
Citrus Industry ‘Pretty Close to a Cliff’

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release, Orange Juice

(NSF) — State lawmakers and citrus growers expressed a need Tuesday to entice people to drink more orange juice and for citrus importers to help in the marketing of Florida’s struggling signature crop. After 15 years of fighting the impacts of hurricanes, citrus greening disease, a reduction in acres because of the state’s rapid growth and changes in drinking habits, …


FDOC Response to Cancer Study

Daniel CooperCitrus, Diseases, Industry News Release, Research

A new study suggesting a link between sugary drink consumption, including 100% fruit juice, and increased cancer risk was recently published in a medical journal. The study has spurred a series of news media stories. Researchers of the study, who are based in France, assessed the associations between the consumption of sugary drinks (sugar sweetened beverages and 100% fruit juices), …


Florida Department of Citrus to Study OJ Consumption

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release, Orange Juice, Research

Amid ongoing struggles in Florida’s citrus industry, the Florida Department of Citrus appears to be turning attention to studying orange juice consumption. The department said Tuesday it is looking for three separate studies that would assess various aspects of orange juice consumption, including how it can affect people’s moods when drinking it as a snack. According to a bid notice, …

new york times

Florida Department of Citrus Responds to New York Times Anti-Juice Article

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

From the Florida Department of Citrus Over the weekend, the New York Times published an opinion piece, in print and online, critical of juice, including 100 percent orange juice. The article, written by three pediatricians, makes overreaching statements on consumption levels and the health impacts of juice, focusing solely on negative impressions without regard for the positive nutrient benefits 100 percent orange juice …