Hemp: Finding Legal Seeds and Insurance

Ernie NeffAlternative Crops

The Florida Hemp Association recently clarified which seeds can be legally grown under Florida law and Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) rules. Growers must use either a seed approved by the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies (AOSCA) or a Pilot Project Hemp Seed approved though a university pilot project, the association reported. AOSCA is an organization …

IRCL Names President, Discusses Grove Trial

Ernie NeffIndian River

The Indian River Citrus League (IRCL) recently named a new president and provided an update on a large grapefruit trial. The new IRCL president is Daniel Scott. He succeeds Pat Schirard, who served two terms. Before being selected president, Scott served as chairman of the IRCL production committee. Scott is a third-generation citrus grower and is vice president of Scott …

UCR Scientists Say New Peptide Could Control HLB

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Citrus

According to a news article released by the University of California Riverside (UCR), scientists there have found a substance which may be capable of controlling citrus greening disease. The disease, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), has devastated citrus in Florida and in other regions worldwide. It also threatens California crops. The article says the new treatment effectively kills the bacterium …


OJ Federal Marketing Order Considered

Ernie NeffMarketing

The Indian River Citrus League (IRCL) recently reported on steps being taken to possibly create a federal marketing order for orange juice (OJ) to increase product demand. As background, the IRCL noted that the Citrus Administrative Committee (CAC) for decades has administered Federal Marketing Order 905 regulating the grade and size of fresh Florida citrus. The same order authorizes assessments …

town hall

FFVA: Protect Ag Workers From COVID-19

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of Labor have provided joint COVID-19 guidance for agriculture workers and employers. Topics in the guidance include: creating an assessment and control plan; screening and monitoring workers; managing sick workers; returning to work after exposure; engineering controls; cleaning, disinfection and sanitation; administrative controls, including training and social distancing; cloth …

Tools to Protect Young Trees From HLB Being Studied

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

While citrus growers continue to look for the best practices to fight the deadly huanglongbing (HLB) disease, researchers are taking an integrated approach at protecting young trees by using tools growers already have access to. “In Florida and pretty much every citrus-producing area, we’ve been doing a lot of replanting or resets,” says Lauren Diepenbrock, an assistant professor of entomology …


Who Needs Grower Compliance Agreements?

Ernie NeffRegulation

Several growers recently asked the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) if they need to sign a Grower/Caretaker Compliance Agreement (CA) they received from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). HCCGA Executive Director Ray Royce’s answer is essentially yes. He says state law requires all citrus growers and caretakers of 40 or more trees to sign a …

New Lighting Rules for California Agriculture

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Regulation

New nighttime lighting requirements have been set by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA) and take effect on July 1, 2020. The new standard, “Outdoor Agricultural Operations During Hours of Darkness,” was heavily modified from the original proposal based on information provided by the agricultural industry throughout the course of the rulemaking process. It applies to all …

How to Use the New Florida Citrus Rootstock Selection Guide

Tacy CalliesRootstocks

By Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, William S. Castle, Kim D. Bowman, Jude W. Grosser, Stephen H. Futch, Steve Rogers and Andres Gonzalez First published in 1989 as Rootstocks for Florida Citrus, the work of William Castle and his colleagues remains relevant 30 years later. The purpose of the fourth edition of the Florida Citrus Rootstock Selection Guide is to provide timely …

Lebbeck Mealybug Management Update

Ernie NeffPests

An update on lebbeck mealybug, a relatively new pest of Florida citrus, was provided recently by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock. Diepenbrock, who works at the Citrus Research and Education Center, prepared the presentation for the April Florida Citrus Growers Institute, which was canceled due to COVID-19. Lebbeck mealybug was found in …

Florida Department of Citrus: A Year in Review

Tacy CalliesMarket

Last week, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) held a live webinar to present highlights from the 2019–20 fiscal year. Areas covered included budgets, scientific research, marketing and economic market research. This past year has been one of change, transformation and success for FDOC, as it has worked in collaboration with industry to meet the needs of both growers and …

Expos Canceled Due to Changing COVID-19 Conditions

Tacy CalliesCitrus Expo

Although grower and exhibitor interest remains high, AgNet Media has canceled the 2020 Citrus Expo and Vegetable & Specialty Crop Expo in the interest of public safety. For nearly three decades, Citrus Expo has been a tradition that growers look forward to each year. Unfortunately, that tradition will be on hiatus this year, due to the recent rapid escalation of …

Food Safety in Light of COVID-19

Tacy CalliesCOVID-19, Food Safety

With millions of American workers staying home to aid public health efforts to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the security of America’s food supply is more important than ever before. It’s crucial that growers are taking the appropriate measures to ensure food safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the U.S. Department of …

HLB Update for North Florida, South Georgia

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening

Since 2018, there have been no huanglongbing (HLB) finds in commercial citrus groves in North Florida, and there have still been no disease detections in Georgia groves. In North Florida, HLB was detected in groves in Live Oak in Suwanee County and Perry in Taylor County in 2018, reported Xavier Martini, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural …

BMPs Implementation and Verification Stepping Up in Florida

Ernie NeffBMPs

Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) is urging its members to “seriously consider” enrolling in and implementing best management practices (BMPs) if they haven’t already done so. The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Office of Ag Water Policy (FDACS-OAWP), as a result of several changes in state law, is in the process of stepping up its BMPs implementation …


UF/IFAS in Labs, at Citrus Expo and More

Ernie NeffAll In For Citrus Podcast, Citrus Expo, Research

In the latest phase of COVID-19 re-openings, more citrus researchers have returned to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) laboratories. Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) Director Michael Rogers says the number of researchers allowed in labs had been gradually increasing throughout the pandemic. Rogers also discusses an award won by a CREC researcher, work on …

Certis USA Continues Citrus Research Support

Tacy CalliesCRDF, Industry News Release, Research

For the fourth consecutive year, Certis USA has donated $20,000 to the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) to help fund the non-profit’s research aimed at finding a cure for huanglongbing (HLB; citrus greening). The company’s successful “Certis for Citrus” program utilizes sales from their top citrus products to annually support CRDF’s mission. The donation came during CRDF’s board meeting …

Sneak Peek: July 2020 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The July issue of Citrus Industry magazine focuses on what’s new in rootstock research. When choosing a rootstock in the Sunshine State, the best place for a grower to start is with the Florida Citrus Rootstock Selection Guide. This newly updated University of Florida (UF) resource now includes an interactive web version to help simplify the process of picking a …


Top Picks From Citrus Variety Display Days

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Varieties

By Yu Wang, Fred Gmitter, Jude Grosser, Joon Hyuk Suh and Peter Chaires The Citrus Variety Display Days at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) have been a unique platform to fulfill one of the core missions of the Florida citrus industry. These events help identify new selections with …


CRDF Sets Tax, Discusses Research Plans

Ernie NeffCRDF

The grower assessment to help fund Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) programs will remain at 3 cents per box for the 2020-21 season. CRDF directors, sitting June 23 as the Box Tax Advisory Council, approved the assessment on commercial citrus grown in Florida. “We don’t take for granted that we’re entitled to that money,” CRDF Chief Operating Officer Rick …