Celebrate Florida Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cheer On The Florida Gators Oct. 15

Kelsey FryAgriculture

    Farmers, ranchers, landscapers – and everyone in between – are invited to celebrate Agriculture and Gardening Day at the University of Florida’s homecoming football game, Oct. 15, 2016. UF Athletics and the UF Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences are hosting the event and offering discounted tickets to anyone connected to agriculture in the state, including their families …


Grower: Try Fewer Inputs for HLB Before Quitting

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, Irrigation, Nutrition

Mid-Florida Citrus Foundation grove’s experience of doubled production while cutting expenses in half is not unusual and should encourage some growers to hang on in the face of HLB. So says foundation President Glenn Beck. “It’s a scenario we’ve seen many times outside of the foundation,” says Beck, a grower and caretaker. “They (HLB-infected trees) seem to be recovering somewhat …

IndexBox Marketing: Orange Market in Crisis

Kelsey FryCitrus, Citrus Greening

According to a report by IndexBox Marketing, the orange market is in crisis.  One of the main reasons is the citrus greening disease, widespread in the key centers of orange cultivation. This is why a reduction of the global orange market volume is expected once again in 2016. Orange yield reduction affects consumption worldwide. In this case, a distinction should …

Stay Informed On Citrus Expo

Kelsey FryAgriculture

Are you interested in keeping up to date on the latest Citrus Expo news? Then the Citrus Expo e-newsletter is just what you need! Weekly updates inform you of all the details you need to know to get the most from Citrus Expo. Seminar previews, important announcements, prize giveaways and more are included. In this week’s issue, our “Speaker Spotlight” …

Citrus Forecast Has Valencia Oranges Up Slightly

Kelsey FryCitrus

The final citrus crop forecast of the 2015-16 season, issued by Mark Hudson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Statistics Board, is up 100,000 boxes, now at 81.5 million boxes. The total comprises 36.1 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season, Navel and Temple varieties), unchanged from last month, and 45.4 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up 100,000 boxes …

England Named Director of UF/IFAS Hastings Agricultural Extension Center

Kelsey FryAgriculture

Gary England has been named director of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Hastings Agricultural Extension Center (HAEC). The center is a resource for residents and agricultural producers in northeast Florida, a region known for both potatoes and surging urban development. “We are extremely pleased to have Gary England serve in this new leadership role …

Q-Biotype Whitefly Expands to 8 Florida Counties

Kelsey FryUncategorized

The Q-biotype whitefly, a significant pest that could damage agriculture, has spread from Palm Beach to seven other Florida counties, according to a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher. Crops that could eventually be affected include tomatoes, squash, beans, watermelons and many other vegetables and ornamentals, said Lance Osborne, an entomology professor at UF/IFAS. The …

double citrus production

Citrus Production Increases with Reduced Inputs

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, Nutrition

Yes, you read that headline correctly! The Mid-Florida Citrus Foundation Grove near Winter Garden in the past year or so managed to almost double its citrus production while cutting production costs almost in half. Mickey Page, the grove’s research coordinator and farm manager, tells why the inputs had to be reduced and how he altered the production program. “If you …

Global Perspectives

World Growth and the Drop in Orange Juice Production

Josh McGillCitrus, Global Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves Editor’s Note: Welcome to Citrus Industry magazine’s newest column, Global Perspectives, authored by Marcos Fava Neves, an international expert on global agribusiness issues who comes from a family of farmers and is a worldwide defender of agriculture. As a professor of planning and strategy at the School of Business at the University of São Paulo, Neves …

A Look at Brazilian HLB Management

Kelsey FryCitrus

University of Florida citrus Extension agent Steve Futch recently took a trip to Brazil with other Florida citrus industry members. The weeklong trip was spent meeting with large and small growers and learning about HLB management practices. He says that you have to look beyond just your property and see how you can work with neighbors to manage psyllids. Those …

bactericides survey

Sparks Urges Growers to Take Bactericide Survey

Ernie NeffBactericides, Citrus Greening

Florida Citrus Mutual CEO Mike Sparks tells why it’s important for Florida citrus growers to participate in a bactericide survey. The survey was developed by the Citrus Research and Development Foundation and is being administered by AgNet Media. Even growers who are not using the bactericides yet are asked to participate. The purpose of the survey is to collect data …

Growers Learn About Diaprepes Root Weevil Control

Tacy CalliesPests

University of Florida professor Larry Duncan presented the latest research on using entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) to control Diaprepes root weevil (DRW) in citrus to approximately 30 growers on June 30 at the Hardee County Extension Service office in Wauchula. The combination of HLB with DRW intrusion has created a situation that will accelerate the destruction of most infected trees. DRW …

Section 18 Update on FireWall

Kelsey FryCitrus

The current Section 18 emergency exemption permitting application of FireWall™ 50 WP to aid in the control of citrus canker in Florida grapefruit expires on July 1, 2016. After discussions with EPA, the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) and the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) have decided not to pursue its renewal. The rationale for this …

New Method Tells Growers More About Citrus Decay

Kelsey FryCitrus

With citrus growers trying to save their groves in the wake of the deadly greening disease, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher has found a new technique that could help growers answer a vexing question – why so much fruit is dropping to the ground prematurely. If we know why fruit is dropping, we can …

Orange Juice Market Challenges

Tacy CalliesEconomics

Allen Morris, vice president of sales and marketing for Blue Lake Citrus Products, discusses the decline of the U.S. orange juice market. “Since 2001, we’ve lost about half of the U.S. OJ market,” he says. “When we look at June of this year compared to June of last year, total OJ consumption declined by 4.8 percent even though prices declined …

Help Fight HLB, Take the Bactericide Survey

Josh McGillBactericides, Citrus Greening

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) has selected AgNet Media, owner of Citrus Expo and Citrus Industry magazine, to administer a grower survey on bactericide use. CRDF is asking that all Florida citrus growers participate in the survey so that the industry can gain a better understanding of how these products are being used against HLB. Three commercial bactericide …

Sneak Peek: July Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Irrigation

Citrus Industry subscribers will soon receive the July issue of the magazine. Featured in the cover story are young citrus leaders LeAnna and Aaron Himrod. Read all about the sister and brother’s accomplishments as they carry on the family tradition of staying in the citrus business. This issue also includes two water-management articles by University of Florida professor Kelly Morgan. …

The Latest Buzz on Honeybees

Kelsey FryCitrus

There’s a renewed buzz in honeybee research when it comes to problems within the hive. AgNet Media’s Sabrina Hill talks with a bee care program leader and a bee researcher.  Hear the full report here: The Buzz on Honeybees New research shows more threats to honeybees. There is a lot of talk in the general public about pesticides and bees. …

A Wage and Hour Primer for the Citrus Industry

Kelsey FryLegislative

As an agricultural employer, you face many business challenges and you must comply with a number of employment-related laws every day, especially if you work with labor-intensive crops. Ensuring that your employment policies and pay practices comply with the law not only helps you avoid liability for potential labor violations, but keeps your workforce productive and motivated. Simply stated, complying …

Citrus Growers Share HLB Tips

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening

Sharing information, conducting field trials, being efficient, replanting, thermotherapy and managing tree stress are some of the practices five growers think might help manage HLB. The growers were panelists discussing possible ways to survive the devastating disease during Florida Citrus Mutual’s recent annual conference in Bonita Springs. Bill Barber of Lykes Brothers started and ended his presentation with a call …