
Research Projects on OJ Recommended for Approval

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice, Research

The Scientific Research Advisory Committee met Jan. 21 to review recent updates from the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) and to review and recommend to the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) for approval two new research proposals. The FCC serves as the FDOC’s governing board. Rosa Walsh, director of the FDOC Scientific Research Department, gave an update on the 2020–2025 Dietary …

Are Consumers Willing to Pay More for Florida OJ?

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Multiple studies point to the value consumers place on Florida citrus and their willingness to pay for the “Florida” brand. Lisa House, director of the Florida Agricultural Market Research Center and a professor in the Food and Resource Economics Department at the University of Florida, recently spoke on this subject in a Florida Department of Citrus webinar. She provided an overview of …

Potential OJ Marketing Order Leaves Growers Hesitant

Tacy CalliesMarketing, Orange Juice

Many Florida citrus growers are skeptical of the proposed federal marketing order for orange juice (OJ). The proposed marketing order would allow all U.S. fruit used in OJ and all OJ imports to be assessed to share in the cost of marketing. This federal order, however, poses some potential drawbacks for Florida juice orange growers. The U.S. Department of Agriculture …

The State of the Florida Citrus Processing Industry

Tacy CalliesProcessing

Kristen Carlson, executive director of the Florida Citrus Processors Association, answers questions from Tacy Callies, Citrus Industry editor. Q: What are the current opportunities in Florida citrus processing?  A: There is some excess capacity in Florida should the citrus greening situation improve, and Florida increases its box production. Greening has decreased the yield of boxes per tree. With less impact …

FDOC Update: OJ Sales, Supply and Demand

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Shannon Shepp, executive director of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), reports that total orange juice (OJ) sales are performing at 2016 levels. “In the four week-period ending Dec. 26, 2020, average year-over-year sales of total OJ increased 7.68 percent with nearly 37.39 million equivalent gallons sold, according to the latest Nielsen retail sales update,” Shepp says. “Volume sales of …

Some Citrus Recovery Expected in Mexico

Ernie NeffMexico

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service recently issued a report on the citrus industry in Mexico. Some highlights follow. ORANGEOrange production in the 2020-21 marketing year is forecast to partially rebound after drought decimated last year’s crop by nearly 40 percent. Residual soil health effects and low producer investments in orchard rehabilitation will prohibit full production recovery. Lack …

FDOC Promotion of OJ Benefits Growers

Tacy CalliesMarketing, Orange Juice

The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) e-commerce campaign to drive sales of 100 percent Florida orange juice (OJ) is nearing the halfway mark and continues to deliver strong results. As of Dec. 18, the e-commerce campaign reached 150 million impressions and $4.2 million in attributed sales of 100 percent OJ with a return on advertising spend of $5.45. Additionally, the …

Citrus Woes Cut Alico Income

Ernie Neffbusiness

Alico, Inc. reported net income of approximately $23.7 million for the fiscal year ended Sept. 30, down from $37.8 million for the prior fiscal year. It attributed the decrease in net income primarily to three factors: A decline in the market price per pound solids for citrus fruit this past 2019-20 harvest season largely attributable to unfavorable industry supply dynamics …

Keep OJ Shelves Stocked, Video Urges

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

A video being developed for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) aims to educate retail buyers about the rise in demand for 100 percent orange juice (OJ) during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to FDOC Executive Director Shannon Shepp, the video will encourage buyers to take another look at the space allocation for OJ and all other Florida citrus products. The …


COVID-19 Impacts on Florida Citrus

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Florida’s citrus industry were recently summarized by Fritz Roka, director of the Florida Gulf Coast University’s (FGCU) Center of Agribusiness. Roka discussed pandemic impacts on both the citrus production side of the industry and the packing and juice-processing segments. Here are some highlights of Roka’s presentation that apply to both the production and …


Four to Join Citrus Hall of Fame

Ernie NeffAwards

The Florida Citrus Hall of Fame will induct four new members in 2021. They are John L. Jackson of Sorrento, Florida; the late Lew J. Prosser of Plant City, Florida; Adam H. Putnam of Memphis, Tennessee; and Steven D. “Steve” Sorrells of Arcadia, Florida. They will be inducted during a luncheon tentatively scheduled for Nov. 5 at Florida Southern College …

Florida’s Natural Growers Get Good Returns

Ernie NeffProcessing

Although COVID-19 whacked away-from-home sales at hotels, restaurants and the like in 2019-20, Florida’s Natural posted record net sales and its growers received strong returns on their fruit. “Our results were better than expected,” said Frank Hunt III, chairman of the nation’s third largest orange juice producer. Chief Financial Officer Chip Hendry pegged the cooperative’s historical high net sales at …

orange juice

Hesperidin to Be Tested Against COVID-19

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The National Institutes of Health’s National Center of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) recently announced plans to evaluate the clinical efficacy of hesperidin against COVID-19. Orange juice and sweet oranges contain hesperidin. NCBI referred to hesperidin as “an old herbal medicine … used to treat vascular diseases in Europe and Australia and distributed with vitamin C as a dietary supplement in the …

Label Doesn’t Impact Beverage Choices

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

This year, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration updated the nutrition facts label to highlight certain information, including added sugars, to help consumers make healthier food choices. A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) study found that the label did not impact consumer beverage choices. “We were interested in how effective the newly updated nutrition label …

Study Shows OJ Benefits for Children

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

A new study finds that children who drink 100 percent orange juice (OJ) as part of a healthy diet have better overall diet quality and consume more nutrients than those who do not. The research also adds to a growing body of evidence showing consumption of 100 percent OJ has no impact on weight in children. Authors of the study …

new york times

Marketing OJ Amidst COVID-19

Tacy CalliesMarketing, Orange Juice

Each month, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) and partner agency, Edible, dig deep into current consumer behaviors to gain insights on how messaging and marketing programs could be adapted for the greatest success. In a recent webinar, Kim McAndrews, senior vice president and food and beverage strategic planner for Edible, discussed the rapidly changing environment of COVID-19 and the …

Research to Prove OJ Health Benefits

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) recently approved three research projects aimed at further proving the health benefits of orange juice (OJ) consumption. The OJ-related projects had been recommended by the commission’s Scientific Research Advisory Committee. The projects were discussed by Rosa Walsh, director of the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) Scientific Research Department, during the October FCC meeting. The FCC …

Uncle Matt’s Announces New OJ

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Uncle Matt’s Organic recently announced the launch of its Ultimate Immune orange juice beverage. It is made with organic orange juice, elderberry, vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc. “Over the past six months, families have turned to what they associate with daily immune support: vitamin C-rich orange juice,” said Susan McLean, vice president of marketing and innovation at the company. …

USDA OJ Purchases Set Precedent

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Marisa Zansler, economist for the Florida Department of Citrus, recently gave the Florida Citrus Commission an update on U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Section 32 purchases of orange juice (OJ). A summary of her report follows. The purpose of USDA Section 32 purchases is to help alleviate depressed markets for domestically produced agriculture products. The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service also …

PIECES OF THE PAST: When Canned Grapefruit Came on the Scene

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette October has always signaled the first crop forecast, heralding the start of a new Florida citrus season. However, picking often begins in September for some eager to be the first out of the blocks. But, in the early days, with so much of the crop being sold fresh, it was imperative not to ruin the rest …