Morocco Citrus Exports to United States Set Record

Josh McGillExport, International

Morocco in 2021–22 shipped a record 110.5 million metric tons (MMT) of fresh citrus to the United States, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) reported recently. That’s an increase of 156% over prior year shipments to the United States. Fresh tangerine and mandarin shipments to the United States increased 142% over the prior year, to 103.2 MMT. …


Orange Juice in Europe: Production, Consumption and Trade

Josh McGillExport/Import, International, Orange Juice

European Union (EU) orange juice (OJ) production is forecast at 70,390 metric tons (MT) in 2021–22, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service reported. That’s a drop of almost 10% compared to the previous period due to the expected decline in EU orange supply. Spain is the major orange processor in the EU, followed by Italy. Approximately 20% of …