The impact of HLB on total citrus tree propagations, including the decline in grapefruit and growth in lemons, is addressed by nurseryman Nate Jameson. Jameson, owner of Brite Leaf Citrus Nursery, discusses some points he made at the annual Florida Citrus Show in January. “A few years ago we were propagating about 4.7 million trees a year,” Jameson says. “We’re …
California Researchers Work Toward Early HLB Detection
Although the Florida and California citrus industries may differ, they are both vulnerable to citrus greening disease. The brightest minds from both states are working to detect, manage and control this devastating disease. Most recently, University of California researchers have been working to find methods for early detection of huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening disease. AgNet West’s Taylor Hillman has …
HLB Conference to Be Held in California
The sixth International Research Conference on Huanglongbing (IRCHLB VI) will be held in California. The conference has been scheduled for March 12-16, 2019, at the Riverside Convention Center in Riverside. This is the first time the conference will be held in California. Sponsored by the California Citrus Research Board (CRB) with the support of California’s citrus industry partners, the gathering …
Living with Yellow Dragon Disease
A grower nutrition survey reveals production practices for successful HLB management. By Tripti Vashisth and Christopher Vincent These days, in nearly every conversation about HLB, mineral nutrition comes up in some way. It seems that in a conversation between three people, there will be about four opinions on what, why, where and how to provide nutrition to citrus trees in …
New Method for Early HLB Detection
By Len Wilcox Early detection of citrus trees infected with huanglongbing (HLB) has become the target of researchers around the world, and scientists from the University of California (UC) now believe they have the answer. Early detection is vital for identifying HLB-positive trees before physical symptoms of the disease appear and it spreads throughout a grove. SMELLING THE SICKNESS UC …
Grower Input on HLB Research Needs
Lee Jones, general manager of Gardinier Florida Citrus, was one of several growers offering suggestions for upcoming HLB research at a recent Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) Research Management Committee session. He summarizes some of the suggestions he and others offered. Jones notes that several suggestions were made regarding bactericides, which growers got access to in spring 2016. He …
HLB Issues Below the Soil Surface Intrigue Growers
Several citrus growers and production managers offered input on future HLB research at a meeting on Feb. 15 at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. The growers shared their thoughts with members of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation’s Research Management Committee (CRDF-RMC). David Howard, CRDF-RMC chairman, provides an overview of the approximately three-hour session called specifically …
OJ May Soon Come from HLB-Tolerant Fruit
Some people like to wake up and drink a glass of fresh Florida orange juice. With the greening disease ravaging Florida’s citrus industry, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers want to make orange juice from disease-tolerant fruit. Huanglongbing (HLB), or citrus greening as it’s commonly called, has destroyed 80 percent of citrus in Florida, a …
Water and Nutrient Tips for HLB
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences researcher Davie Kadyampakeni offers water and nutrient management tips for HLB-affected trees. He was a presenter at a recent citrus nutrient management seminar in Immokalee hosted by multi-county citrus Extension agent Mongi Zekri. The seminar drew approximately 60 people to the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center. Kadyampakeni’s tips include …
Psyllid Protection by Photonic Fence Under Development
By next year, a fence utilizing light sources is expected to be available to help protect some citrus structures and maybe even grove perimeters from the HLB-spreading psyllid. U.S. Department of Agriculture research entomologist Joe Patt explains the technology. “Photonic fence is a multi-modal system that uses several different types of light in order to detect, track, identify and, if …
A Dialog-Based Example of a Different Type of Grower Meeting
By Bill Castle True dialog is the art of thinking together.* It requires the suspension of certainty, acute listening, open sharing and willingness to participate. These principles of dialog are probably unfamiliar to most of us and are challenging to practice. However, the outcomes of dialog exceed the effort. Therefore, using these principles of dialog as the foundation, an interactive …
Root Biologist Joins UF Fight Against Citrus Greening
By Robin Koestoyo, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences An inventive fruit tree researcher has joined the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Indian River Research and Education Center. Lorenzo Rossi is the center’s first-ever root biology professor and will support the university’s statewide Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences’ commitment to restore Florida’s $9 …
UF/IFAS Researchers Awarded $10.5M to Work on HLB Resistance/Tolerance
With citrus greening devastating Florida’s $8.6 billion-a-year citrus industry, three University of Florida scientists will use $10.52 million in federal grants to study ways to help growers cope with the disease, including research on genetic editing that may produce potentially resistant fruit and trees. Since greening — or huanglongbing (HLB) — was first reported in Florida in 2005, Florida’s citrus …
Citrus Agency Shifts Money as Industry Seeks Aid
The Florida Department of Citrus adjusted its budget Wednesday for the second time this growing season, as leaders of the storm-battered industry hold out hope the U.S. Senate will approve a disaster-relief package. The Florida Citrus Commission, which oversees the department, agreed to shift more than $70,000 out of administration, scientific-research and global-marketing budgets to cover an anticipated drop in …
USDA Invests in Fighting Citrus Greening Disease
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) announced awards to combat citrus greening disease. The funding to support research and Extension programs is made through the emergency Citrus Disease Research and Extension Program (CDRE). CDRE was authorized as part of the 2014 Farm Bill. “The need to advance research and Extension to develop management …
Dialoging to Climb Out from the HLB Hole
By Bill Castle and Pete Spyke There’s an old story that goes something like this: A farmer was out walking one evening and fell into a hole deep enough to require help to get out. Later, another farmer was walking by and jumped into the hole. The farmer in the hole was astounded and asked, “Why did you do that?” …
HLB Resistance Update
Updates on the search for trees that are resistant to HLB drew more than 40 growers and others to an OJ Break in Bartow on Jan. 9. Leadoff speaker Fred Gmitter, a plant breeder with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, discussed an effort to see if so-called “survivor” trees might offer a solution. Survivors are …
California Amends HLB Quarantine Zones
On Jan. 1, 2018, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) implemented an emergency regional quarantine to more effectively protect California citrus from huanglongbing (HLB) disease. The quarantine created seven zones: 1) counties where HLB has not been detected and are not next to citrus-producing counties or the Mexican border; 2, 3 and 4) counties widely infested with ACP …
International Citrus Business Conference Speaker Spotlight: Chris Stone
At the International Citrus Business Conference, speakers will discuss strategic issues that concern the citrus industry, including HLB, juice production and how markets around the world compare to one another. Chris Stone, of Winter Haven, Florida, will be speaking at the conference about the impact that HLB has on prices and availability of cold-pressed citrus oils. Stone said he has …
International Citrus Business Conference Focuses on Market Improvement
The 2018 International Citrus Business Conference will be a meeting to tackle the pressing issues facing the citrus industry, including the rapid decline of citrus juice markets. Allen Morris, of Morris Agribusiness Services, says the citrus industry has lost 50 percent of the U.S. orange juice market since 2002. The industry continues to decline at a swift 5 to 7 …