By Peter Chaires The 2024–25 citrus season is another challenging one for Florida’s valued citrus nurseries. Uncertainty has been the consummate challenge for nurseries trying to anticipate grower needs. One large nursery grower recently interviewed believes that door-yard propagations are now nearing commercial propagations. Who would have ever thought we would see this happen? However, after a dismal 2022–23 propagation …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: New Varieties Released
By Peter Chaires On October 24, 2024, the University of Florida’s (UF) Cultivar Release Committee unanimously approved the release of seven citrus varieties to Florida Foundation Seed Producers, Inc. Florida Statutes now require that, before being released to the general public, any new variety of citrus developed as a result of any research or study accomplished using any percentage of …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Citrus Researchers Coming Together
By Peter Chaires Florida’s citrus industry is well supported by two phenomenal research institutions: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS). UF/IFAS provides research and Extension support from its main campus in Gainesville, as well as from its research and education centers and county Extension offices across the state. …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Navel Oranges After OTC and Milton’s Impact
By Peter Chaires As fall approached and Hurricane Milton was not yet on the radar, growers were quietly discussing promising results from oxytetracycline (OTC) therapy. As one would expect, results are as variable as the products, methods of application and factors in the field. However, the view from 40,000 feet was encouraging. Growers not only reported positive observations in their …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Georgia’s Citrus Team Is Shaping Up Nicely
By Peter Chaires Many have been following the development of the Georgia citrus industry with great interest and curiosity. Though satsuma remains the dominant fresh citrus crop, other varieties are in varying stages of trial and adoption. The University of Georgia (UGA) has been supporting citrus growers in this process for more than a decade. Wayne Hanna, though his appointment …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Tree Propagations Provide Insight on Plantings
By Peter Chaires The summer of 2024 has been one of suspense, hope and anticipation. There is great suspense in learning how many acres will remain in citrus production, be repurposed or worse yet, be developed. There is a great sense of hope that Mother Nature will provide ideal growing conditions for the crop, and natural disaster recovery will not …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Get Out and About at Variety Displays and Field Days
By Peter Chaires Each year, citrus breeding and research teams go to great lengths to host variety displays, research reviews, tours and field days. These events not only showcase the collective pursuit of industry needs and priorities, but they afford stakeholders an opportunity to monitor the progress and interact directly with scientists and support staff. This is an investment of …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: What’s on Tap for 2024–25
By Peter Chaires The New Varieties Development and Management Corp. (NVDMC) has awarded funding to citrus projects for the 2024–25 season. Exciting things are happening in crop transformation, but significant progress is also being made in conventional breeding. The NVDMC board continues to support conventional breeding projects, each with a focus on near-term results, while still setting a foundation for …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Strong Support for Cold-Hardy Citrus Growers
By Peter Chaires The citrus research program at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) includes several projects aimed at assisting growers in the cold-hardy citrus region. Let’s take a look at what researchers are working on. EVALUATING SCIONS AND ROOTSTOCKS Presently, the citrus industry in North Florida faces …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: What Florida Citrus Growers Are Talking About
By Peter Chaires When June rolls around, the last of the oranges are generally coming in and it’s time to reassess what worked and identify areas for improvement. Research-based entities are making every effort to steer dollars to where they will have the most immediate impact. The name of the game right now is capacity preservation. We must do what …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Georgia Citrus Association Annual Meeting Focused on HLB and More
By Peter Chaires The Georgia Citrus Association held its seventh annual meeting on Feb. 27 at the University of Georgia (UGA) campus in Tifton. As usual, the event was well organized and well attended. The agenda included topics such as: It was a value-packed day. HLB RECOMMENDATIONS Roger Smith of TreeSource Citrus Nursery in Woodlake, California, traveled quite a distance …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: New Leadership at Bureau of Citrus Budwood Registration
By Peter Chaires The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Bureau of Citrus Budwood Registration is key to maintaining a healthy citrus nursery industry. The bureau ensures that Florida nurseries have access to clean, quality, reliable budwood. It is important for industry to remain familiar with the team running the bureau. Considering recent changes to the bureau’s leadership, …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Implications of New Citrus-Producing States
After Alabama was recently designated a “citrus-producing state,” there were questions on how this might impact the movement of citrus plant material and fruit. Citrus Nursery Source reached out to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Division of Plant Industry and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Plant Protection and Quarantine (USDA-APHIS-PPQ) …
CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: A Day of Learning About New Rootstocks and Varieties
By Peter Chaires The U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory and Florida Citrus Research Foundation (FCRF) jointly held an open house, variety display and field tour at the W.H. Whitmore Foundation Farm between Leesburg and Groveland in early December. This annual event provides a great opportunity for industry members to see the latest innovations in …
By Peter Chaires Beginning this month, Citrus Nursery Source (CNS) transitions to Citrus Industry magazine after 14 years in Florida Grower magazine. For those unfamiliar with this column, CNS covers citrus industry issues that are of potential interest to nurseries and the growers they serve. Recognizing that it is difficult for nursery owners and staff to regularly attend meetings, this …