CUPS: Favorite Varieties to Grow

Ernie NeffCUPS

After five years of growing citrus under protective screen (CUPS), Arnold Schumann has named Ray Ruby grapefruit and Honey Murcott tangerine as his favorite varieties to grow in the system. Schumann is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. He addressed the topic of …

Economics of CUPS and IPCs

Ernie NeffCUPS, Economics, HLB Management

At Citrus Expo, economist Ariel Singerman discussed the economics of producing citrus under protective screen (CUPS) and covering young trees with individual protective covers (IPCs). The primary purpose of both strategies is to exclude HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids. Singerman is with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). Singerman calculated that a CUPS grower who insures …


CUPS Research in Indian River Area

Ernie NeffCUPS

Research into citrus under protective screen (CUPS) in the Indian River area was discussed by students of Rhuanito (Johnny) Ferrarezi at the Florida State Horticultural Society meeting in June. The project at the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) grows grapefruit, the citrus of most economic importance in the Indian River region. Ferrarezi, a University of Florida Institute of …


Many Aspects of CUPS Addressed

Ernie NeffCUPS, Research

Arnold Schumann, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) professor of soil science, reports on his five years of research into citrus under protective screen (CUPS) for fresh fruit. He is one of the first researchers in Florida to do extensive, hands-on research into the system. His discussion is part of the current All In For Citrus …


Good Varieties for CUPS

Ernie NeffCUPS

At a recent field day for citrus under protective screen (CUPS) in Polk County, researcher Arnold Schumann discussed varieties that appear to work well in the system. Schumann is with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education Center. The primary purpose of growing citrus under protective screen is to keep out the Asian …


CUPS Heat and Cold Considerations

Ernie NeffCUPS

Growers producing fresh fruit inside the relatively new citrus under protective screen (CUPS) structures in Florida have some unique heat and cold considerations. Chris Oswalt, citrus Extension agent for Polk and Hillsborough counties, spoke on this subject at a recent CUPS field day in Alturas, Florida. “Based on some of the early data that we have from the weather stations …


CUPS Protects Citrus from HLB and Storms

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, CUPS, Research

A system designed to protect citrus trees from the deadly greening disease withstood the ravaging winds of Hurricane Irma last year, University of Florida scientists say. With reinforcements installed after the storm, they’ll likely withstand even more dangerous storms. Using citrus under protective screening (CUPS), growers can keep the Asian citrus psyllids away from their trees, said Arnold Schumann, a …

CUPS Offers Grapefruit Hope

Ernie NeffGrapefruit

A 4-year-old citrus-under-protective-screen (CUPS) trial offers hope for fresh grapefruit growers who struggle to grow fruit in the face of HLB, Arnold Schumann reports. Schumann says last season’s Ray Ruby grapefruit crop enclosed in CUPS at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred had 100 percent packout, even after Hurricane Irma inflicted some damage to the CUPS structure …


Semiautonomous Vehicle Used in CUPS

Ernie NeffCUPS

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Arnold Schumann showed off a semiautonomous vehicle at the recent Citrus Research and Education Center 100th anniversary celebration. The vehicle is used in the center’s citrus under protective cover (CUPS) facility, designed to keep trees free of HLB-spreading psyllids. Schumann discusses the vehicle and its uses. “We designed that vehicle …

CUPS Test to Begin at California Research Center

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner

University of California (UC) scientists at the Lindcove Research and Extension Center (LREC) will soon begin to test the effect of growing citrus under protective screen (CUPS). CUPS is a proposed new method of controlling huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease, by keeping psyllids, small insects known to spread the disease, away from the trees. The test will evaluate the …


Florida Foliar Disease Outlook for 2025

Daniel CooperDiseases

By Megan Dewdney As I write this article in January 2025, the world is a chilly place, and it is hard to imagine warm and wet weather in Florida. The predicted weather pattern from now until flowering is moving from La Niña toward neutral. This is predicted to bring above-average spring temperatures with reduced rainfall. This is a hopeful sign …


Foliar Disease Watch in Florida

Daniel CooperDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney Spring is the time to start thinking about foliar disease management in Florida. Depending on the type of citrus being produced and the market destination, different diseases will be important. POSTBLOOM FRUIT DROP The disease that affects all citrus, particularly oranges, is postbloom fruit drop (PFD). This disease is highly dependent on the weather during bloom. Currently, …


Problematic Diseases Following Hurricanes

Daniel CooperDiseases, hurricane

Hurricanes bring immediate tree damage from high winds and torrential rainfall, but storms also can lay the groundwork for citrus disease problems. Soon after Hurricane Milton passed through citrus-growing regions, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) hosted a webinar that covered various topics including post-storm disease management. CANKER Megan Dewdney, UF/IFAS associate professor of plant …


Control of Asian Citrus Psyllids and Leafminers

Daniel CooperPests

Biological control can have a significant impact on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and citrus leafminer (CLM) populations in Florida, a researcher reported in a Nov. 19 virtual meeting. Jawwad Qureshi, associate professor of entomology with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), also discussed some cultural and chemical controls that work on the pests.  ACP Qureshi, …


Post-Hurricane Pest Management

Daniel Cooperhurricane, Pests

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher Lauren Diepenbrock recently offered post-hurricane observations and management suggestions for some insects and snails. Diepenbrock is an assistant professor at the Citrus Research and Education Center.  BULIMULUS SNAILS Related Bulimulus snail species have been found to lay eggs in the fall after major rain events. Both small and larger …

Dundee Citrus Growers Association

Dundee Citrus Growers Association Celebrates 100 Years

Daniel CooperFlorida, History

Dundee Citrus Growers Association has struggled with the same major setbacks as the rest of Florida’s citrus industry, including multiple freezes in the 1980s and HLB in this century. But Dundee, which is celebrating its 100th anniversary, has not only survived but has become the state’s largest citrus cooperative. A recent video recounts the association’s history, focusing on the growth, …

citrus canker

Citrus Canker May Spread After Hurricane Milton

Daniel CooperDiseases, hurricane

Citrus canker could spread in Florida groves as a result of Hurricane Milton, researcher Megan Dewdney warned. A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) associate professor of plant pathology, Dewdney offered suggestions for dealing with canker at a recent UF/IFAS hurricane recovery webinar. WIND WOUNDS High winds and rain, which were abundant during the hurricane, move …


Post-Hurricane Disease Concerns

Daniel CooperDiseases, hurricane

Phytophthora, citrus black spot and HLB are among diseases that could be spread in Florida groves as a direct or indirect result of Hurricane Milton, researcher Megan Dewdney cautioned. Dewdney, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences associate professor of plant pathology, offered suggestions for dealing with those diseases during a recent hurricane recovery webinar. PHYTOPHTHORA Phytophthora …


Citrus Executive Named Chair of Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) has named Steven Callaham, chief executive officer of Dundee Citrus Growers Association, as its chair for 2024–26. “Steven Callaham has long been a driving force in Florida’s citrus industry. His leadership, vision and dedication have strengthened the resilience and future success of the agricultural community,” said FFVA President Mike Joyner. “With his commitment …


All In For Citrus Podcast Holds a Wealth of Information

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast, Pests, soil

There is a constant stream of research flowing out of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). In recent years, much of that science has focused on the fight against HLB. There are various venues where growers and other stakeholders can learn more about this research, including the All In For Citrus podcast. The podcast, produced …