Trees Look Good but PFD and HLB Will Impact Yield

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, PFD

Several citrus growers attending a grower forum in Sebring last week said groves are looking very good even though fruit production is expected to be low this season. John Barben, a Highlands County grower and the new president of Florida Citrus Mutual, summarized the situation. “Trees are looking good,” Barben said. “We had a lot of rain the last couple …

New Knowledge on Citrus Black Spot

Josh McGillCitrus

By Megan Dewdney, Jeff Rollins, Nan-Yi Wang and Ke Zhang Citrus black spot (CBS) has become established in the groves of Collier and Hendry counties. In other citrus-growing regions of the world where CBS is present, the sexual fruiting bodies of the fungus, known as pseudothecia, form in decomposing leaf litter. Approximately 50 to 180 days following leaf drop, the …

Injecting Citrus Tree Trunks with Bactericide May Help Stem Greening

Josh McGillCitrus

By: Brad Buck GAINESVILLE, Fla. — A chemical treatment known as a bactericide could help preserve citrus trees from the potentially deadly and costly greening disease, a new University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) study shows. Citrus is estimated as a $10.9 billion-a-year industry in Florida and the finding could be key to helping the state’s …

HLB and ‘Tolerance’ as a Practical Matter in Choosing Rootstocks

Tacy CalliesRootstocks

By Bill Castle (Editor’s note: Click on the graphs throughout the article to enlarge them.) By classic biological definition, a particular citrus rootstock-scion combination when infected with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) would be considered tolerant if infected trees had no more than slight reductions in performance, sometimes accompanied by a reduced level of the pathogen. That definition implies that the …

What to Expect from Brazil’s Next Citrus Season

Josh McGillGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves The first crop estimate was released in May for the 2016–17 citrus season in Brazil, which should be of great interest to Florida’s citrus industry. ACREAGE AND AGE The area of orange groves in Brazil, including all varieties, is 416,843 hectares (ha) —6.2 percent smaller than the 2015 figure. There was a considerable reduction of 27,882 …

EPA Approves KPHITE® RX Systemic Bactericide for HLB Control

Tacy CalliesBactericides

Florida-based Plant Food Systems announced that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved the use of KPHITE® RX Systemic Bactericide for the control of HLB or citrus greening. The approval was granted based on research conducted by a panel of researchers demonstrating that the use of KPHITE® RX and Renew® RX reduces the effects of greening on citrus crops. Further field …

Research on HLB-Tolerant Varieties Conducted in Gainesville

Ernie NeffCitrus Greening, Pests

Research on HLB-tolerant trees and better citrus varieties is being conducted in Gainesville, outside the Florida citrus belt. University of Florida scientist Jose Chaparro discusses the work. “In Gainesville we have essentially the youngest citrus breeding program in Florida,” Chaparro says. “In the future, we hope to be able to provide both HLB and canker resistance in our selections.” Such …


HLB Playbook for Growers in the Works

Ernie NeffCitrus Expo, Citrus Greening

Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida’s Citrus Research and Education Center, discussed the planned HLB Playbook at the recent Citrus Expo. The playbook should be available in print and on the Internet by January. Rogers says the playbook will feature “all the information we know about managing citrus groves in the face of HLB and how growers can …

Bactericide Survey Results Summary

Josh McGillBactericides, Citrus Greening

By Stephanie Slinski and Harold Browning (Editor’s note: Click on the graphs throughout the article to enlarge them.) Bactericides have been available to growers as a new tool to improve the health of HLB-infected trees since early March 2016. This use has been under a crisis declaration from the Florida commissioner of agriculture, but on August 15 of this year, …

Complimentary Copy of Citrus Tree Nutrition Book for Growers

Kelsey FryCitrus Greening

Sponsored Content A brand new book, “The Critical Importance of Citrus Tree Nutrition,” recently made its debut at Citrus Expo. Growers who attended the event were able to receive a free copy of the book, courtesy of TKI Crop Vitality. Due to the popularity of the book, TKI is extending the promotion to Florida citrus growers who have not yet …

Thank You for Another Great Year

Kelsey FryCitrus Expo

Dear Growers, Industry Members and Friends: On behalf of everyone at Citrus Expo, we would like to extend our appreciation to all attendees, exhibitors and sponsors of this year’s event. We are overwhelmed with the generosity and support from all levels of participants that joined us this year. The Citrus Expo Shindig, held on Wednesday night, allowed everyone to relax …

bactericides survey

Citrus Grove Renovation/Re-establishment Support Program

Tacy CalliesLegislative

Mike Sparks, executive vice president/CEO of Florida Citrus Mutual, issued the following report: “As you know, a big part of Mutual’s mission over the past three years was to try and uncover, create and support grower incentive programs to get more trees in the ground and rebuild our industry. Through the hard work of Commissioner Adam Putnam and his staff …

Citrus Expo

Scenes from Citrus Expo’s Silver Anniversary

Taylor HillmanCitrus, Citrus Expo, Citrus Greening

Citrus Expo 2016 Citrus growers and industry members turned out in full force for the 25th anniversary of Citrus Expo. They came seeking answers on citrus greening and other production challenges, as was evidenced by the large turnout at the “Now Is the Time” seminar program. Sponsored ContentA Simpler, Safer and More Effective Way to Fight HLBOctober 25, 20245 Facts …

HLB tolerance

Southern Gardens Citrus to Host HLB Webinar

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Citrus Greening

Rick Kress, senior vice president of research commercialization for Southern Gardens Citrus will present a webinar titled “Can We Live Without Citrus?” on August 25 from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT. Can you imagine what your store would look like if the orange juice section was suddenly empty or produce shelves were void of all oranges, grapefruit, lemons and …

EPA Approves Temporary Use of Bactericides for HLB

Ernie NeffBactericides, Citrus Greening

The federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this week approved the temporary use of three bactericides on HLB-infected citrus trees. Florida citrus growers had already been using the products this year because Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam issued a crisis declaration allowing their use. Citrus Research and Development Foundation Chief Operations Officer Harold Browning announced the EPA decision at Citrus …

2016 Citrus Expo Gun Safe Winner Announced

Tacy CalliesCitrus Expo

Congratulations to Caleb Shelfer, the winner of the John Deere gun safe giveaway at Citrus Expo 2016! Shelfer is with Joshua Citrus Inc. in Arcadia. This popular Citrus Expo tradition is made possible by sponsorship from Everglades Farm Equipment. Stephanie Capon, Miss Florida Citrus, drew the winning card. Gary Cooper, AgNet Media founder and president, announced the lucky name to …

Putnam: Private Citrus Forecast ‘a Kick in the Gut’

Tacy CalliesForecast

Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Adam Putnam expresses pleasure at celebrating the 25th Citrus Expo and dismay at a private citrus forecast of 60.5 million boxes of Florida oranges next season. “Boy, what a kick in the gut that forecast was,” says Putnam, who is a citrus grower. He notes that post-bloom fruit drop no doubt played a role in the …

Post-Bloom Fruit Drop Survey

Tacy CalliesPests

A Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Research Management Committee meeting was called on June 29, 2016, to discuss post-bloom fruit drop (PFD) caused by Colletotricum spp. in Florida. In this meeting, it was suggested that there is an opportunity to retrospectively investigate PFD management strategies from 2016 to determine if grower treatment programs led to variable results. A survey …

Dr. Bryony C. Bonning

UF/IFAS Hires Eminent Scholar to Help in Fight Against Citrus Greening

Daniel CooperCitrus Greening

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has added another soldier in its battle against citrus greening by hiring world-renowned entomologist Bryony Bonning. She has been named Eminent Scholar with tenure in the UF/IFAS entomology and nematology department. Currently, Bonning is a professor of entomology at Iowa State University and director of the National Science Foundation Center …


UF/IFAS Scientists Zeroing in on Better Mandarins

Daniel CooperCitrus

In their quest to develop higher quality mandarins, University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers are zeroing in on the traits that will help them breed the best fruit. Last year, they released the mandarin cultivar currently known as ‘7-6-27,’ which UF/IFAS researchers say is soaring with interest, and with more than 100,000 trees already ordered. Sponsored …