Not many watching a recent virtual Citrus Expo presentation were surprised by Ariel Singerman’s declaration that “taking into account total cost, on average, growers sustained a loss” in the 2019-20 Florida citrus season. Singerman, a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences economist, pegged the average per-acre losses at $1,606 for early-midseason oranges and $1,254 for Valencias. Singerman …
Growers, NRCS Team Up on Conservation
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) works with Florida growers, other landowners and local soil and water districts to implement conservation practices. NRCS offers more than 170 individual practices and suites of practices that can be used to improve soil health, water quality, air quality and wildlife habitat. When planning these practices, NRCS staff helps producers …
Get Citrus Growers’ Institute CEUs
Citrus growers can get continuing education units (CEUs) from the 2020 Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, even though the in-person version of the annual event was cancelled due to COVID-19. Multi-county citrus Extension agent Chris Oswalt discusses how growers and others can get their restricted-use pesticide license or Certified Crop Advisor CEUs. “We have started to receive those presentations from those …
UF/IFAS Available to Help Growers
Grower meetings have been curtailed due to COVID-19, but Extension agents and specialists with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) are available to assist growers needing in-person help. “We do have the ability to get out and travel and come see folks,” says Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) Director Michael Rogers. “If there are …
New Insurance Options for Florida Citrus Growers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Risk Management Agency (RMA) recently announced a new crop insurance hurricane endorsement and an improved citrus crop insurance plan. The hurricane endorsement, Hurricane Insurance Protection – Wind Index (HIP-WI), covers a portion of growers’ underlying crop insurance policy deductible when their county is within or adjacent to the area of sustained hurricane-force winds. HIP-WI is …
Labor Ban Costs Australia Growers Millions
On July 27, Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said a ban on citrus workers entering New South Wales (NSW) is costing growers $1.7 million a day. Hancock has urged NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian to consult with industry and cancel the ban that is keeping out seasonal harvesters. The restriction on harvesters entering NSW was instituted to curtail the spread of …
Growers to Offer Trade Input
The Trump administration will hold two hearings in August with seasonal produce growers to discuss foreign trade policies that may be harming farmers. The U.S. Trade Representative’s office, along with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, recently announced the hearings planned for 9 a.m. Aug. 13 and Aug. 20. At the hearings, officials from the federal agencies will hear from farmers …
Growers Urged to Continue HLB Best Practices
The University of California, Riverside (UCR) recently released information regarding a promising new treatment for huanglongbing (HLB) and the Asian citrus psyllid that “effectively kills the bacterium causing the disease with a naturally occurring molecule found in wild citrus relatives.” While this news has exciting potential, UCR and California Department of Food and Agriculture scientists agree that growers should continue …
New Hurricane Guide for Citrus Growers
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences citrus horticulturist Fernando Alferez and multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri co-authored a new document on the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Hurricane Preparation and Recovery Commodity Guides website. The Citrus Producers Guide includes long- and short-term recommendations for building resilience to hurricanes in citrus groves, nurseries and citrus under protective screens …
Growers Get Details on CRAFT Cycle Two
Approximately 60 people learned how to participate in Cycle Two of the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program via a virtual workshop held June 23-24. The application period for Cycle Two will be July 20 to Sept. 4, 2020. CRAFT offers growers substantial financial incentives to plant new trees that will be raised utilizing specific HLB mitigation strategies. Participating …
Developing Niche Markets for Florida’s Small Citrus Growers
By Chip Henry The current state of the commercial citrus marketplace in Florida justifies the need for small growers to find niche markets in which to sell their fruit. Deplorable prices for juice oranges are predicted to continue through the upcoming season. A recent University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences economic report indicates the possibility that perhaps …
How Growers Can Protect Pollinators
Florida’s U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (USDA/NRCS) recently recognized pollinators and the growers who create and maintain their habitat. “Pollinators, such as honeybees, bumblebees, butterflies, birds, bats, flies and many others, play a critical role in crop production,” Florida’s USDA/NRCS stated in a media release. The recognition came as National Pollinator Week, June 22-28, approaches. The week …
Florida Growers Urged to Hear OJ Budget Talks
Florida Citrus Commission Chairman Ned Hancock urged members of the citrus industry to join the June 17 commission meeting via teleconference. He said the commission will consider several budget scenarios for fruit grown for orange juice (OJ). See information about the meeting here. The commission serves as the governing board for the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC). “I expect we …
New Opportunity for Citrus Growers to Earn CEUs Online
When the annual 2020 Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute was canceled due to the stay-at-home guidelines recommended by the state, growers were shut out of learning the latest research updates from University of Florida citrus scientists. In addition, they were denied access to earning valuable continuing education units (CEUs) needed to renew pesticide licenses. University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural …
Gulf Citrus Growers Association Elects Leaders
Ron Mahan of Tamiami Citrus, LLC has been elected president of the Gulf Citrus Growers Association (GCGA) for 2020-21. Other officers are Vice President Danny Sutton of Alico, Inc., Secretary Wayne Simmons of LaBelle Fruit Co., LLC and Treasurer Rob Atchley of A. Duda & Sons, Inc. The elections were held during the association’s 34th annual meeting on June 3. …
Technology Helps Growers Count Citrus Trees
In his quest to find the right drone and other artificial intelligence to help ensure citrus growers get an accurate count of their crop, Yiannis Ampatzidis and his research team have developed a system known as Agroview. The technology saves farmers time and money and helps them accurately count their trees, which is important for insurance purposes. The latest results …
UF/IFAS Extension Agents Team Up to Better Serve Citrus Growers
Florida’s citrus growers have long benefited from productive relationships with University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension commercial citrus agents. And it’s about to get better. Citrus agents operating in Hillsborough, Polk, Highlands, DeSoto, Hardee and Manatee counties are launching a new newsletter. They hope to use the platform to streamline important communications with growers, share …
CRAFT Growers Planting 2,032 Florida Citrus Acres
Florida growers have signed up for 46 HLB research projects representing 2,032 acres through the Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) Foundation, Executive Director Kristen Carlson reported recently. Solid-set projects account for 1,641 acres; resets for 391 acres. “Some growers have more than one project,” Carlson said. The CRAFT Foundation was organized last year to administer a program aimed at …
UF/IFAS: More Ways to Reach Citrus Growers
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) personnel are finding more ways to stay in touch with growers safely during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are doing it online and by phone; some are now even being allowed to visit in person, like at groves owned by growers cooperating with UF/IFAS on research. If UF/IFAS personnel do show …
Growers Help Wetlands Thrive
May is American Wetlands Month. Farmers, growers, ranchers and private landowners in Florida have worked with the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to create, restore and enhance wetlands for decades. They have incorporated wetlands into their operations for benefits to the environment and their land. To help realize these benefits they have worked with USDA …