Citrus Fiber Market to Expand

Ernie NeffMarket

The global citrus fiber market is expected to surpass $500 million by 2031, growing at a 6% annual rate, according to a recent report by market research firm Fact.MR. The firm reported that the citrus fiber market was about $300 million in 2020. It stated that as the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, consumer eating habits switched to natural alternatives; that significantly …

Freeze-Dried Fruit Market to Surge

Ernie NeffMarket

A new study by a market research and consulting firm has projected the freeze-dried fruits (FDF) market will rise at a positive rate through 2030. Some of the key takeaways from the Future Market Insights report are: Increasing demand for whole FDF is expected to propel growth in the coming years. Orchard and citrus fruits such as kiwi, pear, peach …

Citrus Alcohol Market to Grow

Ernie NeffMarket

Global demand for the citrus alcohol market is set to hover at approximately a 5 percent growth rate, as increasing preference for craft beer and rising alcohol consumption create fertile ground, according to a recent study. The study looked at citrus alcohol growth in more than 20 countries. “Citrus, owing to its flavor and strong acidity, has become an integral …

Strong Growth for Citrus Water Market

Ernie NeffMarket

The global citrus water market is projected to reflect strong growth in 2020 in spite of the widespread coronavirus outbreak. While lockdown restrictions have limited demand from the food-service sector, lucrative opportunities have arisen for the short-term owing to the demand for functional beverages during the crisis period. A recent report by Future Market Insights indicates that demand for the …

citrus crop

Prospects for the 2020–21 Growing Season

Tacy CalliesMarket

Marisa Zansler, Florida Department of Citrus director of economic and market research, gave an update on fresh citrus prospects for the 2020–21 growing season during the recent virtual citrus Packinghouse Day meeting. Florida fresh citrus movement increased during the 2019–20 season, which was largely attributed to increased production, Zansler said. In addition to increased production, COVID-19 concerns served to move …

Florida Department of Citrus: A Year in Review

Tacy CalliesMarket

Last week, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) held a live webinar to present highlights from the 2019–20 fiscal year. Areas covered included budgets, scientific research, marketing and economic market research. This past year has been one of change, transformation and success for FDOC, as it has worked in collaboration with industry to meet the needs of both growers and …

orange juice

Orange and Grapefruit Juice Sales Still Up

Ernie NeffMarket, Orange Juice

In a June 19 email to members of the citrus industry, Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) Chairman Ned Hancock noted that orange juice (OJ) sales climbed in the 2019-20 season. That’s noteworthy because OJ sales had been declining for years. Hancock reported that total OJ sales for the season beginning October 2019 are up by 10.4 percent with 309 million equivalent …

Developing Niche Markets for Florida’s Small Citrus Growers

Tacy CalliesMarket

By Chip Henry The current state of the commercial citrus marketplace in Florida justifies the need for small growers to find niche markets in which to sell their fruit. Deplorable prices for juice oranges are predicted to continue through the upcoming season. A recent University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences economic report indicates the possibility that perhaps …

Diversifying Income on Citrus Farms

Tacy CalliesMarket

By Sarah Bostick Citrus growers are finding the need to diversify their marketing channels to stay competitive. Consumers are increasingly interested in learning about where their food comes from. It can be good business to diversify into markets designed to capture the attention of these consumers. CONNECTING WITH CONSUMERSTim and Hiedi Brown are third-generation owners of Brown’s Grove in Sarasota …

FDOC E-Commerce Campaign Drives OJ Sales

Tacy CalliesMarket, Orange Juice

At the beginning of the year, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) launched a new marketing campaign concentrated on driving sales of 100 percent orange juice. The effort includes targeted digital and social media ads that connect consumers directly with online retailers like Amazon, Walmart, Target and Instacart. The campaign emphasizes the role that 100 percent orange juice plays in …

field hearings

California Citrus Market: A Wild Ride

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Market

It’s been a wild up-and-down season for California citrus, and pandemic shopping waves are making the market even less predictable than usual. California Citrus Mutual President Casey Creamer spoke about this year’s market. “We’re getting some unpredictable orders and sales,” he said. “And I don’t quite know how this market’s going to shape up, but down in the field, everybody …

crop forecast

Highlands Growers Hear Marketing Talks

Ernie NeffMarket

Aaron Himrod indicated he was cautiously optimistic about Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA) members’ ability to grow fruit in the face of HLB at the association’s annual meeting on March 12. But Himrod, the outgoing association president, said the industry’s emphasis now needs to be on marketing. That and other activities at the meeting were described by association Executive …


Florida Grove Sales and Prices Reported

Ernie NeffMarket

SVN | Saunders Ralston Dantzler Real Estate summarized Florida citrus land sales in 2019 during the company’s annual Land Conference Feb. 27-28. Company founder and managing director Dean Saunders pointed out that citrus acreage in Florida is approximately half of its pre-HLB disease level. He said the 300 boxes of production that are now considered good would have been a …


Citrus Marketing via Social Media

Ernie NeffMarket

A presentation that David Armano, global strategy director at Edelman/Edible, made at the Florida Citrus Mutual annual conference this summer focused on marketing via social media. His company is the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) consumer marketing agency. Following his presentation, he and FDOC Executive Director Shannon Shepp discussed the use of social media for marketing Florida citrus. “We found …


Peace River Growers Talk Production and Marketing

Ernie NeffMarket, Production

Production levels and techniques as well as citrus marketing were topics at a recent Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association roundtable meeting in Wauchula. Executive Director Kait Shaw summarizes the discussion. “I think a lot of the growers felt that it had been a pretty good year,” Shaw says. “Things are starting to look up from greening.” She says growers …

Growers Have a Bigger Problem Than HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Market

“A bigger gorilla by far than HLB, going into the future, is slumping market demand for citrus products from Florida and apparently from other producing areas in the United States as well,” declares Apopka citrus grower Chip Henry of McGuire Groves. He believes the decline in demand for Florida citrus products is related to HLB reducing fruit quality. “Consumers are …

orange juice

Imported OJ Cost Florida Citrus Growers This Season

Ernie NeffCitrus, Market

Apopka citrus grower Chip Henry of McGuire Groves says orange juice (OJ) imports cost him money this year and may have led to other growers being stuck with unharvested fruit. “As the season progressed, I began to realize that the pricing structure was subject to being weakened considerably by imports of orange juice from primarily Mexico,” Henry says. According to …