Florida Department of Citrus money unused because of the coronavirus pandemic will be directed toward increasing orange juice sales, as projections of this season’s citrus production have declined. The Florida Citrus Commission agreed Tuesday to add $277,000 to an ongoing digital ad campaign, with most of the money coming from employee travel plans that were halted because of the deadly …
FDOC Beefs Up Promotions
At the guidance of state health officials in response to coronavirus (COVID-19), the Florida Citrus Commission met telephonically on March 18. At the meeting, commissioners voted to beef up Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) efforts to promote Florida citrus products. “We agreed to allocate another $500,000 out of our fund balance for media enhancement to our current marketing and promotion …
Citrus Commission Rejects Tax Hike for Marketing
(NSF) — Small growers of Florida’s signature crop, expressing concerns about the future of the citrus industry, indicated a willingness Wednesday to pay a higher tax rate if it gets people to drink more orange juice. But the Florida Citrus Commission rejected a proposal to raise from 7 cents to 12 cents a per-box tax on oranges that growers pay …
FDOC Orange Tax Unchanged
Florida orange growers will pay the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) a 7-cents-per-box tax in the current season for their juice oranges. After considering higher rates for months, the Florida Citrus Commission finally agreed to keep the existing 7-cent rate at its meeting on Nov. 20. The commission did, however, indicate its willingness to spend up to an additional $2 …
Three Appointed to the Florida Citrus Commission
(FLGOV) — Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointments of Paul Meador, Steve Johnson and William “Bill” Poulton to the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC). The FCC is dedicated to overseeing and guiding the activities of the Florida Department of Citrus, conducting a variety of industry programs and regulating the quality standards of citrus grown in Florida. Paul Meador Meador, of Fort …
FDOC Tax Rate Still Under Debate
The Florida Citrus Commission continues to discuss the current season budget and grower tax rates for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). Commission Chairman Ellis Hunt said Wednesday there is “a good possibility” the commission will set the budget and tax rates at a Nov. 20 meeting. In normal years, the budget and tax rates are set by the end of …
FDOC Budget and Rates: More Info Sought
The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC), governing board of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), is still seeking information before setting grower taxes and a budget for this season. The FCC held the latest in a series of marketing and budget workshops Oct. 18. At the most recent workshop, FDOC Executive Director Shannon Shepp asked commissioners if they could offer an …
Three Appointed to Florida Citrus Commission
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the appointment of Carlos Martinez and the reappointment of John Patrick Schirard and Jonathan Hancock to the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC). The FCC is dedicated to overseeing and guiding the activities of the Florida Department of Citrus, conducting a variety of industry programs and regulating the quality standards of citrus grown in Florida. CARLOS MARTINEZMartinez, of …
Florida Citrus Commission Approves Preliminary 2019-20 Budget
The Florida Citrus Commission approved a preliminary 2019-20 budget for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) based on an estimate of 71.40 million boxes of oranges and 4.51 million boxes of grapefruit. Presented Wednesday, the department’s total preliminary budget is $14.82 million with an overall budget decrease of about $4 million over the previous year, which is largely due to …
Florida Department of Citrus Gets Boost from Bigger Crop
With projections that more oranges and grapefruits will be produced in Florida over the next nine months, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) got a slightly bigger budget Wednesday. With a relatively optimistic forecast for the growing season, the Florida Citrus Commission approved a staff request to increase the department’s budget for the recently started fiscal year by nearly 4 …
New Florida Citrus Commissioner Appointed
Gov. Rick Scott appointed a new member to the Florida Citrus Commission. Pat Schirard is the president of GEM Indian River Select and a citrus grower in Lake, Brevard, Polk and Indian River counties. Schirard, 57, of Vero Beach, represents District 1, which includes the Indian River area on the east coast of Florida, where the majority of Florida grapefruit is grown. …
FDOC: Budget and Mission for Next Season
The Florida Citrus Commission approved a preliminary 2018–19 budget of $17.645 million dollars for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). FDOC Executive Director Shannon Shepp discusses the budget and the department’s mission. “We have a net increase in the budget of about $409,000” compared to the current 2017–18 budget, Shepp says. She notes that about half of the funding will …
Florida Citrus Commission Sets Budget and Grower Assessments
Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Executive Director Shannon Shepp summarizes the Florida Citrus Commission’s actions regarding the FDOC’s 2017-18 budget and grower assessments that help fund programs. The budget is $17.83 million. “That’s about a $4.5 million reduction from last year’s budget,” Shepp says. The reduction comes primarily because of a low crop forecast of 54 million boxes of oranges, …
Hunt on FDOC Budget and Grove Conditions
The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on June 21 set a preliminary 2017-18 Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) operating budget of $17.5 million. That’s a 22 percent reduction from last season and the lowest FDOC budget in decades. The final budget will be set after the U.S. Department of Agriculture issues the first Florida citrus crop forecast of the new season …
Citrus Industry Tightens Belt Amid Industry Woes
by Jim Turner, News Service of Florida The Florida Department of Citrus plans to continue to squeeze its operations during the coming year as the industry struggles, though travelers will still be able to receive free orange juice at state welcome centers. The Florida Citrus Commission, which oversees the department, approved a preliminary $17.5 million operating budget Wednesday that would …
Why Florida Orange Juice Is Best
In a recent Florida Department of Citrus video, citrus grower and Florida Citrus Commissioner Ned Hancock told why he thinks Florida orange juice is the world’s best orange juice. He summarizes the reasons for that belief: “I think one is the climate that we’re in is greatly different than some other regions. We are more subtropical and citrus is, I …
Telling Millennials About Citrus
Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Executive Director Shannon Shepp discusses the department’s mission and how it gets its message to its primary audience, millennials. Millennials are generally considered those born from 1977 to the mid-1990s. “Right now, remember, we have a declining availability of OJ (orange juice) worldwide. It’s very hard to increase sales of something you have declining supply …
Growers to Pay Department of Citrus Historically Low Tax Rate
Citrus grower taxes supporting Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) programs this season will be 7 cents per box for processed oranges and fresh grapefruit – the two most utilized fruits. Those historically low rates were proposed early in 2016 by 12 large Florida citrus growers and adopted by the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) on October 26. Other per-box grower assessments …
Florida Citrus Commission Cuts FDOC Budget and Staff
The Florida Citrus Commission completed several months of heavy budget-cutting on June 14 by approving a preliminary 2016-17 budget for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). Several large growers had requested heavy cuts earlier this year, and the Citrus Commission responded. The department’s budget will drop almost 32 percent from the current season, and the staff will be reduced by …