
Five-Year Strategy for Fruit Flies Announced

Daniel CooperPests

The U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) has released its Fruit Fly Exclusion and Detection Program Strategy. The plan covers the period of 2024 to 2028. The agency called the document “a unified roadmap” for protecting American agriculture from the threat of invasive fruit flies. USDA APHIS worked with members of the National Plant …

field day

Finger Lime Field Day Draws Mostly Non-Citrus Crowd

Daniel CooperEvents, Limes

Only a few Florida commercial citrus growers were on hand for an April 24 finger lime field day at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred. Most of the more than 40 attendees did not own citrus groves, and about half were women — definitely not the standard crowd for a CREC event. Those in attendance had …


Big Yields Expected in Georgia

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Production

A December 2022 freeze in Georgia significantly reduced the state’s 2023 citrus production, but many growers anticipate a large crop in 2024. “With less fruit production in 2023, trees added a lot more vegetative growth and increased their canopy volume,” University of Georgia Extension citrus agent Jake Price noted. “The satsuma bloom at the research plot was very large and …

Chilean Citrus

Chilean Citrus Export Expectations

Daniel CooperExport, Export/Import, International

The Chilean Citrus Committee recently estimated that global citrus exports from Chile will total 383,000 tons this season, a 4% decline from 2023. Export declines are projected for clementines, mandarins and oranges. Lemons are the only citrus fruit forecast to have increased export volume this season. The committee forecast clementine export volume of 40,000 tons, which is 35% less than …

Citrus thrips

California Growers Gear Up for Citrus Thrips Threat

Daniel CooperCalifornia Corner, Pests

Citrus thrips caused serious problems for many California growers last year. This year, growers appear to be gearing up in case it is another bad season for thrips. “Going into this spring, there’s a lot of eyes on it,” said Colby Campbell, general manager of Cobblestone Fruit. “Everybody’s watching, and I think everybody has made preparations. Guys have called ahead …


Sneak Peek: May 2024 Citrus Industry

Daniel CooperHLB Management, hurricane, Sneak Peek

Inside the May issue of Citrus Industry magazine, you’ll find photos and coverage from the Florida Citrus Show. The annual grower-focused event was held in Fort Pierce on April 3. A high point of the day was the outdoor trade show of exhibitors serving an array of tailgate-style foods to attendees. Educational programs included a general session on current agricultural …

Grove First

Grove First Project Seeks More Grower Cooperators

Daniel CooperHLB Management, Research

The Grove First project plans to expand next year and is seeking additional growers as cooperators. The project tests molecules directly in the field for their ability to treat HLB via trunk injection. The Grove First project differs from the common practice of starting HLB research in the laboratory, then moving to the greenhouse to be confirmed before going into …


Investing in New Citrus Plantings in Brazil Can Be Worthwhile

Daniel CooperBrazil, Economics, planting

A study by Brazilian citrus consultant Gilberto Tozatti indicated that even under high HLB pressure, but with reasonable prices, it is worth investing in new citrus plantings. Tozatti’s study, presented at the recent International Research Conference on HLB, received support from the Group of Citrus Consultants (GCONCI). Tozatti summarized his presentation: Brazil is the world leader in the production of …

growing matters

Growing Matters: BeSure! Campaign on Keeping Treated Seeds Covered

Daniel CooperBeSure!, Seed

The BeSure! campaign from the Growing Matters Coalition helps growers protect bees and other wildlife. To learn more about what we can do, we’re talking with Nick Tinsley, seed treatment technical field representative with BASF, who says one important action is to keep treated seeds covered. About Growing Matters BeSure! Growing Matters is a coalition of organizations and individuals committed to scientific discourse on the …


Covering the Basics of Summer Cover Crops

Daniel CooperCover Crops, Tip of the Week

By Sarah Strauss The recent rising temperatures are a reminder that summer is approaching, and the beginning of the rainy season is a great time to start planting cover crops. If you are looking for a method to invest in your soil health, cover crops are one option. By definition, cover crops are planted to improve soil health and are …


Kaolin and Climate Impacts on HLB Addressed

Daniel CooperEvents, HLB Management

The impacts of kaolin and climate on HLB in Brazil were among topics addressed by researchers from Brazil’s Fundecitrus during the recent International Research Conference on HLB in Riverside, California. HLB is also known as citrus greening. Researcher Marcelo Miranda discussed results of a study on the use of processed kaolin in low doses to reduce the HLB-spreading psyllid population …

Southern Hemisphere

Forecast for Southern Hemisphere Citrus Production

Daniel CooperCrop Forecast, International

The World Citrus Organisation’s (WCO) preliminary forecast for the 2024 Southern Hemisphere citrus season projects total production will decrease 0.77% from the prior year. Production for Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru, South Africa and Uruguay is estimated at 24.34 million tons this year. The WCO broke the forecast down by variety: CLIMATIC CONDITIONS IMPACT PRODUCTION The Southern Hemisphere’s 2024 …


Irrigation Frequency Critical to Fight Tree Stress

Daniel CooperIrrigation

During the month of April, Florida rainfall has been scarce. Groves are drying out after some areas enjoyed more rain than normal during the El Niño winter. The dry weather has growers busy running irrigation. Keeping HLB-infected trees well-watered is especially important to reduce plant stress. That was the message Tripti Vashisth, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural …

nutrient availability

The Effect of Soil pH on Nutrient Availability

Daniel CooperNutrition

By Chris Oswalt Soil pH influences nutrient availability. This article considers the specific fate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soils with elevated pH values. The discussion also assumes that these effects would be similar to conditions in the wetted zone where micro-sprinkler irrigation has raised soil pH. NITROGEN Soil pH can affect several reactions involving nitrogen in the soil …


All In For Citrus Podcast, April 2024

Daniel CooperAll In For Citrus Podcast

April was a busy month for citrus events. The Florida Citrus Show was held April 3 in Fort Pierce followed by the Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute in Avon Park on April 9. These events were a topic of discussion between All In For Citrus podcast host Frank Giles and Michael Rogers, director of the University of Florida Institute of Food …


In Georgia Owari Trial, Yields Peaked in 2021

Daniel CooperGeorgia, Research, Rootstocks

University of Georgia Extension agent Jake Price recently summarized yields for three recent seasons from Owari satsuma trees in a rootstock trial. Last year, 2023, was the last harvest year for data collection in the trial. Price reported that yield in the trial plot peaked in 2021 with a yield of about 20,300 pounds on 60 trees, which would be …


Rigorous HLB Control Works at Brazilian Farm

Daniel CooperBrazil, HLB Management

Fabrício Eustáquio Lanza, research coordinator at Brazil’s Cambuhy Agricola, recently told how his company has kept HLB at low and economically acceptable incidence levels. His presentation at the recent International Research Conference on HLB was based on a report he co-authored with Alexandre Tachibana, Ivan Brandimarte, Antonio Juliano Ayres and Renato Beozzo Bassanezi. The report follows: MANAGEMENT MEASURES Huanglongbing (HLB), …


PIECES OF THE PAST: Citrus Sprayer Innovation

Daniel CooperIrrigation, Pieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette In the early 1900s, there were a number of inventions made to help the growing citrus industry flourish. One of those inventions took place in Winter Haven at the Van Fleet Company in Florence Villa. The company manufactured the Van Fleet sprayer. An article in the May 1920 issue of The Citrus Industry magazine described it …


Brazil’s Harvest+ Seeks Improved Citrus Harvesting

Daniel CooperBrazil, Harvesting

Brazil’s Fundecitrus, in partnership with the companies Agricef and Move Agro, has created the Harvest+ project that seeks to improve the country’s orange harvest. In addition to enhancing the manual harvesting process, the project is searching for mechanized and semi-mechanized solutions for citrus farming. Harvest+ is in response to demand from producers and companies that want equipment capable of harvesting …

eastern lubber

Managing the Eastern Lubber Grasshopper

Daniel CooperPests

Eastern lubber grasshoppers are out in force in some parts of Florida, munching away on citrus, vegetable crops and landscape plants. They can be found from March or April to about October or November in North Florida and the state’s Gulf Coast. They can be economically important throughout Florida. Eastern lubber grasshoppers can completely strip foliage from plants. More commonly, …