Lebbeck Mealybug Problematic for Florida Citrus

Josh McGillPests

The lebbeck mealybug, also known as the hibiscus mealybug, is a pest that has recently become problematic for Florida citrus growers. Extension agent Lourdes Perez Cordero and entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock, both with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), recently reported on the pest. According to Cordero and Diepenbrock, the lebbeck mealybug feeds by piercing the …

Fine-Tuning CUPS Production Practices

Josh McGillCUPS, Production

Mixon family members were pioneers in the Florida blueberry industry. Brothers Jerry and Keith Mixon planted their first berries in 1993. Over the years, they grew their business and became worldwide marketers, eventually adding blackberries, raspberries and strawberries to their portfolio. BACK TO CITRUSIn 2011, they sold their berry business to the Dole Food Company. But the brothers still had …

Don’t Rush Freeze Recovery

Josh McGillfreeze

Do not apply recovery techniques immediately after a freeze, cold-hardy citrus growers were advised after freezes hit their groves in December 2022 and January 2023. The best strategy is to wait to observe new growth until at least late spring, researcher Muhammad Shahid told the Georgia Citrus Association at its recent annual meeting. Shahid is a University of Florida Institute …

Reduce Pests With Natural Enemies

Josh McGillPests, Research

By Jawwad Qureshi A wide range of pests colonize citrus crops. Most of these species target tree canopies, and a few feed on the roots. Damage is either direct through feeding on the plant tissues or it can be twofold if the pest is also responsible for transmitting the pathogens of a disease or making conditions favorable for the disease …

Drones for Pest Control Effective in Some Situations

Josh McGillPest Management, Technology

Technological advancements in recent years allow drones to perform precise agricultural work efficiently. One of the tasks in greatest demand is the application of phytosanitary products in a quick and timely manner. Drones can be used for extensive applications in a short time and are ideal for ultra-low-volume interventions. With drones, very specific sectors, such as sources of disease or …

Pest Management Findings Shared

Josh McGillCUPS, IPCs, Pests

Foliar sprays of insecticides timed to citrus flushing provided a significant reduction in Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) populations compared to standard grower practices, researcher Jawwad Qureshi reported. Timing sprays to flushing also led to a reduction in sprays, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences associate professor of entomology said in a virtual presentation on Feb. 22. …

Planning Your 2023 Pest Management

Josh McGillPest Management, Tip of the Week

By Lauren Diepenbrock Pest management is a year-round challenge in Florida citrus. With the warm climate, pests are at the ready as soon as plant resources are available to them. With knowledge of insect and mite biology in relation to tree phenology, plans can be developed to protect fruit and maintain productive citrus trees. Populations of some highly problematic pests …

Pest Management Workshop for Florida

Josh McGillEvents, Pest Management

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) will hold a workshop on citrus insect, mite and nematode management Jan. 19 at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Presentations will be made by UF/IFAS faculty members. UF/IFAS pointed out that pest management in citrus …

Bugs Under the Covers

Josh McGillIPCs, Pest Management

Individual protective covers (IPCs) do an excellent job keeping HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) out of young citrus trees, showing a 99.6% reduction in ACP compared to control trees. But they don’t provide “one and done” pest control, according to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock. In fact, IPCs “create a perfect environment …

The Essential Elements of Reset Management

Josh McGillplanting, Tip of the Week

By Mongi Zekri For maximum efficiency of a grove, it is essential that every location is occupied by a tree and that every tree is healthy. Prompt replacement of dead and declining trees means higher average long-term returns from the grove. If the declining trees remain in the grove, they keep getting weaker and yield less fruit each year. Therefore, …

Pruning Recommendations and Benefits

Josh McGillPruning

By Mongi Zekri Pruning is an important grove practice that increases sunlight penetration within the tree canopy. Sunlight enhances flowering, fruit quality and color development. Sunlight also allows foliage to dry quickly after a rain shower, which reduces problems of fungal diseases. Pruning trees can improve fruit quality and increase fruit size. However, tree response to pruning depends on scion …

Controlling Pest Pressure Post-Hurricane

Josh McGillhurricane, Pests

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) multi-county citrus Extension agent Ajia Paolillo summarized suggestions for controlling pest pressure after Hurricane Ian in a recent Extension newsletter. Along with horticultural practices and disease control, growers should be monitoring for pests in their groves post-hurricane. UF/IFAS entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock provided some suggested practices for keeping pest pressure as …

Pest Incidence and Management in CUPS

Josh McGillCUPS, Pests, Research

By Jawwad A. Qureshi and Salman Al-Shami The citrus under protective screen (CUPS, Figure 1) system is designed so citrus can grow inside screened enclosures to protect it from huanglongbing (HLB) and the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Diaphorina citri). ACP is the primary vector of the pathogen responsible for causing HLB, known as citrus greening disease. This vector-pathogen combination is …

Sneak Peek: September 2022 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillCitrus Expo, CUPS, Sneak Peek

The September issue of Citrus Industry magazine centers on two topics: citrus under protective screen (CUPS) research and a wrap-up from the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. Three articles cover the latest CUPS findings from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. An article by Arnold Schumann and his colleagues includes a summary of seven seasons of …

Citrus Canker Quarantine Established in Alabama

Josh McGillDiseases, Regulation

Federal and Alabama agriculture authorities recently established a citrus canker quarantine for all of Baldwin County, Alabama, to prevent the spread of the disease. The quarantine was established on July 25 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI). On June 22, 2021, APHIS confirmed …

Citrus Crop Looks ‘Very Promising’

Josh McGillCold Hardy, Crop Forecast

The sweltering heat being felt across the Southeast has done little to dampen the optimism shared by one citrus grower who believes this year’s crop is “very promising.” Kim Jones, who owns a citrus packing facility in Monticello, Florida, and is part-owner of a similar facility in Tifton, Georgia, discusses the state of this year’s crop in North Florida and …

What Southeast Citrus Growers Should Be Watching For

Josh McGillIrrigation, Pests, Weather

A prolonged dry spell across the Southeast should have citrus growers ensuring their young trees are properly irrigated. But Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist, cautions growers about applying too much water. “The real young trees don’t have much of a root system, of course. It has been pretty dry. But you don’t want …

Citrus Nutrient Deficiencies? There’s an App for That

Josh McGillDiseases, Nutrition, Pests, Technology

While sending citrus tissue samples to the lab for analysis remains important, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has developed a smartphone application (app) that can supplement lab analysis to identify leaf symptoms of key nutrient deficiencies and certain pests and diseases. Arnold Schumann, a professor of soil and water science with UF/IFAS, demonstrated how …

Pests, Pathogens and IPCs

Josh McGillIPCs, Pests, Research

By Lauren Diepenbrock, Megan Dewdney, Fernando Alferez, Jawwad Qureshi and Ozgur Batuman Individual protective covers (IPCs) are becoming commonplace in citrus production to support the development of young trees after planting. IPCs are made of fine mesh and are intended to keep Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) off young plants. Because ACP can transmit the pathogen that causes citrus greening/huanglongbing, preventing …

Sneak Peek: May 2022 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillHLB Management, Pesticides, Sneak Peek

While many citrus growers use similar strategies to cope with HLB, no two approaches are exactly the same. One grower who uses a very different method to manage citrus greening is Chip Henry. In the May cover story of Citrus Industry magazine, he tells how growing organically has helped him successfully fight the disease. Sometimes, production practices aimed at protecting …