
Brix Bill Reintroduced

Daniel CooperLegislative

U.S. representatives from Florida have reintroduced legislation to have the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) alter the Brix standard in not-from-concentrate pasteurized orange juice from 10.5% to 10%. The Defending Domestic Orange Juice Production Act was reintroduced by Reps. Scott Franklin and Debbie Wasserman Schultz and is cosponsored by the entire Florida congressional delegation.  Currently, oranges below the 10.5% …


Benefits of Increasing Citrus Hybrids in Orange Juice

Josh McGillOrange Juice

Allowing citrus hybrids with certain criteria in orange juice (OJ) was one of several issues addressed in a recent workshop about potential changes to OJ’s standard of identity. Peter Chaires, executive director of the New Varieties Development and Management Corp., discussed benefits of increasing the hybrid allowance in OJ. Chaires presented a consumer study of juices conducted by University of …

Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Ceremonies to Be Oct. 14

Josh McGillAwards, Events

The 2022 Florida Citrus Hall of Fame induction ceremonies will be held Friday, Oct. 14 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Florida Southern College’s (FSC) George W. Jenkins Fieldhouse. The college is at 111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive in Lakeland.  The event is sponsored by Florida Citrus Mutual, the Florida Department of Citrus and the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame, …

Florida State Budget and OJ Action Reported

Josh McGillFlorida, Legislative, Orange Juice

In a recent Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) newsletter, the grower association told how the Florida state budget addresses citrus issues and reported FCM’s position on an orange juice petition.  STRONG SUPPORTThe 2022–23 Florida state budget signed June 2 by Gov. Ron DeSantis totaled $109.9 billion and included more than $37 million in support for the state’s citrus industry. Citrus support …

Updates From Florida Citrus Mutual

Josh McGillFlorida Citrus Mutual

The Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) board of directors voted earlier this month to support the continuation of the Florida Research Order. It encouraged Florida citrus growers to vote for continuation in a May referendum. The board acted after hearing from Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Chief Operating Officer Rick Dantzler and discussing the importance of a continued funding mechanism …