The recent Florida orange crop forecast of 74 million boxes met expectations, but the industry has a challenge in moving the crop profitably, says association executive Peter Chaires. Chaires is executive vice president of Florida Citrus Packers, executive director of the New Varieties Development and Management Corp., and manager of the Citrus Administrative Committee. “It was pretty close to what …
Grower Reacts to Citrus Forecast
John Gose with Lykes Citrus was among the growers who gathered at a Florida Citrus Mutual luncheon in Bartow to hear the announcement of the initial citrus crop forecast of the 2019–20 season. He offers his perspectives on the forecast in this interview with Citrus Industry magazine Editor Tacy Callies. “It was pretty close to what I was expecting,” Gose …
Sparks on Forecast, FDOC Taxes
Florida Citrus Mutual Executive Vice President/CEO Mike Sparks weighs in on the recent Florida citrus crop forecast and explains why Mutual currently opposes a Florida Department of Citrus tax increase. “I have mixed emotions on the crop estimate,” Sparks says. “The 74 million boxes (of oranges) is good news. It shows that the industry’s starting to recover.” On the other …
Citrus Growers Expected to See Production Bump
Florida’s struggling citrus industry is projected to see a 3.3 percent increase in production in the newly started growing season. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, in its first citrus forecast for the 2019-2020 season that will run through July, projected Florida growers will produce enough oranges to fill 74 million of the industry-standard 90-pound boxes, which would top the 71.6 …
Commissioner Fried on the 2019-20 Citrus Forecast
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released the initial citrus crop forecast for the 2019-20 season. Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried offered the following statement: “Today’s forecast reflects the resilience of Florida’s citrus growers, dedication to the citrus industry and commitment to innovation in the face of challenges. Citrus is Florida’s signature crop, and we’re committed to supporting our citrus …
First Citrus Crop Forecast of the Season
The release of the 2019-20 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) citrus crop forecast projects an increase in orange, grapefruit, tangerine and tangelo production for Florida. California and Texas are expected to decrease production in most categories. ORANGESFlorida non-Valencia oranges are projected at 32 million boxes after ending the 2018-19 season at 30.4 million boxes. California is projected at 38 million …
Citrus Numbers Improve as Struggles Continue
Florida’s citrus industry ended its growing season on a slight uptick, regaining the Sunshine State’s dominance in orange production over California. But struggles remain. Growers, who last year posted 75-year lows because of damage caused by Hurricane Irma, still are at diminished production levels that hadn’t been seen in decades as they face deadly citrus-greening disease and factors such as …
Orange Production Up Slightly From June Forecast
ORANGESThe 2018–2019 Florida all-orange forecast released by Mark Hudson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is now 71.6 million boxes. The total is comprised of 30.4 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season and Navel varieties), unchanged from the June forecast, and 41.2 million boxes of Valencia oranges, up 200,000 boxes from last month. California non-Valencia oranges remained at …
Florida Citrus Production Continues Downward Trend
The 2018–19 Florida all-orange forecast released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on June 11 is 71.4 million boxes. The total includes 30.4 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, mid-season and Navel varieties) and 41 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The June forecast for non-Valencia production is unchanged from the May forecast. Harvest is complete for the included varieties. …
Brazil’s Orange Forecast Announced for 2019–2020
The 2019–2020 orange crop forecast for Brazil, published on May 10 by Fundecitrus in cooperation with Markestrat, FEA-RP/USP and FCAV/Unesp, is 388.89 million boxes. Box weight is 90 pounds. The forecast region includes São Paulo and the west-southwest Minas Gerais Citrus Belt. The total orange production by variety is forecast as follows:• 76.97 million boxes of Hamlin, Westin and Rubi …
May Florida Citrus Forecast Sees Some Changes
The 2018–2019 Florida all-orange forecast released May 10 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is 72.4 million boxes, down 5 percent from the April forecast. The total includes 30.4 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 42 million boxes of Valencia oranges. The forecast of non-Valencia production is finalized at 30.4 million boxes. Harvest is …
Some Declines in April’s Florida Citrus Forecast
ORANGESThe 2018–2019 Florida all-orange forecast released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on April 9 is 76.5 million boxes, down 1 percent from the March forecast of 77 million boxes. This includes 30.5 million boxes of non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason and Navel varieties) and 46 million boxes of Valencia oranges. Non-Valencia production is down 500,000 boxes from the March …
Florida Citrus Forecast: Oranges Steady; Other Crops Down
The March 2018-2019 Florida all-orange forecast released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is 77 million boxes, the same as the February forecast. If realized, this will be 71 percent higher than last season’s hurricane-affected production. ORANGESThe forecast for non-Valencia production has been lowered by 1 million boxes to 31 million boxes. The row count survey, conducted February 25-26, …
Grapefruit, Tangerines and Tangelos See Small Changes in Crop Forecast
The U.S. Department of Agriculture released the January and February citrus crop forecasts on Feb. 8. January’s forecast had been delayed due to the government shutdown. JANUARYJanuary’s forecast showed a decrease in Florida grapefruit, tangelo and tangerine production compared to December. Grapefruit fell from 6.4 million boxes to 6.2 million boxes. Tangerines and tangelos dropped from 1.2 million boxes to …
February Citrus Forecast Is Confirmed
Now that the federal government has reopened, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) monthly citrus crop forecasts will resume. Mark Hudson, Florida state statistician for the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, reports that the Feb. 8 citrus forecast will take place as scheduled. At that time, the USDA will also be publishing the numbers from the Jan. 11 forecast that …
Citrus Crop Forecast Postponed
The Jan. 11 citrus crop forecast has been postponed due to the federal government shutdown, reports Bill Curtis, agricultural statistics administrator for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ Division of Fruit and Vegetables. “Our office is currently closed, and we do not have access to any USDA information,” says Curtis. “Mark Hudson’s (Florida state statistician) federal phone has …
December Citrus Crop Forecast Unchanged
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s 2018-2019 Florida all-orange forecast for December is 77 million boxes, unchanged from the November forecast. If realized, this forecast will be 71 percent more than last season’s final production. The forecast consists of 32 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason and Navel varieties) and 45 million boxes of Valencia oranges. Current fruit size …
Commissioner Putnam on the Citrus Crop Forecast
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its second citrus crop forecast for the 2018–19 season, projecting 77 million boxes of oranges and 84.6 million boxes of citrus in total. Compared to the October 2018 USDA forecast, this estimate represents a 3 percent decrease in orange production and a 4 percent decrease in grapefruit production. However, the overall production remains …
Decline in Florida Citrus Forecast Figures
The 2018–19 Florida orange forecast released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture on Nov. 8 is 77 million boxes, down 3 percent from the October forecast. If realized, this forecast will be 71 percent more than last season’s final production. The orange forecast consists of 32 million boxes of the non-Valencia oranges (early, midseason, and Navel varieties) and 45 million …
Looking Beyond 79 Million Boxes of Oranges
Overall, the Florida citrus industry was delighted to hear the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of 79 million boxes of oranges for the state. After battling citrus greening for over a decade and then devastation from Hurricane Irma in 2017, 79 million boxes gave the industry a glimmer of hope. One industry member, Allen Morris, owner of Morris Agribusiness Services, …