variety displays

CITRUS NURSERY SOURCE: Get Out and About at Variety Displays and Field Days

Daniel CooperCitrus Nursery Source, Events, Varieties

By Peter Chaires Each year, citrus breeding and research teams go to great lengths to host variety displays, research reviews, tours and field days. These events not only showcase the collective pursuit of industry needs and priorities, but they afford stakeholders an opportunity to monitor the progress and interact directly with scientists and support staff. This is an investment of …

citrus crop

Research Aims to Diversify Georgia’s Citrus Crop

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Varieties

Satsuma mandarins helped establish the citrus crop in Georgia. Alternate varieties will help the state’s industry continue to grow. Mary Sutton’s appointment as the new University of Georgia (UGA) citrus Extension specialist should help growers implement varieties that have been tested and are suitable for Georgia growers. Part of her role will be to research alternatives to satsumas to see …


Cold-Hardy Citrus Concerns Prior to Harvest

Daniel CooperCold Hardy, Harvesting

Cold-hardy citrus growers are on the cusp of starting another harvest season. Management options need to continue up until the first crops are plucked from the trees, according to Certified Crop Adviser Bill Barber with Ag Services LLC. Barber spoke at a citrus workshop on Sept. 24 at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension office …


All In For Citrus Podcast, September 2024

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast, Fresh, Packing

Mark Ritenour, professor of postharvest technology with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS), joined the September episode of the All In For Citrus podcast to provide a recap of Packinghouse Day. The event was held Sept. 12 at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. Based at the Indian River Research and …


Sneak Peek: October 2024 Citrus Industry

Daniel CooperHLB Management, Sneak Peek

With the news that oxytetracycline (OTC) has been approved for a third consecutive year of trunk injection in Florida citrus, growers are looking to optimize their applications for the coming season. The October cover story in Citrus Industry magazine aims to help growers make the most of their OTC injections. University of Florida researchers tell the good, the bad and …

organic citrus

Transforming Organic Citrus Production

Daniel CooperBiologicals, Cover Crops, Organic

Organic citrus growing presents unique hurdles in Florida, Texas and other southern states. Poor soil quality, nutrient deficiencies and a limited range of pest control options plague organic production. But the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ (UF/IFAS) Davie Kadyampakeni is poised to transform the future of organic citrus growing. He aims to do that with a …

harvesting robot

Research Funded for Citrus-Harvesting Robot

Daniel CooperHarvesting, Technology

California’s Citrus Research Board (CRB) has signed a $900,000 funding agreement with Nanovel that includes delivery of a citrus-harvesting robot after a series of field trials in California, Nanovel reported. The field trials are set to start in the spring of 2025 and will be conducted in cooperation with citrus growers. Nanovel, an Israeli company established in 2018 by Chief …


Georgia Citrus Breeder Says New Varieties Will Take Time

Daniel CooperBreeding, Georgia

The University of Georgia’s new citrus breeder is preaching patience for South Georgia growers wanting new varieties to work with. Dario Chavez emphasized during the Citrus Grower’s Summer Update meeting in Valdosta that it could take a decade or longer to research and find new citrus varieties that will help Georgia’s blossoming industry. “I think some of the growers are …


Psyllid Control Discussed at South African Citrus Symposium

Daniel CooperBrazil, Events, Psyllids

Researchers Marcelo Miranda and Haroldo Volpe with Brazil’s Fundecitrus discussed control of the HLB-spreading psyllid during a recent visit to a South African research symposium and accompanying events. During the Citrus Research Symposium in Drakensberg, Miranda discussed studies developed at Fundecitrus on the management of the HLB-spreading psyllid (Diaphorina citri). In South Africa, HLB is caused by a bacteria different …


Citrus Executive Named Chair of Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

The Florida Fruit & Vegetable Association (FFVA) has named Steven Callaham, chief executive officer of Dundee Citrus Growers Association, as its chair for 2024–26. “Steven Callaham has long been a driving force in Florida’s citrus industry. His leadership, vision and dedication have strengthened the resilience and future success of the agricultural community,” said FFVA President Mike Joyner. “With his commitment …


Big Year Expected for Diverse Georgia Citrus Crop

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Production

Georgia’s citrus industry is growing and so are the diverse varieties producers are planting every year. Jake Price, University of Georgia citrus agent, said at the Citrus Grower’s Summer Update meeting last week in Valdosta that there were 4,400 citrus acres planted in South Georgia. At approximately 145 trees per acre, this equates to about 638,000 trees. What started out …


Nutrients for Improving Fruit Growth and Quality

Daniel CooperNutrition, Tip of the Week

By Tripti Vashisth, Jeff Brecht, Yu Wang and Faisal Shahzad In the last decade, fruit quality and size has become a major issue. Moreover, fruit peel color is another challenge to overcome for citrus growers who intend to sell for fresh fruit consumption. Many nutrients are known to improve fruit growth and quality in citrus trees. For example, potassium increases …

HLB Incidence

HLB Incidence Exceeds 44% in Brazil’s Citrus Belt

Daniel CooperBrazil, HLB Management

Fundecitrus’ annual survey of HLB in Brazil indicates that disease incidence rose from 38.06% in 2023 to 44.35% in 2024 throughout the Citrus Belt of São Paulo and Triângulo/Southwest Mineiro. This is the seventh consecutive year of growth for the disease. HLB was found in approximately 90.36 million trees. In total, there are 203.74 million orange trees throughout the Citrus …


Medfly Quarantine Issued in California

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Pests, Regulation

A portion of Alameda County in California has been placed under quarantine for the Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) following the detection of one wild mated female in Fremont. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Alameda County agricultural commissioner and California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) are working collaboratively on the project. The quarantine area in Alameda County measures approximately …


HLB and Psyllids in Georgia Commercial Citrus

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Psyllids

One of Georgia citrus growers’ worst fears is slowly becoming a reality. Citrus greening, also known as huanglongbing (HLB), was observed in a Georgia commercial citrus grove for the first time in 2023. This is alarming news for the industry, says Jonathan Oliver, University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist. “We knew HLB was here in residential …

tree age

Tree Age and Yields: Implications for Trunk Injection

Daniel CooperEconomics, HLB Management

By Ariel Singerman This article examines the impact of HLB and other factors on yield by tree age group in Florida using U.S. Department of Agriculture statewide average data from 1994 to 2021. To focus on the impact of HLB and other relevant lasting factors, seasons in which there were hurricanes or freezes are excluded. YIELD REDUCTIONS Figures 1 and …


Perricone Farms Acquires Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company

Daniel CooperIndustry News Release

Perricone Farms, a craft juice company headquartered in California, announced its acquisition of Natalie’s Orchid Island Juice Company, based in Fort Pierce, Florida. Perricone Farms stated that the merger “strengthens both brands and enhances the ability to serve customers with excellence in quality and customer service coast-to-coast.” It added that the combined company will be able to take advantage of …

new grove

Factors to Consider When Planting a New Grove

Daniel CooperCitrus Expo, planting

Growers have numerous things to think about when planting a new grove. University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus genetic improvement specialist John Chater discussed this topic during a recent Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo presentation. Following are highlights from his talk on establishing new varieties in a new citrus grove. PESTS AND DISEASES Soilborne pests …

greasy spot

Symptoms and Management of Brown Rot and Greasy Spot

Daniel CooperDiseases

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) presenters on Aug. 30 discussed symptoms and management of the fungal citrus diseases brown rot and greasy spot. Plant pathologist and associate professor Megan Dewdney, the featured speaker, focused on management. Multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri, who hosted Dewdney’s talk, described disease symptoms. BROWN ROT Brown rot is usually …

preharvest fruit drop

The Best Defense for Mitigating Preharvest Fruit Drop

Daniel CooperFruit Drop, PGRs, Tip of the Week

By Tripti Vashisth Over the past decade, HLB-associated fruit drop has become a significant problem in Florida groves. Many growers opt to harvest the fruit before the peak fruit drop begins. However, the downside to this strategy is that the fruit does not get enough time for optimal Brix accumulation. Plant growth regulators, when applied at the right time, can …