Updates on Irrigation and Nutrient Management

Ashley RobinsonIrrigation, soil

Proper irrigation and nutrient management are necessary to maximize root density and tree health, especially in trees infected with HLB. Davie Kadyampakeni, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor, shared a few irrigation and nutrient research updates during the March episode of the All In For Citrus podcast. IRRIGATION RECOMMENDATIONS Young citrus trees require optimal …

U.S. Citrus Crop Forecast Takes a Tumble

Ernie NeffCrop Forecast

Florida’s Valencia orange crop projection tumbled 12% in the April 9 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) crop forecast, to 29 million boxes from 33 million boxes in March. The USDA added 200,000 boxes, or 1%, to Florida’s non-Valencia tally, bringing non-Valencias to 22.7 million boxes. In total, Florida oranges dipped to 51.7 million boxes, down 7% from March’s 55.5 million …


Managing Asian Citrus Psyllid with RNA Interference

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

Researchers at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are using RNA interference (RNAi) to alter field populations of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Nabil Killiny, UF/IFAS associate professor, shared the latest findings from his team’s RNAi research in a recent All In For Citrus podcast episode. He says the team is using RNAi to attack …

Florida Input Needed for COVID-19 Survey

Ernie NeffCOVID-19

The response rate in Florida has been lower than expected in an effort to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food and agricultural systems and to develop strategies for coping with future crises. Consequently, those involved in Florida agriculture are being asked to respond by April 11 to a survey about the pandemic’s impact. “We’re seeking food supply …

BMPs: Addressing the Costs and Benefits

Ashley RobinsonBMPs

Agricultural best management practices (BMPs) are essential to protect Florida’s natural resources by mitigating agriculture’s potential negative impact on the environment. Public benefits of BMP implementation include sustained or improved water quality, reduced soil erosion and increased water conservation. Private benefits can include improved crop yield and reduced input costs from less labor, fuel and fertilizer. “Growers provide a public …

South Africa Citrus Exports to Break Record

Ernie NeffExport, International

The South Africa citrus industry will likely break all export season records with an estimated 158.7 million cartons in 2021, the Citrus Growers Association of Southern Africa (CGA) reported recently. If the estimate is reached, it would represent a third consecutive season of record export volumes, with 130 million cartons exported in 2019, followed by 146 million cartons in 2020. …

Dams Needed to Deal With Drought

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Water

This year’s La Niña weather event is bringing up bad memories for California citrus growers. The industry suffered during the drought years of 2012 to 2016 and the specter of a repeated drought looms with every dry day. The California Natural Resources Agency addressed drought fears in a recent report prepared by Jeanine Jones, interstate resources manager for the California …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Crop Optimization With Seaweed

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Sometimes growers must think outside the box to remain sustainable amid high input costs and devastating diseases. That is the situation facing citrus growers who are struggling to remain viable in the era of citrus greening. What if seaweed could be used to aid in the quality of citrus production? Seaweed is a biostimulant that is part of the biological …


EPA Sued Over Streptomycin in Citrus

Ernie NeffBactericides

A coalition of groups on March 25 sued the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for approving spraying of streptomycin on citrus trees to prevent or treat HLB or citrus canker. The groups claimed that the practice of spraying antibiotics on trees has been ineffective in combating the diseases and can drive antibiotic resistance in bacteria, which can threaten human health. The …

Update on Oak Mulch Research to Fight HLB

Ashley RobinsonHLB Management, Research

Researchers have been looking for ways to help Florida citrus growers fight HLB, and spreading oak mulch around the drip line of citrus trees appears promising. Lukas Hallman, a graduate student at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center (IRREC) is doing research to find what is in oak trees …

Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute Returns

Ernie NeffEducation

The annual Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, hosted by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension, will be held on April 6. The event will be delivered via a Zoom webinar from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. “We hope to reach a broad audience despite the limits imposed on us because of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Chris …


Citrus Expo, Other Events Highlighted

Ernie NeffCitrus Expo, Events

Michael Rogers discusses three popular upcoming citrus grower educational meetings: Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute in April, the Florida Citrus Show in May, and Citrus Expo in August. Rogers is director of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. UF/IFAS is the primary planner of educational presentations at all …

Experimenting With Cover Crops in Citrus

Ashley RobinsonCover Crops, soil

Sarah Strauss, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) soil microbiologist, shared initial results from a UF/IFAS cover crop research trial during the March 23 OJ Break virtual meeting for citrus growers. According to Strauss, use of cover crops has received increased interest by growers as a method to sustainably and economically improve soil health and …


All In For Citrus Podcast, March 2021

Taylor HillmanAll In For Citrus Podcast, Sponsored Content

March’s All In For Citrus podcast brings news of in-person events, details on controlling the vector of HLB disease, as well as potential changes to nutrient and water management recommendations. Citrus Research and Education Center Director Michael Rogers begins the episode discussing several upcoming events for growers. On April 6, the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute will return as a virtual …

Biological Controls for Lebbeck Mealybug

Tacy CalliesBiologicals

Lebbeck mealybug (Nipaecoccus viridis) was first identified in Florida citrus in 2019 in Highlands County. It has now been documented in commercial citrus groves in 11 counties and in dooryard citrus plantings in two counties. While lebbeck mealybug can feed on most of the above-ground parts of a citrus tree, it is most damaging in the canopy, where it feeds …

Field Trials for Cultivar Evaluation; Soil and Root Health

Ashley RobinsonAll In For Citrus Podcast, Research

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus researchers are collaborating on ground-breaking research projects to fight against HLB. They are working with researchers at the University of California-Riverside (UC-Riverside), Texas A&M and Washington State University on a project to field-test new citrus cultivars for tolerance or resistance to HLB. The research is funded by the U.S. …

orange juice

Decline in 100% Fruit Juice Consumption

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

A new research report shows that Americans continue to consume fewer fruits and vegetables despite consistent dietary advice to the contrary. An accompanying decline in the consumption of 100% fruit juice, such as orange juice (OJ), is likely a significant contributor to the issue. The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH) reported in its “State of the Plate: America’s Fruit …

Irrigation and Nutrition Management in the Era of HLB

Ashley RobinsonIrrigation, Nutrition

A solid nutrition and irrigation program can enhance the productivity of HLB-affected trees and improve citrus tree health, potentially making production profitable even under HLB conditions. This was the subject of Davie Kadyampakeni’s talk during a March 9 OJ Break virtual meeting held for citrus growers. Kadyampakeni is a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant …

Consumption and Production Trends in Global Lemons/Limes

Ashley RobinsonCrop Forecast, International, lemons, Limes

Global lemon and lime production for 2020-21 is forecast down slightly to 8.3 million tons as lower production in Argentina and the United States more than offsets gains in the European Union and Mexico. Global consumption and exports are forecast up with less fruit being used for processing. These findings are from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service. …

Groups Sue EPA Over Aldicarb Decision

Ernie NeffPesticides

Three organizations on March 3 sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over its decision in the final days of the Trump administration to reapprove previously cancelled uses of the pesticide aldicarb on Florida oranges and grapefruit. The Farmworker Association of Florida, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Environmental Working Group filed the suit in the District of Columbia …