Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette We received a request for information several months ago from researcher/historian Jono Miller regarding an old production practice of leaving cabbage palms in citrus groves as “orange guards.” The trees helped protect groves from freezing due to the creation of a canopy to keep the heat from the land rising during cold weather. In his new …

Making Sense of Biologicals: Improve Fruit Size and Quality

Tacy CalliesBiostimulants, MSOB

Citrus growers need as many tools in their toolbox as possible. With the Florida citrus industry decimated in recent years, mainly due to citrus greening disease, growers are exploring all options to help them succeed. CYAN 365®, a biostimulant from C Green Ag Biotechnology, is one tool that has proven to help enhance the quality and size of citrus crops, …

Varieties for the Indian River Region

Ashley RobinsonVarieties

In response to HLB, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeding program is focused on developing improved varieties and rootstocks for sustainable and profitable production. Rootstock and scion performance trials have been established throughout the state. UF/IFAS citrus breeder Fred Gmitter touched on some of the experimental trials being done in Florida’s Indian River …

Mexico Could Increase Organic Citrus Production

Tacy CalliesMexico, Organic

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla Citrus growers in Mexico are beginning to explore types of production that are more respectful of the environment and associated with a healthier lifestyle, including organic production. “The organic citrus sector is still small, as its market share does not reach 5%, but gradually foreign demand is causing organic citrus to have an increasing presence in …


Court Rejects EPA’s Aldicarb Approval

Ernie NeffLegal, Pesticides

The federal Court of Appeals in the District of Columbia on June 7 rejected the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) approval of the pesticide aldicarb on Florida oranges and grapefruit, the Center for Biological Diversity reported. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed in March by farmworker and conservation groups after the EPA approved the use of up to …

NOAA Predicts Above-Normal Hurricane Season

Ernie Neffhurricane

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted another above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. Forecasters predict a 60% chance of an above-normal season, a 30% chance of a near-normal season and a 10% chance of a below-normal season. However, experts do not anticipate the historic level of storm activity seen in 2020.  For 2021, a likely range of 13 to 20 …

Monitoring Citrus Root Weevils

Tacy CalliesPests, Tip of the Week

By Larry Duncan Soilborne larvae that feed on citrus roots are the damaging life stage of Diaprepes abbreviatus and Pachnaeus spp. (bluegreen) root weevils. Newly developed adult weevils, which emerge throughout the warm months of the year, also occur in soil.  A peak emergence of adults occurs at some point each spring or early summer. Less frequently, a smaller emergence …

functional beverage

Promoting Orange Juice for Hydration

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

It may not officially be summer yet, but with temperatures heating up, Steve Johnson, chairman of the Florida Citrus Commission, has a reminder about the value of drinking orange juice (OJ) for hydration. “A glass of orange juice is a great hydration option in addition to water since it naturally contains a high percentage of water — almost 90%, says …

Principles and Risks of Trunk Injection for Delivery of Crop Protection Materials

Tacy CalliesPesticides, Research

By Ute Albrecht and Leigh Archer Trunk injection is a targeted delivery of materials into the stem or trunk of trees as an alternative to spraying or soil drenching. It is practical for disease and pest management in high-value forest trees and ornamental plants where aerial applications are problematic because of environmental and human health-related concerns. Interest in using the …


Mexican Lemon Sector Sets Sights on Asia

Tacy CalliesInternational, lemons, Mexico

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla The Mexican lemon sector is betting on the diversification of international markets and has its sights set on the Asian market. Oliver Huesmann, director of Fruit Consulting and expert in the Asian market, says lemons have possibilities in all Asian countries. “What is needed is a promotion of this Mexican product so that the consumer knows …


EPA Ordered to Act on Chlorpyrifos

Ernie NeffPesticides

California Attorney General Rob Bonta on April 29 applauded a decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals requiring the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to make a required safety finding for chlorpyrifos residues detected on food. Chlorpyrifos is a widely used agricultural pesticide approved for use on more than 80 food crops. The court decision orders the EPA to …

When a Pesticide Doesn’t Work

Tacy CalliesCEU

By Juanita Popenoe Editor’s note: This article grants one continuing education unit (CEU) in the Core category toward the renewal of a Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services restricted-use pesticide license when the accompanying test is submitted and approved. Pesticides are only one part of a comprehensive integrated pest management (IPM) plan and should be used strategically. What happens …

Sneak Peek: May 2021 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

New citrus technology and tried-and-true techniques are among the article topics in the May issue of Citrus Industry magazine. Yiannis Ampatzidis, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) assistant professor, discusses several ways artificial intelligence is being used to improve citrus production and reduce negative environmental impacts. Among the topics he covers in his article are automated …

Herbicide Adjuvants in Citrus Weed Control

Tacy Calliesweeds

By Ramdas Kanissery Adjuvants (derived from Latin, adiuvare: to aid or help) are materials added into an herbicide spray solution that improve handling, performance and crop safety. To be effective, an herbicide must overcome certain environmental and biological obstacles before entering and acting in the weeds. For example, environmental conditions like hot and dry weather will result in a thicker …

Mexico Considers Quality Seal for Lemons

Tacy Callieslemons, Mexico

By Francisco Seva Rivadulla Due to the importance of differentiation in international markets, the Mexican lemon sector is studying the possibility of creating a national quality seal for its lemons. “The future of our lemons must involve the creation of a national quality seal, which will differentiate them from countries such as Egypt, Turkey or South Africa, and thus generate …

Vaccinating Trees Against CTV and HLB

Ernie NeffDiseases

University of Maryland virologist Anne Simon and the company she founded, Silvec Biologics, have successfully vaccinated laboratory hosts against citrus tristeza virus (CTV). They are now focusing on HLB, also called citrus greening. The vaccination induces trees to produce their own therapeutic agents.   Silvec’s vaccination concept is based on the discovery of a novel infectious RNA that the company calls …

PIECES OF THE PAST: A Quatrain to Frame

Tacy CalliesPieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette In the July 15, 1933 issue of the Florida Clearing House News, an article by the Committee of Fifty titled “To Fit Demand to Production – ADVERTISE” caught my eye. Advertising has always been the tennis ball in the citrus industry’s battle over how much is enough and whether generic advertising really helps. The Committee of …

Above-Average Hurricane Season Predicted

Ernie Neffhurricane

Colorado State University (CSU) researchers are predicting an above-average Atlantic hurricane season in 2021, citing the likely absence of El Niño as a primary factor. Tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures are near their long-term averages, while subtropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures are much warmer than their long-term average values. The warmer subtropical Atlantic also favors an active 2021 Atlantic hurricane …

Plan Greasy Spot and Melanose Management

Tacy CalliesDiseases, Tip of the Week

By Megan Dewdney Greasy spot and melanose are two fungal diseases that have long needed the attention of Florida citrus growers. While they are more of a concern for fresh fruit growers, trees for processing can be damaged, too. In terms of management priorities, greasy spot is the greater concern since it reduces tree photosynthetic capacity and causes defoliation. Melanose …