The Chilean Citrus Committee, which recently reported a strong export season, also discussed the challenges of competition and inclement weather that its citrus exporters face. “It (2023) was a season that ended with many challenges, such as growing competition,” said Juan Enrique Ortuzar, president of the committee. “The competition did not disappear, but we had favorable circumstances that allowed …
Frost Season Arrives in California
California Citrus Mutual (CCM) recently reported that the 2023 frost season is underway for the state’s San Joaquin Valley citrus growers. “That means growers will be closely monitoring weather forecasts to prepare for any cold spells that may sweep through the valley in the coming months,” the citrus growers’ trade association stated. Although long periods of below-freezing temperatures are of …
Heat Wave in Brazil Concerns Citrus Growers
According to the Center for Advanced Studies on Applied Economics (CEPEA), a new heat wave in Brazil’s São Paulo state has been concerning citrus growers. Temperatures are higher than those registered in the last wave in September and are lasting longer. Many producers say that the weather may affect 2024–25 production, but it is still too early to estimate possible …
Potential Climate Change Impacts on South American and South African Citrus
Like most speakers in a recent World Citrus Organisation (WCO) climate change discussion, those addressing South America and South Africa focused on potential impacts rather than already observed impacts. SOUTH AMERICA “Whether we are negationist or pro-climate change, we should agree that something wrong is occurring in our sector,” stated a slide from Oscar Salgado, an agricultural engineer and fruit …
Avoid Evaporative Cooling in Citrus Freeze Protection
Both University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) speakers at a Nov. 28 winter weather workshop warned about the risk of evaporative cooling when using irrigation to protect citrus from freezing temperatures. Microsprinkler irrigation has been the main form of cold protection for Florida citrus for at least the last five decades. The need to understand evaporative …
Climate Change Impacts Mediterranean Citrus
Turkey’s citrus industry has already experienced effects from climate change, Okan Ozkaya, professor at Cukurova University, reported in a recent World Citrus Organisation (WCO) presentation. His presentation was titled Impact of Climate Change in the Citrus Sector in Turkey and the Broader Eastern Mediterranean Area. “Climate change has been a scenario for many years, but we started to see the …
Cold Protection Resources for Citrus Growers
Citrus growers in Florida’s Panhandle will have a greatly reduced citrus harvest this year because of a hard freeze in December 2022, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) reported. To help growers reduce damage in future freezes, UF/IFAS has tools that aid with citrus cold protection. Water is the most common form of cold protection …
‘Crazy Weather’ Kicks Off California Citrus Season
The timeline for the California citrus season is later than average but is getting started in the Coachella and Imperial valleys. Rainstorms have been a recurring theme for 2023, causing a bit of damage in some areas. However, Casey Creamer, president and chief executive officer of California Citrus Mutual, told AgNet West there is always hope for a good year …
What To Do When Groves Flood
By Mongi Zekri During heavy rains in the summer, excess water must be removed from the root zone. Flooding injury can be expected if the root zone is saturated for three days or more during extended summer rains at relatively high soil temperatures (86 to 95 degrees). Flooding during the cooler December–March period can be tolerated for several weeks at …
Changing Weather Patterns for Georgia Groves
Pam Knox told Georgia growers at an August citrus meeting that their groves experience warmer temperatures on average than they would have six decades ago. “Since about 1960, annual temperature (in Georgia) has risen about 2.5 degrees Fahrenheit,” she said. Knox is the University of Georgia (UGA) Weather Network director and agricultural climatologist. According to Knox, the growing season increases …
NOAA Increases Hurricane Activity Forecast
Earlier this month, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters increased their prediction for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season from a near-normal level of activity to an above-normal level of activity. They believe that current ocean and atmospheric conditions, such as record-level warm Atlantic sea surface temperatures, are likely to counterbalance the usually limiting atmospheric conditions associated with the ongoing …
Hurricane Forecast Raised Again
Colorado State University (CSU) researchers on July 6 increased their Atlantic hurricane forecast for the second time this year. They now call for an above-average Atlantic basin hurricane season in 2023. However, they note that uncertainty with this outlook is larger than normal. In June, CSU predicted a near-average hurricane season. In April, CSU predicted a slightly below-average season. NEW …
Gulf Citrus Growers Gain Hurricane Insights
The Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) hosted its annual meeting in Fort Myers in early June to tend to association business and elect new board members. The event was well attended, and growers were mostly in good spirits buoyed by observations that HLB therapies might be having positive impacts on trees. Ron Mahan, current GCGA president, captured that sentiment in …
Safeguarding Citrus From Heat Stress
By Amir Rezazadeh Rising temperatures and climate change challenges of recent years have brought a significant threat to citrus trees. Heat stress, caused by prolonged exposure to high temperatures, poses a severe risk to citrus trees. Excessive soil evaporation, inconsistent rainfall and poor soil water-holding capacity can make trees even more sensitive to heat. High temperatures result in shortened internodes, …
Colorado State University Updates Hurricane Forecast
Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers on June 1 increased their Atlantic hurricane forecast. They are now predicting a near-average 2023 Atlantic hurricane season. The CSU Tropical Meteorology Project team is predicting 15 named storms during the Atlantic hurricane season. That’s 14 anticipated storms in addition to a subtropical storm that the National Hurricane Center says formed in January. Of …
NOAA Predicts Near-Normal Hurricane Season
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) forecasters with the Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, predict near-normal hurricane activity this year. NOAA’s outlook for the 2023 Atlantic hurricane season, which lasts from June 1 to Nov. 30, predicts a 40% chance of a near-normal season, a 30% chance of an above-normal season and a 30% chance …
Help Trees Weather Heat With Particle Film
By Sharpton Toussaint and Christopher Vincent Kaolin particle film is a promising grove management technique for pest control and growth enhancement. The optimal rates to use to improve water use and growth in citrus trees remain an important area of investigation. Citrus leaves are prone to water deficits because they transpire more water than the stems can supply. University of …
Weather, Costs and Other Citrus Impacts
In U.S. Citrus Production – An Uphill Battle to Survive, Daniel Munch zeroed in on issues impacting citrus-producing states. In excerpts that follow, the American Farm Bureau Federation economist focuses on weather, disease, population, production shifts and increasing costs that have impacted citrus. FLORIDA FACES NUMEROUS CHALLENGESIn 2017, Hurricane Irma’s high winds and damaging rains battered key citrus-producing regions in …
Hurricane Forecasts Differ in Severity
The Weather Company and Atmospheric G2 on April 13 forecast 15 named storms for the Atlantic hurricane season. That’s two more than the 13 that Colorado State University (CSU) projected on the same date. The Weather Company and Atmospheric G2 also projected seven of the storms will become hurricanes and that three will become major hurricanes. By contrast, CSU forecast …
Predictions for the 2023 Hurricane Season
Colorado State University (CSU) hurricane researchers are predicting a slightly below-average Atlantic hurricane season in 2023, citing the likely development of El Niño as a primary factor. The CSU Tropical Meteorology Project team is predicting 13 named storms during the Atlantic hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30. Of those, researchers expect six to become hurricanes and …