
Forecast for Florida Citrus Is Low

Ernie NeffCitrus, Crop Forecast, Florida, Grapefruit, lemons, Limes


Florida’s first all-orange citrus crop forecast for the 2020-21 season was 57 million boxes, down 15 percent from the 67.3 million boxes produced last season. Non-Valencia orange production was projected by the National Agricultural Statistics Service at 23 million boxes, down from 29.65 million boxes last season. Valencias are at 34 million boxes, down from 37.65 million boxes.

The Florida grapefruit crop is expected to be 4.5 million boxes, down 7 percent from last season’s 4.85 million boxes. Red grapefruit are projected to be 3.8 million boxes, down from 4.06 million boxes last season. Whites are pegged at 700,000 boxes, down from 790,000 boxes.

Florida tangelos and tangerines are expected to have an 8 percent production increase, to 1.1 million boxes. Florida produced 1.02 million boxes last season.  

The California all-orange forecast is 50.5 million boxes, down from 53.3 million boxes. California’s non-Valencia projection is 42 million boxes; the Valencia projection is 8.5 million boxes. California’s grapefruit forecast is the same as last season, 3.8 million boxes. California lemons are projected at 22 million boxes, down from 25.7 million boxes last season; and its tangerine and tangelo crop is projected at 23 million boxes, a rise of 1 million boxes.

Texas all-orange production is expected to be 1.5 million boxes, up from 1.34 million boxes last season. Texas is projected to produce 1.3 million boxes of non-Valencias and 200,000 boxes of Valencias. The Texas grapefruit crop is projected at 4.9 million boxes, up 500,000 boxes from last season.

Arizona lemon production is forecast at 1.3 million boxes, a drop of 500,000 from last season.

See the full citrus crop forecast report here.

Listen to the Florida citrus forecast:

Hear the full U.S. citrus forecast:

The next citrus crop forecast is scheduled for Dec. 10. You can listen to it here.

Thank you to the 2020-21 citrus crop forecast sponsors: Aerobotics, Farm Credit of Florida, Labor Solutions, OrangeRX and TradeMark Nitrogen Corp.

Source: USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service

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