Metalized Mulch

Josh McGillCitrus, Citrus Greening

Big boost in young tree growth and yield from insecticides and metalized mulch By Phil Stansly, Scott Croxton and Joby Sherrod With yields dropping in Florida and Brazil, the decision to replant is not an easy one. Still, prospects for eventual success of new plantings are better now than ever in the last 10 years. Think about it: 1) Asian …

Disrupting Psyllid Mating to Control HLB

Josh McGillCitrus, Citrus Greening

By: R. W. Mankin, B. Rohde and S. McNeill The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) is the primary vector of the devastating huanglongbing (HLB) disease of citrus. Efficient monitoring of ACP at low population densities is essential to conduct management programs with timely effectiveness for protection of Florida groves. Extensive research is being conducted to better understand ACP biology and behavior, …


USDA Grant To Attack Citrus Greening

expoadminCitrus, Citrus Greening

Researchers share $4 million USDA grant to attack citrus greening From UF/IFAS: By: Kimberly Moore Wilmoth and Kathleen Haughney GAINESVILLE, Fla. — International researchers, including ones at the University of Florida and Florida State University, are sharing in a $4 million grant from the United States Department of Agriculture to attack the problem of citrus greening, a disease that has …