Past accomplishments and plans for the future were discussed at Peace River Valley Citrus Grower Association’s (PRVCGA) annual meeting in Arcadia April 15. Attendees also got some laughs from a 30-minute stand-up comedy routine by Tim the Dairy Farmer, acting as keynote speaker. PRVCGA Chairman R. Roy Petteway of Hardee County summarized successes from the past year, including increasing local …
Citrus Expo, Other Events Highlighted
Michael Rogers discusses three popular upcoming citrus grower educational meetings: Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute in April, the Florida Citrus Show in May, and Citrus Expo in August. Rogers is director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. UF/IFAS is the primary planner of educational presentations at all …