Assessing the Safety of a Water Distribution System

Josh McGillIrrigation, Regulation, Tip of the Week

By Taylor O’Bannon, Matt Krug and Michelle Danyluk The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently proposed changes to the pre-harvest Agricultural Water (Subpart E) section of the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule (PSR). Removing the annual water distribution system inspection is not one of the proposed changes. Rather, water testing for generic E. coli and developing a microbial …

IPCs Improve Fruit Yield and Quality

Josh McGillHLB Management, IPCs, Research

By Fernando Alferez, Ute Albrecht, Susmita Gaire, Ozgur Batuman, Jawwad Qureshi and Mongi Zekri University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers established a field trial in February 2018 to evaluate the efficacy of individual protective covers (IPCs) to prevent Asian citrus psyllids from spreading HLB and to study the effects on tree growth and physiology. The …

Pointers for Pre-emergent Herbicide Use

Josh McGillHerbicides, Tip of the Week

By Ramdas Kanissery Weeds emerging in citrus rows are problematic as they compete for resources with the trees, support pests and interfere with grove operations like irrigation (Figure 1). Hence, effective strategies to control weed emergence should be in place.   Pre-emergence (or residual) herbicides are an excellent tool for the long-term suppression of weeds in tree rows. These herbicides …

Pests and Diseases in Trees With IPCs

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

All indications are that the recent widespread use of individual protective covers (IPCs) on young citrus trees in Florida is beneficial, especially for excluding Asian citrus psyllids and the HLB they spread. If there is any downside, it may be that some other pests and diseases are more prevalent under IPCs. In a recent American Society for Horticultural Science webinar, …

The Quest for Copper Alternatives for Managing Citrus Canker

Josh McGillDiseases, Research

By Ozgur Batuman, Sanju Kunwar and Ana Redondo There are new products that potentially can be added to a grower’s toolbox in coming seasons for managing citrus bacterial canker. Citrus canker is an infection by a species of bacteria (Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri) that causes fruit blemishes and fruit drop. It makes fruit unsightly and lowers its marketability. Every year, …

Keep Leprosis From Re-entering Florida

Josh McGillDiseases, Florida

Citrus leprosis has not been reported in Florida since 1968, but researcher Ozgur Batuman called it “an approaching threat to Florida citrus” in a recent virtual seminar. Batuman, a citrus pathologist at the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, urged growers to be on the lookout for the disease. According …

CRDF Funds Fruit Drop Research, Hears Antibiotic Presentations

Josh McGillDiseases, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) governing board on Jan. 25 approved a project aimed at reducing fruit drop by using potassium, zinc, gibberellic acid and the herbicide 2,4-D in different timing scenarios. The funding will allow University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher Fernando Alferez to finish two years of work that CRDF Chief …


All In For Citrus Podcast, January 2022

Tacy CalliesAll In For Citrus Podcast

It’s tough to be a citrus grower in Florida right now. In the January All In For Citrus podcast episode, Michael Rogers discusses the challenging environment for growers. Below-average prices and low yields are among the major obstacles. However, the UF/IFAS citrus researchers and Extension agents continue to work hard on behalf of growers, looking for tools they can use …

Preying on Asian Citrus Psyllids and Other Pests

Josh McGillHLB Management, Pests

By Jawwad A. Qureshi and Azhar A. Khan The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri, invaded Florida over two decades ago. The need to consistently suppress it became apparent soon after detection and particularly after discovering huanglongbing (HLB) disease, which it spreads. Managing HLB depends strongly on vector control to either reduce disease transmission of healthy trees or reinoculation. Single …

citrus nutrition

Reducing Psyllid Populations During Key Periods Pays Dividends

Josh McGillHLB Management, Pesticides, Pests

By Lukasz L. Stelinskiand Jawwad A. Qureshi Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) are at the mercy of their host (citrus) for survival. They need flush to lay eggs and for the nymphs to develop. Prior to HLB, the majority of flushing had been fairly predictable and occurred in the early spring and late summer. The occurrence of flush in young trees …

HLB Strategies From Zoom’okalee

Josh McGillHLB Management

In a Jan. 12 virtual Zoom seminar from Immokalee (dubbed “Zoom’okalee” in the presentation), researcher Ozgur Batuman reviewed old and new approaches to controlling HLB. The seminar was titled “Citrus Disease Trends We Should Heed: HLB, Phytophthora and Leprosis.” Batuman works for the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC) …

Smart Technology Cuts Spray Costs

Josh McGillPesticides, Technology

As they battle HLB, growers must control costs wherever possible, including by applying pesticides and fertilizer more efficiently. With that in mind, Yiannis Ampatzidis is engaging artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a low-cost, smart tree-crop sprayer that can automatically detect citrus trees, calculate their height and leaf density, and count fruit. That way, growers target their spray more efficiently, so …

Lessons on Yield and Root Health From Modified Nutrition

Tacy CalliesNutrition

By Davie Kadyampakeni, Evan Johnson, Kelly Morgan and Ali Atta Citrus production in Florida has been decreasing over the last 15 years due to several factors, with huanglongbing (HLB) a major driver. This disease has severe effects on citrus growth and production, including stunted vegetative growth, misshapen small fruits and poor color development, root mortality, stunted branches, excessive fruit drop, …

Technologies for Improved Nutrient Analysis

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Technology

By Yiannis Ampatzidis and Ute Albrecht Nutrient management is important for citrus production. Regular nutrient assessments should be conducted to optimize nutrient balance and prevent deficiencies or over-fertilization. Optimizing nutrition is important for tree health and can improve tolerance to stresses and diseases. Good nutrient management requires regular field monitoring to identify problems and examine crop responses. Leaves need to …

Assessing Spatial Patterns of Individual Protective Covers

Tacy CalliesIPCs

By Fernando Alferez, Ozgur Batuman, Susmita Gaire, Ute Albrecht and Jawwad Qureshi In previous and ongoing research performed at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center (SWFREC), we have demonstrated that individual protective covers (IPCs) are effective in keeping psyllids off newly planted citrus trees. Trees have been HLB-free for more than two years after planting, and the IPCs provide …

Maximizing Rootstock Seed Production

Tacy CalliesSeed

By Fernando Alferez, Deived Uilian de Carvalho, Daniel Boakye, Tim Gast and Manjul Dutt Endemic HLB in Florida has provoked increased pressure to replant and reset infected groves. This has resulted in concern from citrus growers and nursery operators about seed availability for the most popular rootstocks in the state. In the past, all rootstock fruit (both early and late …

How Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance the Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesTechnology

By Yiannis Ampatzidis Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising area in computer science, automation, robotics and agriculture. AI describes the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior and mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. Machine learning, which is an application of AI, is based on the idea that a machine, such as a computer or microcontroller, …

Survey on Cover Crops and Reflective Mulch

Ernie NeffCover Crops, Survey

Florida growers are being asked to take a survey on the use of cover crops and reflective mulch in citrus production. These systems are being investigated as potential means to improve soil health and reduce pest pressure from Asian citrus psyllids, which transmit the destructive citrus disease HLB. The survey is being conducted by researchers with the University of Florida Institute …


Keeping Weeds in Check

Ashley Robinsonweeds

Weeds can reduce citrus growth and production, especially in young trees. A management program should be put in place to control weeds in tree rows to minimize competition with citrus, but it is also important to control weeds in row middles to reduce soil erosion. Weed management can be achieved by utilizing a combination of control practices including but not …