frost season

Frost Season Arrives in California

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Weather

California Citrus Mutual (CCM) recently reported that the 2023 frost season is underway for the state’s San Joaquin Valley citrus growers. “That means growers will be closely monitoring weather forecasts to prepare for any cold spells that may sweep through the valley in the coming months,” the citrus growers’ trade association stated.  Although long periods of below-freezing temperatures are of …

Coordinated Psyllid Treatment Recommended in California

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Pesticides, Psyllids

The San Joaquin Valley ACP (Asian citrus psyllid)/HLB Area-Wide Task Force in California is recommending growers participate in a coordinated treatment application in commercial citrus orchards. This recommendation is for orchards located east and south of Bakersfield and includes young, non-bearing trees. The recommendation comes as a result of higher than normal HLB-spreading ACP finds in traps earlier this summer. …

Review of the 2020–21 California Citrus Season

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, Citrus

California Citrus Mutual (CCM) released its 2020–21 Final California Citrus Season Perspective report, which included the following summary conclusion: For the majority of the season, the fruit quality was excellent. The movement was steady, and shippers managed to hold prices fairly steady. The crop size, however, proved challenging as the season drew on. The 2020–21 season may go down in …