stuart scholarship

Stuart Scholarship Applications Due April 14

Daniel CooperEducation, Scholarship

To instill passion for the agriculture industry, engage with a new generation of young leaders and foster a workforce dedicated to the future of Florida agriculture, the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) created the Mike and Karen Stuart Scholarship. The scholarship is in recognition of the devotion and many years of service to the specialty crop industry that the Stuarts …

Florida Citrus Show

See the Florida Citrus Show Seminar Schedule

Daniel CooperCitrus, Education, Events, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

The Florida Citrus Show is a day full of learning, fellowship and fun. The educational seminars includes presentations for all specialty crop growers. The general session tackles some of the big issues facing growers today, including ag labor, what to expect from the new Trump administration and a grower panel discussing the challenge of citrus greening. After lunch, breakout sessions …

Vegetable Seminar Program Available

Daniel CooperEducation, Events, FCS24, Florida Citrus Show

With expanding vegetable acreage in parts of South Florida, the Florida Citrus Show now hosts a special vegetable breakout seminar to serve growers in the region. The researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences and U.S. Department of Agriculture have put together an informative agenda covering a wide range of topics. Some of the subjects …

Indian River State College

Indian River State College Students Help Decode Asian Citrus Psyllid Genome

Daniel CooperEducation, Psyllids, Research

A groundbreaking research collaboration led, in part, by Indian River State College Professor Tom D’Elia, has resulted in the successful annotation of the Asian citrus psyllid genome. This marks a significant advancement in the fight against citrus greening disease. The research, published in GigaScience, represents an achievement in both scientific discovery and undergraduate education, featuring 28 Indian River State College …

Lukas Hallman

UF/IFAS Colleagues Laud Lukas Hallman

Daniel CooperAwards, Education

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) colleagues have acknowledged Lukas Hallman for his distinguished achievements and contributions as a graduate student. Hallman completed master’s and doctoral degrees in horticultural sciences in the last six years as a UF/IFAS graduate research assistant. He worked in Associate Professor Lorenzo Rossi’s Plant Root Biology Laboratory at the Indian River …


Florida Pesticide Examination Process Changing

Daniel CooperCEU, Education

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) recently announced changes to the Florida pesticide examination process. It noted that pesticide applicators often rely on UF/IFAS Extension to obtain pesticide education, training and support, and to take their respective exams. All 67 county offices have historically offered free exams, through paper or using a computer. The changes …

Emerging Leader

FFVA Announces Emerging Leader Class 14

Daniel CooperEducation

The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) announced the selection of 12 up-and-coming agriculture industry leaders for Class 14 of its Emerging Leader Development Program (ELDP). Class 14 members are: Over the coming year, participants will visit FFVA’s headquarters to learn about all facets of the association and tour farming and packing operations in Florida. They will meet in Tallahassee …


Apply for the Emerging Leader Development Program

Daniel CooperEducation

Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association’s (FFVA) Florida Specialty Crop Foundation is seeking applicants for Class 14 of the Emerging Leader Development Program (ELDP). Launched in 2011, the program identifies and develops leaders to be strong advocates for Florida agriculture. Sessions provide a wealth of information about the many issues facing the industry and equip members to communicate about agriculture. Ultimately, …


Kistler to Direct Indian River Research and Education Center

Daniel CooperEducation, Indian River

Mark Kistler will become director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) in Fort Pierce on June 17. He will succeed Ron Cave, who has been the IRREC director since 2016. Cave will continue with UF/IFAS as a faculty member. Kistler currently is professor and dean of the …

stuart scholarship

Stuart Scholarship Applications Due April 15

Daniel CooperEducation, Scholarship

Applications for the Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association’s (FFVA) Mike and Karen Stuart Scholarship are due on April 15. WHO SHOULD APPLY The scholarship, with an award of $2,500, encourages and supports college students who intend to pursue a career in the specialty crop industry. It is open to incoming juniors through graduate program students. Applicants may be interested in …


Continued Commitment to Florida Ag

Daniel CooperAgriculture, Education

By J. Scott Angle, When I arrived in Florida three and a half years ago to lead the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), my message to Farm Bureau members was, “I work for you.” I still do, but no longer as UF’s senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources. I’ve become provost, the …


Find UF/IFAS Citrus Resources Online

Daniel CooperEducation, Tip of the Week

By Michael E. Rogers Were you unable to attend a recent University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) event and want to hear what you missed? Many past presentations are available online. The UF/IFAS Citrus Research Website archives presentations made by UF/IFAS faculty at various meetings across the state. These can be found by scrolling down and …

Florida Southern College

Florida Southern College Has New Major

Daniel CooperEducation, Florida

Florida Southern College (FSC) in Lakeland will offer a new horticulture, land and resource management major in August for incoming students and current students who want to add a major or switch majors. It consists of 28 credit hours (without general education courses). Sixteen of those hours come from horticulture science, and the rest are business oriented with a focus …

speech contest

Julia C. Black Memorial Speech Contest and Scholarship Announced

Daniel CooperEducation, Scholarship

Florida Citrus Mutual has announced its inaugural Julia C. Black Memorial Speech Contest and Scholarship. Its intent is to encourage students to learn more about Florida’s agriculture industry, specifically Florida citrus, and to support high school students with scholarship funds. The application deadline for students in grades 9–12 is Dec. 30, 2023. The speech contest will include two phases: district …

Australian Plant Protection Guides Available Online

Josh McGillEducation, International

The latest plant protection guides for citrus and deciduous fruit growers in Australia’s New South Wales (NSW), developed by NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI), are now available online. The citrus plant protection guide 2023–24 is available here. The orchard plant protection guide for deciduous fruits can be found here. The plant protection guides are developed by NSW DPI …


Syngenta Seeks Summer Intern Applicants

Josh McGillEducation

Syngenta is seeking citrus interns in Florida for the summer of 2024, with an application deadline of Nov. 1. The company plans to schedule and hold interviews before Thanksgiving. Syngenta provided the following information about the internship program and the qualification requirements:  PROGRAM OVERVIEWCitrus interns at Syngenta gain hands-on experience in the ag industry. This is a paid internship that …

New Class for Wedgworth Leadership Institute

Josh McGillEducation

The Wedgworth Leadership Institute for Agriculture and Natural Resources (WLI) recently selected 30 participants for Class XII of its two-year leadership development program. The program’s first seminar will take place in Gainesville in November. Participants have committed to 11 seminars, totaling 55 days, which further develop their leadership capacity in representing agricultural and natural resources industries. Seminars will be held …

Connect and Learn at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, Education, Tip of the Week

By Jamie D. Burrow and Ruth Borger The Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo has always been a time for the industry to gather, learn and reminiscence. During the Expo at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa on Aug. 16–17, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Extension booth is in a new location near the …

UF/IFAS Educational Programs at Expo

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, Education

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researchers and Extension staff will provide multiple educational programs at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo Aug. 16–17. The event will be held at a new location this year — the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. Attendance is free to growers, but registration is required. UF faculty and staff …

Rossi Selected for Leadership Training

Josh McGillEducation

Lorenzo Rossi, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor, has been selected to train in the American Society for Horticultural Science’s Leadership Academy. Rossi leads a team of 15 associates who perform research to support high-value crops, including citrus, at the UF/IFAS Indian River Research and Education Center in Fort Pierce. He was selected for …