
Grower: Don’t Cut Back on Psyllid Control

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, HLB Management, Pests

Gardinier Florida Citrus General Manager Lee Jones, one of several attending a Gulf Citrus Health Management Area Workshop on November 15 in Immokalee, wanted to share a message with fellow growers. The message: Don’t reduce efforts to control HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids. “Everybody’s groves this year are looking a little better,” Jones told Citrus Industry magazine immediately after the seminar. …

From Planning to Planting: Establishing New Groves in the Presence of HLB

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Ute Albrecht Despite the constant threat of huanglongbing (HLB), most growers remain optimistic and are replanting citrus trees to maintain production levels necessary for sustaining the industry. The tax incentive bill under the Emergency Citrus Disease Response Act introduced in December 2015, if implemented, will help growers get back expenses associated with replanting of diseased trees immediately, instead of …


Hurricane Preparedness

Josh McGillWeather

By Bob Rouse and Mongi Zekri Little can be done to protect trees and fruit from hurricane velocity wind, but we can take steps to protect the people, equipment and supplies that will be needed for the recovery. Below is a checklist for citrus grove managers. Pre-Hurricane Preparation Checklist Personnel assignments: 1. Make a list of all tasks and make …

Complimentary Copy of Citrus Tree Nutrition Book for Growers

Kelsey FryCitrus Greening

Sponsored Content A brand new book, “The Critical Importance of Citrus Tree Nutrition,” recently made its debut at Citrus Expo. Growers who attended the event were able to receive a free copy of the book, courtesy of TKI Crop Vitality. Due to the popularity of the book, TKI is extending the promotion to Florida citrus growers who have not yet …

Citrus Expo

Scenes from Citrus Expo’s Silver Anniversary

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Citrus Expo, Citrus Greening

Citrus Expo 2016 Citrus growers and industry members turned out in full force for the 25th anniversary of Citrus Expo. They came seeking answers on citrus greening and other production challenges, as was evidenced by the large turnout at the “Now Is the Time” seminar program. Sponsored Content5 Facts About Fire Ants and How to Control ThemApril 30, 2024BRAZILIAN RESEARCH …

New Book to Debut at Citrus Expo

Kelsey FryCitrus, Citrus Expo

Citrus growers now have yet another reason to attend the 2016 Citrus Expo. They can receive a complimentary copy of a brand new book, “The Critical Importance of Citrus Tree Nutrition.” Authored by citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri, the book will debut at the Citrus Expo Shindig, a special party to celebrate the show’s 25th anniversary. The shindig takes place …

What to Consider When Putting a New Grove in Place

Josh McGillCitrus, Water

By: Mongi Zekri There is a high degree of planning and preparation that goes into making a new citrus tree planting successful. Site preparation, installation of an irrigation system, selection of varieties and rootstocks, tree spacing, purchasing trees from reputable nurseries, and tree planting and care are all important. Site Preparation The planting site should be well prepared. Soils at …

Citrus Black Spot Control

Kelsey FryCitrus

University of Florida researcher Katherine Hendricks offered citrus black spot control suggestions to about 60 growers attending a fungal diseases seminar last week in Immokalee. She discussed cultural and chemical controls. The seminar was hosted by multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri. Download Audio Sponsored Content5 Facts About Fire Ants and How to Control ThemApril 30, 2024BRAZILIAN RESEARCH RESULTS IN …

Know the Signs of Freeze Damage

Tacy Calliesfreeze, Tip of the Week

By Amir Rezazadeh It is important to know how cold temperatures impact citrus trees. Citrus trees are native to subtropical and tropical regions. Although some mandarins and tangerines are quite cold-hardy, other citrus trees are not particularly cold-hardy and temperatures below 20 degrees for more than four hours may kill most citrus trees. Chilling damage in citrus depends on several factors. …