Dual Treatment Tested for HLB Trees

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Nutrition

Severe pruning combined with enhanced foliar nutrition did not prove cost-effective. By Monica Ozores-Hampton, Fritz Roka, Robert Rouse and Pamela Roberts Citrus trees affected by huanglongbing (HLB) become diminished, weak and develop dieback resulting in reduced production. Decline in fruit yield ultimately prevents economically acceptable commercial citrus production. Pruning and spraying foliar nutritionals are two practices being considered to restore …

An Update on UF/IFAS-Grower Citrus Nutrition Trials

Tacy CalliesNutrition

By Tripti Vashisth Mineral nutrition plays an essential role in a plant’s life cycle and is critical for its growth and development. Since the early 19th century, the importance of mineral nutrition for plants has been recognized, and fertilization has become an important aspect of crop production. At least 17 mineral nutrients are considered essential for plants. These include carbon, …

Why Bicarbonates Matter for HLB Management

Josh McGillNutrition

By Jim Graham and Kelly Morgan Huanglongbing (HLB), greening and yellow shoot are names for the most devastating citrus disease in the world. Symptoms of HLB include a distinctive chlorotic mottle on fully expanded leaves. Infected shoots are stunted, and branches gradually die back as the symptoms appear in other sectors of the tree canopy. HLB reduces fruit size, weight …

Sneak Peek: May 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Sneak Peek

The topic of nutrition takes center stage in the May issue of Citrus Industry magazine. Part two of an article co-authored by growers and a researcher presents case studies on how controlled-release fertilizer can boost the health of HLB trees. Also included in the May issue is an update on grower citrus nutrition trials being conducted by University of Florida. …

Ground Cover Management Can Improve Citrus Nutrition

Kelsey FryNutrition

By Christopher Vincent I recently spent a morning with a grower who was trying to find out how efficient his citrus fertility program was. His fertilizer practices were carefully considered combinations of granular fertilizer and fertigation based on foliar sampling and yield history. We were there to observe some European consultants who were measuring mineral nutrient levels in the root …

Impact of the Water Bill on BMP Implementation     

Kelsey FryIrrigation, Water

By Kelly Morgan Nitrogen and phosphorus are essential nutrients for plants and animals and are the limiting nutrients in aquatic environments. The correct balance of both nutrients is necessary for a healthy ecosystem; however, excessive nitrogen and/or phosphorus can cause significant water-quality problems. Typically, nitrogen is the limiting nutrient in spring and surface water systems. Therefore, even modest increases in …

Bucks Toward BMPs

Kelsey FryWater

Cost-share assistance is available from several sources for growers looking to implement improvements to best management practices. By Tacy Callies The names of the organizations and programs that provide funding to Florida citrus growers for best management practices (BMPs) projects — SWFWMD, FARMS, EQIP, etc. — can sound like a big bowl of alphabet soup. But in reality, they represent …

Sneak Peek: April 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Sneak Peek

Greening disease, known as HLB, is a top concern for citrus growers worldwide. The April issue of Citrus Industry magazine is all about boosting the health of HLB-infected trees. Articles on this theme cover the use of controlled-release fertilizer, bicarbonate management, foliar nutrition and irrigation strategies. This month, for the first time Citrus Industry’s CEU Central article offers a continuing …

Nutrition, PFD

Grower Optimism on Tree Health

Ernie NeffNutrition, PFD

Several growers participating in a forum in Sebring on March 9 said trees are looking better this year than last year. They also agreed that postbloom fruit drop (PFD), a major problem last season, has not yet been a big issue this season. Grower Aaron Himrod of Himrod Citrus Nursery, a forum participant, says good tree condition and high fruit …

Soil Improvement with Organic Mulch

Tacy CalliesSoil Improvement

By Jim Hoffman This article is about my experiences with incorporating organic mulched materials into select areas of groves at Estes Citrus in the Indian River region. Our citrus groves consist of bedded, 40-acre blocks where it is common to have three or four distinct soil types in each block. Unfortunately, we have several sand-pond areas that have a history …

Finger Lime Could Be New Crop for Citrus Growers

Tacy CalliesBreeding

By Manjul Dutt, Ethan Nielsen and Jude Grosser The finger lime is a citrus relative, scientifically named Microcitrus australasica. Finger limes are native to Australia and are so named because the fruits are long and fingerlike in shape (see figures 1 and 2). Finger limes belong to a group of similar citrus relatives, all originating from Australia with common names …

Freeze Damage Symptoms and Recovery for Citrus

Tacy CalliesFreeze Protection, Weather

By Mongi Zekri, Chris Oswalt, Steve Futch and Laurie Hurner The extent of cold injury to citrus depends on a number of factors, and its expression may occur over an extended period of time. Factors responsible for freeze damage include minimum temperature, duration of freezing temperatures and stage of tree acclimation. Susceptibility of trees to freezing temperatures can also be …

A Holistic Approach to Production

Tacy CalliesCitrus Greening, PFD

By Owen “Sonny” Conner EDITOR’S NOTE: Citrus Industry magazine is providing a platform for growers to express their experiences and share their stories as we unite in the quest to fight HLB and bring the citrus industry back to a healthy condition. The views stated in this article are those of the author and do not represent those of AgNet …

Valencias PFD

Growers Discuss Bactericides, Nutrition and More

Ernie NeffBactericides, Nutrition, PFD

A handful of citrus growers discussed January bloom and postbloom fruit drop (PFD), bactericides, nutrition and replanting strategies at a grower forum in Sebring on January 12. Laurie Hurner, Highlands County Extension director and citrus Extension agent, summarizes the discussions. “We are looking at areas where we’ve got bloom coming on. That is a little bit nerve-wracking for January,” Hurner …

Citrus Grower Goes Undercover

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

Ed Pines’ solution to citrus greening is to grow fruit in a citrus undercover production system. By Catalina Pines “It’s said that necessity is the mother of all invention, and today I toured one way the citrus industry is fighting back against greening,” said Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam on Twitter after touring Precision Citrus on September 23. In …

Research Update: Citrus Undercover Production Systems and Whole Tree Thermotherapy

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Arnold Schumann, Laura Waldo and Alan Wright Research for producing huanglongbing (HLB)-free fresh Florida citrus with covered production systems began at the University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center in 2013 and at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in 2014. These citrus undercover production systems (CUPS) evolved from the …

Citrus Guide

Table of Contents Citrus Nurseries/Citrus Seed Crop Protection Events Fertilizers Grove Equipment & Supplies Grove Services Insurance/Crop Insurance Nutritionals Citrus Nurseries/Citrus SeedCompany: Agromillora Florida, Inc. Contact: Clay Pederson Mailing Address: 9038 CR 229, Wildwood, FL 34785 Business Phone: (352) 399-2328 Mobile Phone: (352) 661-0139E-mail: cpederson@agromillora.com Website: agromillora.com/en Products or Services: Providing quality citrus liners for wholesale. Crop ProtectionCompany: FMC CorporationContact: …

Citrus Nursery Tour Showcases New Technology

Josh McGillTechnology

Citrific Nursery president Mathew Konrad recently gave a citrus nursery tour to show a culture process and automated nursery system that could be beneficial to the citrus industry. “I got into this industry because I felt like the industry was lacking a lot of common technologies and more sophisticated nursery operations,” said Konrad. He explained that he wanted to make …

Managing the Health and Productivity of HLB-Affected Groves

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

By Tripti Vashisth In 2005, huanglongbing (HLB or citrus greening disease) was first discovered in Florida. Florida orange production changed from 242 million boxes in the pre-hurricane, pre-HLB, 2003–2004 season to 81.5 million boxes in 2015–2016. This dramatic reduction in yield is attributable to multiple causes, including a reduction in citrus acreage, citrus canker and other citrus diseases. HLB is …