
Orange Production to See Global Increase

Tacy CalliesCrop Forecast

Global orange production for 2020–21 is forecast to rise 3.6 million metric tons from the previous year to 49.4 million metric tons. Favorable weather leading to larger crops in Brazil and Mexico will offset declines in Turkey and the United States, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Consequently, consumption, processing fruit and fresh exports are also …

Mandarin Production to Increase in Europe

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast, International

European Union (EU) mandarin production for 2020-21 is forecast to rise 10 percent from the previous year, to 3.1 million metric tons (MMT). The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported this figure. The higher production is mainly the result of expected increases in major mandarin-producing nations Spain and Italy. Spain’s production is forecast to rise strongly to …


Production of OJ to Climb in Europe

Ernie NeffInternational, Orange Juice

European Union (EU) orange juice (OJ) production is forecast to climb almost 8 percent in 2020-21 compared to the previous year, to 87,987 metric tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. The forecast is in line with the expected growth in the volume of European oranges destined for processing this season, especially from Spain and Italy. …


China: Grapefruit Gains, Pomelos Stable

Ernie NeffChina

Total grapefruit and pomelo production in China in 2020-21 is forecast at 4.95 million metric tons, a negligible increase from the previous year, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. The slight increase is mainly driven by production of grapefruit hybrids in Guangxi and Yunnan. “Though limited, this change is worth reporting as it reflects the beginning …

Argentina Lemon Production to See Sharp Drop

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast, International

Fresh lemon production in Argentina is forecast at 1.03 million metric tons in 2020-21, down 30 percent compared to the previous marketing year. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported these figures. Low spring temperatures seem to have significantly affected production and, coupled with the ongoing drought, resulted in reduced fruit size. As a result of the …

Larger European Orange Crop Expected

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast, International

The European Union’s (EU) orange production is forecast at 6.55 million metric tons (MMT) for 2020-21, up 5.6 percent from the previous year and 3 percent higher than the 10-year average. That’s according to a recent EU citrus report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). The higher forecast is mainly due to expected increases in orange …

Global Congress Aims to Increase Citrus Consumption

Tacy CalliesInternational

Citrus suppliers have a unique opportunity to build on the sales momentum generated by the coronavirus pandemic. They should develop joint strategies to increase global consumption based on established health claims, as the avocado sector has done to such powerful effect. That was the take-home message from the inaugural Global Citrus Congress Live on Nov. 5. The virtual event drew …

World Non-Orange Citrus Production to Drop

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Global production of non-orange citrus — tangerines/mandarins, grapefruit, lemons and limes — in 2019-20 is estimated to be lower than the previous year, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. TANGERINES/MANDARINSGlobal production is estimated down 400,000 tons for 2019-20 to 31.6 million with declines in the European Union (EU), Morocco, Turkey and the United States more than …

World Orange Production to Fall

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Global orange production for 2019-20 is estimated to fall 7.8 million metric tons (MMT) from the previous year to 46.1 MMT, according to a July report by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Consumption is forecast to be flat, though not down. Global trade is expected to be lower with an anticipated drop in exports from Brazil and …

Forecast: Europe’s Tangerine Crop to Decline

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

The European Union (EU) tangerine crop forecast for 2019-20 shows a 14 percent decrease from the previous year, to 2.7 million metric tons (MMT), the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. The expected production is 13 percent lower than the nine-year average production of 3.1 MMT. The FAS reported that the EU has reduced its tangerine …

South Korea

Spain Pulls Down Europe’s Grapefruit Forecast

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast, Grapefruit

A projected decline in Spain’s grapefruit crop in 2019-20 will lead to an 11 percent decline in the all-European Union (EU) grapefruit forecast compared to last season. EU total production is pegged at 96,720 metric tons (MT). Other EU grapefruit-producing countries will increase or maintain production. That’s according to a recent report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural …


State of the Lemon Industry in the European Union

Ernie Nefflemons

The European Union (EU) lemon crop forecast for 2019-20 decreased 16 percent from the previous season, to 1.471 million metric tons, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently reported. The FAS also provided an overview of the EU lemon industry. The overall decline is due to the expected strong production drop in Spain and Italy, the largest …

Orange Forecast and Overview for Europe

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) recently forecast lower orange production for the European Union (EU) this year and provided an overview of the EU industry.  EU production is forecast at 6.19 million metric tons (MMT) in 2019-20, almost 9 percent lower than the previous year. Spain, the EU’s primary orange producer, is forecast to have a …

Malcolm Manners: Model Professor, Admired Mentor

Tacy CalliesCitrus

In college, Malcolm Manners saw his share of “really good” and “really bad” professors. When he decided to become a professor himself, he tried to use the best ones as his pattern. “They could catch a student’s interest and educate rather than preach,” he recalls. Manners just began his 40th year as an educator at Florida Southern College (FSC) in …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Twenty-Twenty Vision

Tacy CalliesHistory, Pieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette Here we are in 2020. It’s hard to believe that time is flying by so fast. I’m now in the older generation! This makes me want to preserve as many memories as possible before they’re lost and forgotten. Approximately 30 people showed up at a recent Florida Citrus Hall of Fame Oral History Luncheon at the …

Orange Juice Consumption Declining at a Slower Rate

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves An annual report on global orange juice consumption was recently completed. This report is based on data from CitrusBR (Brazilian Orange Juice Exporters Association), Tetra Pak, Euromonitor International, Planet Retail, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and others. The report was first published in 2004. Decline in orange juice demand has been seen since then. The …

Lebbeck Mealybug Update

Ernie NeffPests

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock provides an update on the lebbeck mealybug, a new pest of Florida citrus detected in Highlands County in June. Diepenbrock reports that the mealybug was found June 14 by a Highlands County grower. It came from groves in Avon Park and Sebring. “It is definitely beyond one …

Pest Alert: Lebbeck Mealybug Found in Florida Citrus

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release, Pests

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) Division of Plant Industry issued an updated pest alert for lebbeck mealybug. Laurie Hurner, Highlands County Extension director, says this pest and its damage have been found in Highlands County citrus. “It has been misidentified as cottony cushion scale,” says Hurner. “It has been found in young trees under net and …

Farewell to Futch

Tacy CalliesCitrus

After 34 years of faithful service to citrus growers, University of Florida Extension agent Steve Futch readies for retirement. By Tacy Callies Steve Futch’s Florida citrus roots sprouted more than a century ago. His great-grandfather owned a Wauchula grove in about 1905. As a boy, Futch’s first hands-on citrus experience was hoeing trees in the family orange groves. Later, he …

Fruit Markets: Then and Now

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves In the last three decades, world fruit production went from 338 to 865 million tons. CHANGES IN THE CITRUS SECTORCitrus represents 17 percent of fruit production but is growing at a slower rate (140 percent) than the 155 percent growth rate seen in the total category of all fruits. Within the citrus sector, oranges represented 67 …