University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers emphasized the importance of efficient irrigation and nutrient management at a workshop earlier this month at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. In Florida, the citrus industry accounts for about 30% of irrigated cropland acreage, reported UF/IFAS researcher Alisheikh Atta. Worldwide, the agriculture industry consumes about …
Citrus and Salinity
By Mongi Zekri Salts are a common component of soils that originate from mineral weathering, fertilizers, irrigation waters and soil amendments. The addition of most soluble fertilizer materials will increase soil salinity. However, it is only when salts are present in relatively high concentration that crops are damaged or adversely affected. Salinity is of increasing concern in Florida because of …
Georgia Citrus Association Conference Coming Up
The Georgia Citrus Association invites growers and industry members to its annual conference on Feb. 28 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus Conference Center. The event will last from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and includes topics like regenerative farming, organic production, nutrient management, winter production and new varieties. “We’re super excited because we didn’t get to have the …
Workshop to Focus on Irrigation and Nutrition
Citrus growers depend on the latest information about best irrigation and nutrition strategies for growing productive trees. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers will share recent results regarding optimal crop management at a workshop and field visit opportunity on Feb. 8 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. Davie Kadyampakeni, assistant …
Top Priority: Updating Nutrient Recommendations
By J. Scott Angle,, @IFAS_VP The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) is committed to updating nutrient management recommendations for citrus. For the next two months, that means seeking state funding for the research. The UF/IFAS team was crafting a specific proposal to the Legislature as of this writing. It’s at the very top of …
Florida Citrus Nutrition Recommendations to Be Updated
The Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference held in Savannah in early January included a session on citrus production to educate growers. Kelly Morgan, professor of soil fertility and water management with the University of Florida, spoke to attendees about newly updated production guides and their relationship to plant nutrition and HLB. Morgan noted that the third edition of the …
Nutrition Findings for Florida Citrus
Florida’s Citrus Nutrition Box Program that began in the fall of 2019 has shown that regional differences occur around the state with secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. It also showed that manganese and zinc are a concern for almost all areas. Jamie Burrow presented those findings, and numerous others, as part of Citrus Nutrition Day in October at the University of …
Field Day to Feature GA and Nutrition Trials
Growers will have the opportunity to learn more about recent citrus research trials on nutrition and gibberellic acid (GA) and their impact on tree health. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension Polk County will host a field day on Dec. 14 to share research findings with growers. The field tours will begin with an overview …
Fertilization Splitting Helps With HLB
Researchers at the University of Florida have found a way to manage groves infected with HLB by managing the timing of their fertilization. By splitting the application of nutrients to citrus rootstocks, they have been able to improve plant growth and fruit yields. The research was recently published in Soil Science Society of America Journal. Alisheikh Atta and his colleagues …
Nutrition and Yield in the Face of HLB
Fertilization frequency, micronutrient management and rootstocks can all impact the yield of HLB-affected sweet oranges, Tripti Vashisth recently told a Citrus Nutrition Day audience in Lake Alfred, Florida. The educational event was held at the Citrus Research and Education Center, where Vashisth is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) horticulturist. FERTILIZATION FREQUENCYHLB-affected trees should be …
Fertilization Methods: Pros and Cons
Brandon White with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences discussed the pros and cons of several types and methods of citrus fertilization at Citrus Nutrition Day on Oct. 26. The event was held at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida. White recently became the new commercial fruit crop agent for Florida’s Lake …
An Improved Method of Nutrient Analysis
By Yiannis Ampatzidis and Ute Albrecht Optimizing nutrition is important for tree health and productivity and can improve tolerance to stresses and diseases. Good nutrient management requires regular field monitoring to identify problems and examine crop responses. Leaves need to be collected and sent to a specialized laboratory for detailed information on macronutrients and micronutrients, which is time-consuming and costly. …
The Fate of Phosphorus in Florida Citrus Soils
Multi-county citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt discussed the fate of phosphorus in Florida citrus soils in the September Extension newsletter, Citrus from the Ridge to the Valley. Excerpts from his article follow. The amount of phosphorus in soil is closely related to the potential availability of this phosphorus to plants … Potentially available soil forms of phosphorus are dependent on …
Stepping Up Phosphorus Sustainability
Two University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers have joined a national research effort to promote phosphorus sustainability across the United States. The researchers will work under the funding auspices of the National Science Foundation’s Science and Technology Center in the newly established Science and Technologies for Phosphorus Sustainability (STEPS). In addition to the University of …
Regular Leaf Nutrient Analysis Improves HLB-Affected Trees
By Tripti Vashisth and Davie Kadyampakeni Nutrition management is complex! Multiple factors affect the nutrient uptake and availability in trees. For example, high soil pH can limit the uptake of soil-applied micronutrients such as zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn). Oxide forms of nutrients might be less available than nitrate or sulfur forms. Moreover, the time and method of nutrient application …
Lessons on Yield and Root Health From Modified Nutrition
By Davie Kadyampakeni, Evan Johnson, Kelly Morgan and Ali Atta Citrus production in Florida has been decreasing over the last 15 years due to several factors, with huanglongbing (HLB) a major driver. This disease has severe effects on citrus growth and production, including stunted vegetative growth, misshapen small fruits and poor color development, root mortality, stunted branches, excessive fruit drop, …
Impact of High-Density Planting and Enhanced Nutrition on HLB-Affected Grapefruit
By Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, Waqar Shafqat, Hernan Soto, Mark Ritenour, Lorenzo Rossi,Davie Kadyampakeni, Evan Johnson and Kelly Morgan Florida citrus growers have been using high-density planting and different soil and foliar fertilizer application strategies to compensate for the adverse effects of huanglongbing (HLB). Recent studies indicate that high-density plantings and enhanced nutritional programs with higher micronutrient levels, such as the …
Irrigation and Nutrient Management BMPs
A Citrus Expo presentation about best management practices (BMPs) focused on what growers should be doing now in their irrigation and nutrient management programs. The presentation noted that current BMPs were developed prior to HLB’s discovery in Florida in 2005, and that studies are underway to revise the citrus BMPs for nitrogen and phosphorus. The presentation was created by University …
Technologies for Improved Nutrient Analysis
By Yiannis Ampatzidis and Ute Albrecht Nutrient management is important for citrus production. Regular nutrient assessments should be conducted to optimize nutrient balance and prevent deficiencies or over-fertilization. Optimizing nutrition is important for tree health and can improve tolerance to stresses and diseases. Good nutrient management requires regular field monitoring to identify problems and examine crop responses. Leaves need to …
Optimizing Macronutrients and Micronutrients
By Davie Kadyampakeni Nutrients are needed for optimal tree growth, fruit yield and juice quality. Any nutrient deficiencies could result in low yields and decreased revenue. It is important to make sure citrus trees always receive adequate nutrient supplies. Nutrients are categorized into two groups: macronutrients and micronutrients. MACRONUTRIENTSMacronutrients are those nutrients needed in large quantities to influence yield, growth …