
Some Basics of Good Citrus Nutrition

Ernie NeffNutrition

Studies indicate that constant nutrition supplied by controlled-release fertilizer improves citrus yield and fruit quality, says University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist Tripti Vashisth. According to Vashisth, studies also show that increased applications of manganese and boron improve fruit quality. “We are seeing improvement when we are increasing the rate of manganese and boron about …


Nutrition and pH Management for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Nutrition

At Citrus Expo, University of Florida soil scientist Kelly Morgan said nutrient uptake by HLB-infected trees can be improved by applying the proper amount of nutrition and managing pH. “Those two things go hand-in-hand,” he said. “As you reduce soil pH below 7, you increase the uptake of most nutrients. So we need to reduce our pH. Our pH has …


What You Need to Know About Citrus Fertigation

Tacy CalliesIrrigation, Nutrition

By Mongi Zekri, Davie Kadyampakeni, Tripti Vashisth, Kelly Morgan, Tom Obreza and Brian Boman Microirrigation is an important component of citrus production systems in Florida. For citrus trees, microirrigation is more desirable than other irrigation methods for several reasons: water conservation, fertilizer management efficiency and freeze protection. Research has shown that when properly managed, water savings with microirrigation systems can …

Citrus Expo

Nutrient Recommendations for Citrus Greening

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, Industry News Release, Irrigation, Nutrition, Research

As Florida citrus growers look to recover from the damages of Hurricane Irma and continue to cope with citrus greening, University of Florida (UF) scientists suggest using a complete and balanced nutrient program in their groves. “Mineral nutrition plays a vital physiological role in the growth and development of a plant and as well as in plant-defense response,” said Tripti …


HLB Alters Nutrition Needs

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Nutrition

Yield and fruit size are not good measurements of the nutrition needs of HLB-affected trees, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers have discovered. “So we decided to go with something that’s fruit independent for the study,” says UF/IFAS scientist Arnold Schumann of the Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred. Schumann says he and …

Beck Brothers Win 4R Advocate Award

Abbey TaylorNutrition

Beck Brothers Citrus of Winter Garden, Florida, is one of five winners of the Fertilizer Institute’s 4R Advocate Award for 2018. The company is the third winner from Florida and the first citrus grower to receive this national award. Beck Brothers was recognized for implementing 4R fertilizer management practices on the farm to increase production and reduce environmental impact. 4R …


Nutrition and HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Nutrition

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) professor Kelly Morgan discusses the importance of nutrient leaf concentrations in HLB-infected citrus trees. “The leaf concentration (of nutrients) is reduced in all HLB trees,” he says. “We’ve known that for a long time, since HLB was found in Florida.” Morgan, who works at the Southwest Florida Research and Education …


Spoon-Feeding Nutrition and Protecting New Flush for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Nutrition

Spoon-feeding nutrients through root systems and protecting new leaf flushes are among ways Jude Grosser believes growers can maintain tree health in the face of HLB. Grosser, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences professor, is best known as a citrus breeder. Grosser said he started working with nutrition because “like any grower, I don’t like to …

Foliar Nutrition Research Update

Tacy CalliesNutrition

By Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, Alan L. Wright, Kelly T. Morgan, Philip A. Stansly, Monica Ozores-Hampton and Robert Ebel Huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening is endemic in Florida, resulting in billions of dollars of losses since the state’s first detection in 2005. The disease induces visual symptoms in leaves and branches, while severely impacting citrus fruit yield and quality. Fibrous root …

Living with Yellow Dragon Disease

Tacy CalliesHLB Management, Nutrition

A grower nutrition survey reveals production practices for successful HLB management. By Tripti Vashisth and Christopher Vincent These days, in nearly every conversation about HLB, mineral nutrition comes up in some way. It seems that in a conversation between three people, there will be about four opinions on what, why, where and how to provide nutrition to citrus trees in …


Water and Nutrient Tips for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Irrigation, Nutrition

  University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Davie Kadyampakeni offers water and nutrient management tips for HLB-affected trees. He was a presenter at a recent citrus nutrient management seminar in Immokalee hosted by multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri. The seminar drew approximately 60 people to the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. Kadyampakeni’s tips include …

Pruning and Controlled-Release Fertilizer to Rehabilitate HLB Trees

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Production

By Tripti Vashisth and Troy Gainey Pruning is one of the oldest horticultural practices that changes the form and growth of a tree. The pruning process 1) adjusts tree shape and the ratio of framework to fruit-bearing shell of the canopy, 2) alters the shoot/root ratio and 3) changes the carbohydrate (food storage) status of the tree. Under Florida weather …


Growers Focus on Constant Fertilization

Ernie NeffNutrition

A grower survey conducted by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist Tripti Vashisth shows growers are managing their nutrition programs precisely. Vashisth discusses growers’ focus on providing a constant supply of nutrients, the amount of nutrients applied, use of humic and fulvic acids, and the number of psyllid sprays applied. “Their (growers’) philosophy for fertilization …

Seniors May Reduce Dementia Risk with Citrus

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Nutrition

Eat citrus to prevent dementia? A new study published in the British Journal of Nutrition suggests just that. It shows that older people who frequently eat citrus fruit were 23 percent less likely to get dementia. The study was also reported by the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) on its Brain Health and Wellness website. The study was conducted on more than …

Dual Treatment Tested for HLB Trees

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Nutrition

Severe pruning combined with enhanced foliar nutrition did not prove cost-effective. By Monica Ozores-Hampton, Fritz Roka, Robert Rouse and Pamela Roberts Citrus trees affected by huanglongbing (HLB) become diminished, weak and develop dieback resulting in reduced production. Decline in fruit yield ultimately prevents economically acceptable commercial citrus production. Pruning and spraying foliar nutritionals are two practices being considered to restore …

App Identifies Nutrient Problems

Tacy CalliesNutrition

A Dinuba, California-based company specializing in plant nutrition has developed a phone app that helps growers identify and treat crop nutrient deficiencies. The company — Nutrient Technologies, Inc. — has been manufacturing and selling agricultural fertilizer products since 1986 in the Central Valley and throughout California, specializing in citrus crops. The app, called Crop Nutrient Advisor, shows photos of plants …

An Update on UF/IFAS-Grower Citrus Nutrition Trials

Tacy CalliesNutrition

By Tripti Vashisth Mineral nutrition plays an essential role in a plant’s life cycle and is critical for its growth and development. Since the early 19th century, the importance of mineral nutrition for plants has been recognized, and fertilization has become an important aspect of crop production. At least 17 mineral nutrients are considered essential for plants. These include carbon, …

Controlled-Release Fertilizer Boosts Health of HLB Trees (Part 2)

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Nutrition

By Pete Spyke, Joby Sherrod and Jude Grosser Part 1 of this article, published in the April 2017 issue of Citrus Industry magazine, provided some background information on controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) along with a discussion of practical applications in citrus production. This article, part 2, includes summaries of observations from several case studies in which CRF has been applied for …


Brassinosteroid and Nutrient Uptake Studies for HLB

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, HLB Management, Nutrition

Tripti Vashisth, a University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences horticulturist, reports on brassinosteroid and nutrient uptake studies aimed at alleviating HLB symptoms. She reported on these studies at a recent HLB Grower Day summarizing scientific presentations made at an international HLB research conference. The brassinosteroid (a plant growth regulator) study was conducted at the University of Havana in …

Insight on Improved Management of HLB-Affected Trees

Josh McGillIrrigation, Nutrition

Recent studies shed light on foliar nutrient and irrigation practices. By Kelly T. Morgan and Said Hamido Most citrus growers are well aware that citrus greening (HLB) is one of the most devastating citrus diseases in many parts of the world. The disease is widespread in Florida, Texas, Brazil, Mexico and other major production areas, causing significant concerns about the …