help Niland
The California Citrus Research Board (CRB) and California Citrus Mutual (CCM) are calling for help for the fire-ravaged town of Niland, near the Salton Sea in Southern California. Niland is a very small desert town that was home to many agricultural workers who worked in citrus groves in the region. One person died. Some 40 homes were destroyed, many more …
UCR Scientists Say New Peptide Could Control HLB
According to a news article released by the University of California Riverside (UCR), scientists there have found a substance which may be capable of controlling citrus greening disease. The disease, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), has devastated citrus in Florida and in other regions worldwide. It also threatens California crops. The article says the new treatment effectively kills the bacterium …
New Lighting Rules for California Agriculture
New nighttime lighting requirements have been set by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) and take effect on July 1, 2020. The new standard, “Outdoor Agricultural Operations During Hours of Darkness,” was heavily modified from the original proposal based on information provided by the agricultural industry throughout the course of the rulemaking process. It applies to all …
California Citrus Research Center to Get New Director
Ashraf El-kereamy will be the new director of the University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources’ (UC ANR) Lindcove Research and Extension Center (REC), starting on July 1. He will continue to serve as a UC cooperative Extension specialist in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at UC Riverside. “Elizabeth Grafton-Cardwell retires this year after 13 years …
Protect Outdoor Workers From Heat Illness
California’s Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) reminds all employers to protect outdoor workers from heat illness and to monitor high temperature advisories and warnings in their region. California’s heat illness prevention standard applies to all outdoor workers, including those in agriculture, construction and landscaping. Other workers protected by the standard include those that spend a significant amount of …
Deadline Coming Up for California Citrus Mutual Scholarships
California Citrus Mutual (CCM) awards three scholarships to students who are pursuing an education and future in the agricultural industry. The deadline to apply for the scholarships has been extended to June 30. The CCM High School Scholarship is given to a a qualified high school senior pursuing a continued education in an agriculture-related field. An eligible candidate must be …
Cover Crops Benefit California Citrus Grower
A California citrus grower says he has substantially increased water retention and decreased irrigation usage by planting cover crops. Chris Sayer, of Petty Ranch, says he has added about 3 percent organic content to his soil, which has reduced irrigation water usage from 2 acre feet to 1.25 to 1.5 acre feet. Sayer is a fifth-generation Ventura County farmer. He …
Video in Spanish on HLB Best Practices
The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), through its Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program, has developed a mobile-friendly, Spanish-language training video. It’s for use by field crew supervisors and farm labor contractors prior to harvest. The new tool trains industry managers and workers, including field crews, with best practices to prevent the spread of the Asian citrus psyllid …
Lemons Hit Hard by COVID-19 Losses
Lemon growers are seeing good production this year, but the market for choice lemons has been ruined by COVID-19 food-service industry losses. “We’ve seen 20 to 25 percent decrease in fruit movement, and that’s mainly attributable to the decline in the food-service industry,” according to Ventura County lemon grower Will Pidduck. Ironically, it is otherwise a good year for lemons …
New HLB Find in California
A new finding of huanglongbing (HLB) has been reported in a residential citrus tree in the city of San Bernardino, California. This is the first confirmed find of the citrus disease in the city and follows the recent detections of several HLB-positive trees located in Colton, Montclair and Ontario. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) is working with …
How to Donate Citrus to California Food Banks
In California as well as nationally, food banks are experiencing a significant increase in demand due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The California Association of Food Banks (CAFB) Farm to Family (F2F) program accepts donations of fresh produce year-round. CAFB will coordinate the distribution to 41 food banks across the state, which then supply local community food banks and other …
California Citrus Market: A Wild Ride
It’s been a wild up-and-down season for California citrus, and pandemic shopping waves are making the market even less predictable than usual. California Citrus Mutual President Casey Creamer spoke about this year’s market. “We’re getting some unpredictable orders and sales,” he said. “And I don’t quite know how this market’s going to shape up, but down in the field, everybody …
California Agricultural Commissioners Declare Bloom
California agricultural commissioners declared the citrus bloom is now underway in Tulare, Fresno and Kern counties. This establishes the beginning of a time when the use of insecticides is greatly restricted in citrus groves. These restrictions enable bees to work the citrus blossoms while reducing the potential of serious pesticide damage to the bees. Kern County Agricultural Commissioner Glenn Fankhauser …
California Citrus Mutual Recommends Letters for Essential Business Workers
As part of the state effort to control the Covid-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, California Governor Gavin Newsom announced a statewide stay-at-home order that went into effect immediately. The order does not apply to workers in essential businesses, which includes agriculture. In some parts of the state, the order is being aggressively enforced by local law enforcement. Reports are circulating that some …
Seeking California Citrus Growers With Roof Rat Problems
Researchers from the University of California (UC) Cooperative Extension and UC Davis are beginning a two-year study to develop an effective management program for removing roof rats from orchards. The researchers are looking for growers who will allow the UC to work in their orchards to test methods for monitoring roof rat activity. Roof rats can run rampant and cause …
Citrus Day Updates Growers on UC Research
Over 200 people from the citrus industry and University of California (UC) Riverside gathered on Jan. 29 for Citrus Day. Growers and scientists alike were informed about the current status of huanglongbing (HLB) disease and the tiny insect that spreads it, the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). The consensus of the speakers was that while HLB is a serious threat to …