“For the incidence to be zero, the control needs to be 10.” That’s the motto of the new Fundecitrus campaign to mitigate the incidence of citrus greening in Brazil. The campaign highlights the need for strict control of the greening-spreading psyllid, especially in new regions where citrus farming is advancing. Those regions include the states of Mato Grosso do Sul, …
Psyllid Capture Rate Decreases in Brazil
The capture of greening-spreading psyllids in traps in the Brazilian Citrus Belt states of São Paulo (SP) and Triângulo Sudoeste Mineiro dropped 41% in 2024 compared to 2023. The data is part of a survey carried out biweekly by Fundecitrus and made available on the Psyllid Alert platform. The average capture recorded in 2023 was 2.23 psyllids per trap, compared …
Update to Brazil’s Orange Crop Forecast
Fundecitrus and its cooperators released an orange crop forecast on Feb. 10. Total production is forecast to be 228.52 million boxes for 2024–25. This is a 2.4% increase from the December forecast of 223.14 million boxes, but a decrease of 1.7% from the season’s initial orange estimate that was released in May. This forecast is for the São Paulo and …
Brazilian Orange Juice and Trade
Orange juice processing and trade are among topics addressed in a recent U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA FAS) report on Brazilian citrus. Approximately 80% of Brazilian orange production is used for juice processing, and 20% goes to the market as fresh fruit, USDA FAS reported. Orange juice production is concentrated in the state of São Paulo, followed by Minas Gerais. …
Brazilian Orange Prices Set Record Highs
Orange prices in Brazil set record highs in 2024, the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (CEPEA) in Brazil reported. According to CEPEA, the value of a 90-pound box was above BRL 100 ($16.63 U.S.) in the fresh market. The record price is explained by firm demand from the industry, which faced low orange juice (OJ) stocks and limited …
Citrus Greening, Production and Plantings in Brazil
The recent U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA FAS) annual report on Brazilian citrus included updates on citrus greening disease, production and planted area. CITRUS GREENING The report noted that new chemicals and practices have been developed to fight citrus greening, a major cause of recent production declines. Those chemicals and practices include a natural repellent called caryophyllene, …
Psyllid Insecticides Effective in Brazil’s New Citrus Regions
Citrus growing is migrating to additional areas in Brazil, such as the Triângulo Mineiro region, the northwest of of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul. For this reason, Fundecitrus began testing insecticides in these areas and observed that some products, to which the HLB-spreading psyllid is often resistant, performed well in the initial evaluation. Fundecitrus researcher Marcelo Miranda said …
Research Center to Combat Brazilian Citrus Diseases
The Applied Research Center for Innovation and Sustainability in Citrus Farming was inaugurated Dec. 12 in a ceremony at the Palácio dos Bandeirantes, seat of Brazil’s São Paulo state government. Its purpose is to combat the main citrus diseases, such as citrus variegated chlorosis, sudden citrus death and above all, citrus greening. The São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), Fundecitrus and …
Planting Layout Reduces HLB-Spreading Psyllids
A Brazilian study has shown that planting citrus plots parallel to the property boundary reduced HLB-spreading psyllids 12% to 23% compared to plots planted perpendicular to the property boundary. Fundecitrus conducted the study. The São Paulo Research Foundation co-financed it in partnership with Embrapa. Another study conclusion is related to the impact of planting density on border plots. Fundecitrus researcher …
Fundecitrus Signs Agreement Seeking HLB Solutions
Nelson Wulff of Fundecitrus recently signed a technical cooperation agreement between Fundecitrus and the National Center of Genetic Resources (Cenargen/Embrapa) for a project to develop biotechnological solutions for HLB. Wulff, coordinator of the Fundecitrus Biotechnology and Diagnostics Laboratory, signed the agreement at the 50th anniversary ceremony of Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology in Brazil. Embrapa Genetic Resources and Biotechnology has …
Brazil Releases Update to Orange Forecast
Fundecitrus and its cooperators released a second update to the 2024–25 orange crop forecast for Brazil’s São Paulo and West-Southwest Minas Gerais Citrus Belt. The Dec. 10 projection is 223.14 million 90-pound boxes. That’s an increase of 3.4% from September’s update but a 4% decrease from the initial May forecast of 232.38 million boxes. The forecast by orange variety, with …
Florida Researchers Visit Brazil’s Citrus Industry
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researcher Fernando Alferez recently visited Brazil’s Fundecitrus, as well as orchards and experiments in Brazil’s citrus region. Alferez, an associate professor of horticulture at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, was accompanied by researchers from Fundecitrus and Embrapa Cassava & Fruits. The project coordinator of Florida’s Citrus Research …
Rain Brings Relief but Brazil Orange Quality Still Low
Regular rains and mild weather in Brazil’s Citrus Belt of São Paulo and Triângulo Mineiro in late October brought relief for trees affected by prior lack of rain and high temperatures. The better weather may improve the quality of fruit that is still on the trees. But even with the return of rainfall, the 2024–25 orange crop has presented low …
Brazil’s Harvest+ Project Increases Harvesters’ Income
Brazilian citrus farming faces several challenges, including the shortage of labor to harvest the fruit and the efficiency and performance of the harvesters’ work. The Harvest+ project, created by Fundecitrus, seeks to improve the harvest process through improvements in manual harvesting and promoting mechanized and semi-mechanized solutions. One result achieved by the project is a 7% increase in the daily …
Rootstocks Show Drought Tolerance in Brazil
The drop in Brazil’s 2024 citrus harvest is due, among other factors, to the long period of drought observed in the Citrus Belt, according to Fundecitrus. Mitigating problems related to periods of drought is the objective of several studies being conducted by Fundecitrus, Embrapa Cassava and Fruits, Coopercitrus Credicitrus Foundation and the Agronomic Institute (IAC). One of these studies takes …
Top Pruning Evaluated as HLB Strategy
A Brazilian study evaluated the effects of top pruning on orange trees located on the edges of an orchard as part of an HLB management strategy. The pruning was an attempt to attract the HLB-spreading psyllid from external areas to the orchard edges and control it, reducing its dispersion into the orchard. Fundecitrus and Embrapa Cassava and Fruits conducted the …
Brazilians Visit Indian River to Learn About HLB Management
Several citrus growers, consultants and others from São Paulo, Brazil, recently toured Florida’s Indian River citrus region to examine the management of HLB. Flavia Zambon, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor of horticultural production at the Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC), hosted the group. “In the traditional production region known as the …
Brazilian Citrus Researchers Discuss Pest Management
Fundecitrus researchers Marcelo Miranda and Wellington Ivo Eduardo participated in the recent XXIX Brazilian Congress of Entomology in Uberlândia in the state of Minas Gerais. In a round table discussion on fruit plant pests, Miranda addressed the challenges of implementing integrated pest management in citrus for insect vectors of pathogens. This includes the leafhopper that transmits citrus variegated chlorosis and …
Update on Orange Juice Processing in São Paulo
Orange juice processing for the 2024–25 season was moving at a good pace in Brazil’s São Paulo state at the end of September, the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (CEPEA) at the University of São Paulo reported. The Pera orange has been the most processed variety so far, but the harvesting and processing pace of late fruit such …
Psyllid Control Discussed at South African Citrus Symposium
Researchers Marcelo Miranda and Haroldo Volpe with Brazil’s Fundecitrus discussed control of the HLB-spreading psyllid during a recent visit to a South African research symposium and accompanying events. During the Citrus Research Symposium in Drakensberg, Miranda discussed studies developed at Fundecitrus on the management of the HLB-spreading psyllid (Diaphorina citri). In South Africa, HLB is caused by a bacteria different …