Effective immediately, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is establishing three new quarantine areas and expanding two existing quarantine areas for citrus canker in Cameron County, Texas, to prevent the spread of the disease. This action is necessary because APHIS confirmed the positive identification of citrus canker in citrus trees from residential areas in …
Update on OJ Marketing Efforts
“From research to sales, there’s momentum and a feeling of energy in the air,” Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Steve Johnson wrote in a recent email to members of the Florida citrus industry. His update focused on Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) orange juice (OJ) marketing efforts. The Florida Citrus Commission is the governing board of the Florida Department of Citrus. …
PIECES OF THE PAST: Michael Leaves His Mark
By Brenda Eubanks Burnette In 1917, A.B. Michael consolidated his citrus groves in Wabasso, Florida, with the Deerfield Groves Company of Cocoa, becoming vice president and general manager. This eventually led to his involvement in the American Fruit Growers, Inc., becoming one of the original stockholders and directors, and handling all Florida operations. Noted for his commitment to quality, he …
Brix Decision Disappoints Florida Citrus Mutual
The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not agree with Florida Citrus Mutual’s (FCM) request for discretion in enforcing the Brix limit for not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice. In its Oct. 22 Triangle newsletter, FCM reported that it had sought enforcement discretion “to protect growers from the likely contingency that Florida’s 2021-22 orange crop may not meet FDA’s minimum Brix …
Sneak Peek: November 2021 Citrus Industry
The low initial U.S. citrus crop forecast for the 2021–22 season points to the need to plant more trees to sustain the country’s citrus industry. The November issue of Citrus Industry magazine features articles that will help growers take care of their young trees. Two articles help answer the question of what to plant. First, University of Florida’s (UF) Ute …
Consumers Prefer Citrus Juice Blended With Sugar Belle®
By Yu Wang, Xixuan Tang, Charles Sims, Zhifeng Gao and Renee Goodrich Citrus fruit produced from HLB-affected trees are green and taste bitter. They are usually not suitable for either the fresh market or juice market because they have a lower Brix/acid ratio. Mitigation strategies can cause less fruit drop and help citrus trees survive. However, they triple production costs, …
Open House/Field Day Set at CREC
The work that University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences faculty members have done on HLB will be featured Nov. 16 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. The center will host growers and others that day at an open house and field day. The morning program will kick off with a panel discussion …
OJ May Fight Inflammation, Oxidative Stress
A new study suggests 100% orange juice (OJ) has the potential to help fight inflammation and oxidative stress in adults, paving the way for further research on the topic. Though limited in scope, the study indicates drinking 100% OJ significantly reduces interleukin 6, a well-established marker of inflammation, in both healthy and high-risk adults. Two additional inflammatory and oxidative stress …
Juice Company CEO Honored
Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company founder and CEO Marygrace Sexton has been included in Inc. Magazine’s 2021 Female Founders 100. Inc. editors and writers reviewed thousands of applications to identify the 100 female founders who continued to triumph in a year filled with many challenges. “The 100 women highlighted on this list are inspiring, creative, tenacious and trailblazing role models …
Stop HLB Vector, Spanish Group Says
The Valencian Association of Farmers (AVA-ASAJA) recently stated it is essential that the Spanish government and the European Union (EU) prevent the advance of Trioza erytreae, vector of the citrus disease HLB. The association issued that statement after learning that the insect has reached the Algarve (southern Portugal). The vector’s advance from the north and center of the Portuguese country …
Citrus Hall of Fame Nominations Due Nov. 1
Nominations for the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame class of 2022 are due by Nov. 1, 2021, just four days before the class of 2021 is inducted. Eligible nominees are industry leaders who made significant contributions to the Florida citrus industry as pioneers or in the areas of harvesting, packing, processing, marketing, science or education. Nominations received after Nov. 1 …
PIECES OF THE PAST: Tiller of the Soil
By Brenda Eubanks Burnette I recently came across this poem in a 1930s book titled “Citrus Growing in Florida” by the Florida Department of Agriculture in a chapter on cover crops: “Would’st have abundant crops reward thy toilAnd fill thy barns, O tiller of the soil?Then ever keep in mind this maxim true,Feed well the land and ’twill in turn …
HLB: The Problem for Processors
Many stories have been written about the woes HLB disease has caused Florida’s citrus growers; fewer have been written about the problems HLB causes Florida citrus processors. Kristen Carlson presented the processors’ side of the story during the recent International Citrus & Beverage Conference hosted by the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Carlson is executive director …
Update on Culturing of the Citrus Greening Bacterium
By Nabil Killiny, Anders Omsland, Haluk Beyenal and David R. Gang The suspected causative agent of citrus greening disease, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), is one of many plant pathogens that has not been isolated and grown in pure culture. One major reason for this is its small genome size; it is missing the genes for several metabolic pathways critical for …
Mutual Petitions FDA Regarding OJ Brix
Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) is making efforts to protect growers in the event Florida oranges don’t meet the minimum Brix requirement for not-from-concentrate (NFC) orange juice (OJ). FCM recently sent a formal request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) seeking enforcement discretion to protect growers from the likely contingency that Florida’s 2021-22 orange crop may not meet FDA’s …
PIECES OF THE PAST: Advice From 1887
By Brenda Eubanks Burnette In researching the biographies for an upcoming book on the Florida Citrus Hall of Fame members, I came across a digitized book by Google online that was written in 1887. It’s titled “Florida Facts Both Bright and Blue: A Guide Book to Intending Settlers, Tourists, and Investors From a Northerner’s Standpoint; Plain Unvarnished Truth, Without ‘Taffy’; …
Citrus Exports Face Challenges
Canker protocols in the European Union (EU) and difficulties transporting fruit to Asia are among problems hampering Florida’s fresh citrus exports, Dan Richey told participants during the recent virtual Packinghouse Day. Richey, of Riverfront Packing Company, is heavily involved in international trade issues on behalf of Florida’s citrus industry. The canker protocols that the EU has imposed for accepting Florida …
EPA Bans Chlorpyrifos on Food
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced it will stop the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on all food. It said it is taking the action to better protect human health, particularly that of children and farmworkers. In a final rule released in August, EPA is revoking all “tolerances” for chlorpyrifos. The tolerances establish an amount of a pesticide that …
Dry Winter Forecast Adds to Water Worries
The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center is expecting a dry winter in Southern California. Specifically, it says the El Niño-Southern Oscillation is predicted to be neutral into the fall (51% chance for the August–October season), with La Niña potentially emerging during the September–November season and lasting through the 2021–22 winter (66% chance during November–January). The forecast comes on the …