Controlling Clustered Pellitory Weeds in Groves

Josh McGillweeds

Ajia Paolillo and Ramdas Kanissery with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) wrote in an Extension newsletter about clustered pellitory, a recently established weed in citrus groves. Paolillo is a multi-county citrus Extension agent. Kanissery is an assistant professor specializing in weed science.    Clustered pellitory is native to Florida and other areas in the southeastern …

florida citrus

How to Squelch Summer Weeds

Josh McGillweeds

Summer is “a field day for weeds,” Ramdas Kanissery said in a March 29 presentation about weed control for citrus. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences assistant professor provided a progressive step-by-step approach to suppressing weeds during the summer. CONTROL EXISTING WEEDSGrowers can get off to a good start by controlling existing weeds with post-emergent herbicides. …

Managing Weeds in California Groves

Josh McGillCalifornia Corner, weeds

By Danielle Leal Over the years, new weeds have surfaced, and old weeds have developed resistance and become tougher to control. Crop scientists are currently researching ways to successfully manage weeds in citrus. Sonia Rios, technical development representative for Bayer Crop Science, said growers are heavily dependent on post-herbicides to help mitigate weeds. “In order to use a pre-herbicide, you …

Cover Crops in Citrus: Less Weeds, More Microbes

Josh McGillAgriculture, Citrus, Cover Crops

There are many advantages to using cover crops in citrus groves, according to Sarah Strauss, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor. She recently discussed growers implementing cover crops at the Citrus Health Forum at the UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center in Quincy. “Certainly, from the microbiology side, the scientific side, I think …

Tackling Weeds After Composting

Tacy CalliesTip of the Week, weeds

By Ramdas Kanissery The use of compost in tree rows is receiving increasing attention among citrus growers. The use of weed-free certified products can considerably minimize the weed emergence issues associated with compost use. However, eventually, weeds will start to grow in the composted areas in the grove. As compost and similar soil amendments prove to be very rich in …


Keeping Weeds in Check

Ashley Robinsonweeds

Weeds can reduce citrus growth and production, especially in young trees. A management program should be put in place to control weeds in tree rows to minimize competition with citrus, but it is also important to control weeds in row middles to reduce soil erosion. Weed management can be achieved by utilizing a combination of control practices including but not …

Protect Young Citrus from Weeds

Josh McGillSponsored Content

Protect Young Citrus from Grasses, Broadleaf Weeds & Nutsedge Weeds in citrus groves can cause yield loss of up to 33%, according to research published by the University of Florida (UF) Citrus Research & Education Center. This significant – yet largely preventable – level of yield loss can be due to weeds that interfere with harvesting, serve as alternate hosts …

Management Advice for Aquatic Weeds

Tacy Calliesweeds

Nearly every Florida citrus grower will sooner or later experience aquatic weed control problems. Aquatic plants are necessary for maintaining the balance of nature and offering food, protection, oxygen and shelter to aquatic species. However, maintaining a balance in the aquatic system while sustaining crop success and avoiding loss of income can be a challenge. Excessive aquatic weed growth can …

Protecting New Citrus Plantings and Resets From Weeds

Tacy Calliesweeds

By Ramdas Kanissery and Mongi Zekri Newly planted citrus trees and resets require more care and attention than established trees, especially when it comes to weed control. Florida’s weather conditions like high summer temperatures and often heavy rainfall make weed control in young groves difficult. Weeds compete with young citrus trees for nutrients, moisture and other resources, and may hinder …

florida citrus

New ‘Identification of Weeds in Florida Citrus’ Guide Available Now

Daniel Cooperweeds

(UF/IFAS) — The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension bookstore has released an updated version of “Identification of Weeds in Florida Citrus,” a pocket-sized quick reference guide to weeds commonly observed throughout the state that may be frequently found in citrus groves. “The comprehensiveness of this guide makes it useful not only for growers in …


Steam Technique Can Spell Doom for Citrus Weeds

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release, Research, weeds

Like many farmers nationwide, citrus growers are looking for any edge in their fight against weeds, and they’d rather use fewer chemicals to control the plants, says a University of Florida scientist. That’s because chemicals can get into groundwater, surface water and plants themselves. Weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery and his colleagues at the University of Florida Institute of Food and …

Controlling Difficult Weeds in Citrus Groves

Tacy Calliesweeds

By Ramdas Kanissery, Camille McAvoy and Mongi Zekri Some weeds are more difficult to manage in the production system than others due to their ability to grow in an available niche. If given a chance to establish, Guinea grass and goatweed can be the two most difficult weeds to manage. This is not just because they both are prolific seed …


Control Weeds with Chemicals and Steam

Ernie Neffweeds

At the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute on April 2, weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery explained how growers can control weeds with a combination of early management, herbicides and steam. His talk was one of several presentations University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers made to an audience of more than 200 citrus growers in Avon Park.   Kanissery, …

Don’t Let Vine Weeds Trip You Up

Tacy Calliesweeds

By Ramdas Kanissery and Camille McAvoy Weedy vines are among the problematic and difficult to manage group of weeds in citrus. Vine weeds twine around the trees, competing with citrus for light and nutrients and causing reduction in yield and harvesting efficiency. Since vines do not have to form strong upright stems, more energy and resources can be diverted into …


Some Grapefruit Showing Less HLB Symptoms

Daniel CooperGrapefruit, Rootstocks, Varieties

A recent update of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Multi-Agency Coordination (MAC) Project evaluating multiple grapefruit varieties on different rootstocks reveals that some combinations have less HLB symptoms than others. Jackson has one of the lowest ranks for disease index across the combinations. The healthiest trees in the trial include: At least half of the blocks in the MAC trial …


Herbicide Application During Rainy Weather

Daniel CooperTip of the Week, Weather, weeds

By Ramdas Kanissery Finding the right time to apply post-emergent herbicides for controlling weeds in citrus groves is challenging in the summer months due to frequent rain. Rainy conditions delay grove maintenance, including herbicide spraying, while also impacting the effectiveness of the herbicides. Monitoring weather forecasts and identifying optimal conditions for herbicide applications can help achieve the best results. Below …

herbicide efficiency

How to Improve Herbicide Efficiency

Daniel Cooperweeds

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) weed scientist Ramdas Kanissery offered numerous tips and observations for improving herbicide efficiency at this spring’s Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute. They included: In addition to discussing herbicides, Kanissery reported that cover cropping, an emergent practice in Florida citrus production, may contribute to longer-term weed management in row middles. Read more …

chilli thrips

Managing Chilli Thrips in CUPS

Daniel CooperCUPS, Pests, Tip of the Week

Chilli thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis) has been documented in Florida since 1991. This pest has a history of impacting ornamentals, some vegetables, grapes and berry crops. Most recently, chilli thrips has affected citrus, but only in nurseries and in citrus under protective screens (CUPS). Feeding damage includes death of young flush (Figure 1), leaf damage on expanded flush that results in …

Planting Cold-Hardy

Planting Cold-Hardy Citrus in Florida

Daniel CooperCold Hardy, planting

Muhmmad Shahid and Shahid Iqbal recently provided advice on planting cold-hardy citrus in Florida. Shahid is an assistant professor of horticulture/fruit physiologist, and Iqbal is a postdoctoral scholar in horticultural sciences, both at the University of Florida North Florida Research and Education Center. Edited excerpts from their article in the Cold Hardy Citrus Connection follow: BEFORE YOU PLANT Properly planting …