Viruses in the Gut of Asian Citrus Psyllid: Friends or Foes?

Tacy CalliesPsyllids, Research

By Ozgur Batuman and Amit Levy Management options for huanglongbing (HLB) are limited and rely heavily on insecticides for controlling Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) populations, even when integrated with other cultural control methods. Chemical strategies are expensive and, if not rotated, can contribute to the development of chemical resistance among ACP populations. In some cases, long-term chemical applications may have …

An Important Reminder on Citrus Tristeza Virus

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Amit Levy and Ozgur Batuman Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) is an important citrus pathogen that, in the past, had a dramatic effect on the citrus industry and caused the loss of almost 100 million trees worldwide. These trees were propagated on sour orange rootstock. The disease created a need for tristeza-tolerant rootstocks to sustain the citrus industry, because only …

Sneak Peek: May 2019 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine offers something for everyone. The diverse range of article topics in this issue is sure to be of interest to readers. First, growers will want to read the latest research on citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Although this is an old problem in Florida, it’s still a threat today — especially if you are …


Italian Citrus Breeding

Ernie NeffBreeding

Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) began spreading in Sicily in the early 2000s because the Italian citrus industry’s standard rootstock was CTV-susceptible sour orange, reported Marco Caruso at a recent symposium of international citrus breeders. Consequently, approximately 74,000 acres will be replanted with CTV-tolerant rootstocks over the next few years, he said. Caruso, a citrus breeding expert with Italy’s Research Centre …


Speeding Up Citrus Greening Research

Tacy CalliesIndustry News Release

Clewiston, FL – U.S. Sugar, in a partnership with Texas A&M AgriLife Research, announced a significant step forward in research efforts fighting diseases impacting food crops, including citrus greening. Early-stage research has demonstrated promise in rapidly culturing and propagating fastidious pathogens and microbes, including those that cause citrus greening, and enabling testing a broad range of antimicrobial solutions. “This cutting-edge …


Tools for Temporary Gene Expression in the HLB Battle

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Amit Levy and Choaa El-Mohtar When thinking about genetic engineering, the first thing that comes to mind is usually GMOs (genetically modified organisms) In a GMO, a plant genome is engineered to include additional genetic sequences, usually genes with some useful activity that give the plant an advantage. This method is called a stable method because genes will be …

crop forecast

Tree Assistance Program Tweaked to Help Citrus Growers

Tacy CalliesLegislative

By Michael W. Sparks Florida Citrus Mutual, the citrus industry and our Congressional delegation continue to work with Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam on obtaining federal relief payments from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for citrus groves damaged by Hurricane Irma. Once specifics are unveiled, we will get them to you as soon as possible. In the meantime, I wanted …

AgNet Hosts ‘This Week in Agribusiness’ — A Citrus Update

Josh McGillCitrus

By Gary Gooper AgNet Media Founder and President Editor’s note: Read the prologue to this article. This week, I accompanied television program host and anchor Max Armstrong of the nationally-syndicated ag news program “This Week in Agribusiness” to guide him on a quick tour of Central Florida and help bring his audience up to date on the Florida citrus situation. …


Southern Gardens Requests Permit for Genetically Engineered Citrus Tristeza Virus

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced its intent to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will evaluate the environmental impacts that may result from the potential approval of a permit application from Southern Gardens Citrus Nursery, LLC, for the environmental release of genetically engineered (GE) Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Southern Gardens’ purpose …

HLB tolerance

Update on Spinach Genes for Citrus Tree Tolerance

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, Genetic Engineering

At the recent Florida Citrus Mutual conference, Southern Gardens Citrus President Rick Kress provided an update on research by his company and Texas A&M into use of a spinach gene to create HLB tolerance in trees, and hopefully resistance. “We have tolerance,” he said. “We would certainly like to see immunity down the road, but we’ll work with tolerance and …