Vigilance Keeps HLB at Bay

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner

By Len Wilcox California agriculture has long kept a watchful eye on the spread of HLB (huanglongbing or citrus greening disease). It’s a firestorm on the horizon, and the devastation the disease has wrought in Florida and other parts of the world has the full attention of California citrus growers. Working closely with industry leaders and grower groups, federal, state …


UF/IFAS Event Combines Latest Citrus Varieties with New Breeding Research

Daniel CooperBreeding, Research

On Dec. 4 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC), citrus growers can see if they want to grow the latest varieties from University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) breeders and then learn more about commercializing crops. In the morning, industry members can sample the latest citrus varieties from UF/IFAS breeders. “These are new varieties …

Sneak Peek: December 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Looking for the phone number of your local citrus association? Need to connect with a fertilizer vendor? Or perhaps you want to send an email to your Extension agent? Find all of the industry contact information you need in the 2019 Citrus Guide. Citrus Industry magazine’s annual guide is a directory of citrus organizations, agencies, researchers, Extension agents and vendors. …

Soil Microbial Communities for Citrus

Ernie Neffsoil

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences soil microbiologist Sarah Strauss discusses her research on ways to potentially use microbes to improve tree root health. She says microbial communities in the soil can be manipulated indirectly by changing the soil environment or directly by adding specific organisms to the soil. “We’ve seen impacts on the overall soil microbial …

crop insurance

Crop Insurance: ‘We’ve Got a Long Way to Go’

Ernie Neffcrop insurance

Grower Christian Spinoza of Dudley Putnam, Inc. was among about 30 people who heard proposed federal crop insurance changes at a recent “listening session” in Bartow, Florida. He shared some of his thoughts. “We’ve got to have some kind of change to our crop insurance, but we’ve got to make sure it’s the right change … one we’re not going …

Cold-Protection Practices for Citrus

Ernie Neffcold protection

Chris Oswalt, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences citrus Extension agent for Polk and Hillsborough counties, discusses passive and active cold-protection practices for citrus trees. “Passive practices are those things that growers would intentionally do before typically planting the grove,” Oswalt says. Site selection, including planting on higher elevations that are warmer than lower cold-pocket locations, is …

Mulch Brings Invasive Plant to Highlands Grove

Ernie Neffinvasive

An invasive plant, Chinese crown orchid, was recently found in a Highlands County citrus grove, Laurie Hurner reported. Hurner, Highlands County Extension director and citrus Extension agent, said the orchid got into the grove via mulch. “Some growers are using mulch around young trees to add a little more organic matter to our more sandy soils,” Hurner explains. “Other growers are …


Grower Optimistic About Citrus Under Protective Screen

Ernie NeffCUPS

Jerry Mixon of KLM Farms hosted about 40 growers, researchers and others at his citrus under protective screen (CUPS) facility in Alturas on Nov. 15. Alturas is between Bartow and Lake Wales in Polk County, Florida. At the field day, Mixon discussed his experience with the growing system and his expectations for it. He has 30 acres under screen that …

Orange Imports Increase as Domestic Juice Supply Remains Squeezed

Tacy CalliesIndustry News Release

Until a solution for citrus greening is found, imports will be key to keeping Florida’s citrus industry afloat. Domestic orange production has been declining steadily over the last two decades, with citrus greening disease being the leading cause of decreased acres and productivity. As the gap between domestic production and consumption has widened, imports have increased to boost dwindling domestic …


Some Basics of Good Citrus Nutrition

Ernie NeffNutrition

Studies indicate that constant nutrition supplied by controlled-release fertilizer improves citrus yield and fruit quality, says University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist Tripti Vashisth. According to Vashisth, studies also show that increased applications of manganese and boron improve fruit quality. “We are seeing improvement when we are increasing the rate of manganese and boron about …

Program Helps Track Beehives in California Groves

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner

A new program was created so growers know when beehives are on or near their fields, but some out-of-state beekeepers have not been participating in the mandatory program.  California legislators have acted to correct this problem. Beekeepers will soon risk fines and penalties if they do not register with the state and file the appropriate notifications for the location and movement …

Components of a Healthy Citrus Soil

Tacy CalliesSoil Improvement

By Sarah Strauss and Ute Albrecht There is increasing discussion and interest in soil health from both growers and researchers. Soil health is generally synonymous with soil quality. It can impact not just sustainability, but also improve water-holding capacity, nutrient availability, yield and overall grove productivity. In citrus, soil health is particularly important because of the reduction of root mass …

citrus crop

Commissioner Putnam on the Citrus Crop Forecast

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, Industry News Release

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its second citrus crop forecast for the 2018–19 season, projecting 77 million boxes of oranges and 84.6 million boxes of citrus in total. Compared to the October 2018 USDA forecast, this estimate represents a 3 percent decrease in orange production and a 4 percent decrease in grapefruit production. However, the overall production remains …


Citrus Advisory System May Help Prevent PFD Losses

Daniel CooperCitrus, Research

A new University of Florida-developed forecasting system could help citrus growers control postbloom fruit drop this winter, despite the predicted El Niño weather pattern that’s expected to bring more rain and moderate temperatures. With an El Niño, forecasters expect above-average rain this winter and early spring. Increased rain improves the chances of fungal spores splashing from flower to flower in …

crop insurance

Proposed Crop Insurance Changes Discussed

Ernie Neffcrop insurance

Approximately 30 citrus growers, crop insurance agents and others listened to proposed crop insurance changes, and offered suggestions, during a “listening session” in Bartow on Nov. 7. The session was conducted primarily by Florida Citrus Mutual consultant AgriLogic Consulting. Mutual CEO Mike Sparks discussed the session, which was one of three being held this week. “It was absolutely clear, as …

crop forecast

Deadline Approaching to Apply for Hurricane Irma Aid

Tacy Callieshurricane

Citrus growers affected by Hurricane Irma are reminded that signup for assistance through the 2017 Wildfires and Hurricanes Indemnity Program (WHIP) ends Nov. 16, 2018. Ray Royce, executive director of the Highlands Country Citrus Growers Association, says it is imperative for growers to make formal arrangements to secure an application appointment for WHIP and the State Block Grant Program prior to …

citrus forecast

USDA Grant Could Help Florida’s Grapefruit Industry

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening, Grapefruit, HLB Management, Industry News Release

Florida’s grapefruit industry, devastated by citrus greening, may find hope in four ½-acre white-mesh screenhouses in a research field in Fort Pierce. The project will be funded by a $3.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) awarded to the University of Florida. Studies for the grant will take place inside and outside these structures, where 512 young …


Nutrition and pH Management for HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management, Nutrition

At Citrus Expo, University of Florida soil scientist Kelly Morgan said nutrient uptake by HLB-infected trees can be improved by applying the proper amount of nutrition and managing pH. “Those two things go hand-in-hand,” he said. “As you reduce soil pH below 7, you increase the uptake of most nutrients. So we need to reduce our pH. Our pH has …

High-Density Planting of Dwarf Citrus

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner

By Len Wilcox Research into high-density citrus plantings is gaining momentum at both ends of the country. In a study funded by the California Citrus Research Board, scientists are evaluating the consumption of water and other inputs used by high-density dwarf citrus trees. The scientists want to determine costs while the trees are maintaining high production levels. In Florida, researchers …

orange juice

Looking Beyond 79 Million Boxes of Oranges

Abbey TaylorCitrus, Crop Forecast

Overall, the Florida citrus industry was delighted to hear the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s forecast of 79 million boxes of oranges for the state. After battling citrus greening for over a decade and then devastation from Hurricane Irma in 2017, 79 million boxes gave the industry a glimmer of hope. One industry member, Allen Morris, owner of Morris Agribusiness Services, …