“To some extent, every citrus variety has suffered from cold damage” due to the five-night freeze event that occurred in the cold-hardy citrus region Dec. 24–28. That report comes from Jake Price, Lowndes County Extension coordinator for University of Georgia Extension. “The site of our citrus research plots in Valdosta reached a low of 16 degrees, which is the lowest …
Diaprepes in Florida Citrus: Past, Present and Future
By Lukasz L. Stelinski, Lauren Diepenbrock and Larry Duncan Given the focus on HLB in citrus management for more than a decade, important additional pests of citrus have sometimes not received the attention they may deserve. Trees with HLB are weakened and prone to succumb to the effects of the disease when challenged by secondary affliction(s), including infestation by diaprepes …
Pest Management Workshop for Florida
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) will hold a workshop on citrus insect, mite and nematode management Jan. 19 at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Presentations will be made by UF/IFAS faculty members. UF/IFAS pointed out that pest management in citrus …
Bugs Under the Covers
Individual protective covers (IPCs) do an excellent job keeping HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) out of young citrus trees, showing a 99.6% reduction in ACP compared to control trees. But they don’t provide “one and done” pest control, according to University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologist Lauren Diepenbrock. In fact, IPCs “create a perfect environment …
It’s Time to Target Adult Asian Citrus Psyllids
By Lauren Diepenbrock Pest management is an ongoing effort in Florida citrus. Taking advantage of pest life cycles has been shown to be an effective tool for reducing populations of target pests. For many citrus growers, managing impacts of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), the vector of huanglongbing (HLB), is part of the annual management plan. As we enter the …
Guide Prepares California Growers for HLB Detection
California’s Citrus Pest and Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) has developed a guide, Response for a Confirmed Huanglongbing Positive Detection in a Commercial Grove, to prepare growers for a finding of the disease. The guide is intended to educate growers about the California Department of Food and Agriculture’s (CDFA) huanglongbing action plan. The devastating citrus disease spread by the Asian citrus …
California Psyllids Carrying HLB Bacterium in Groves
An ongoing study in coastal Southern California citrus groves has found that just over 3.5% of Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) tested are carrying the bacterium that can cause HLB. ACP is the insect vector of HLB. Thus far, 138 of 3,000 adult ACP collected from 15 commercial citrus sites had some level of the bacterium present. The results were reported …
Changing Psyllids to Make Them Incapable of Spreading HLB
By Kirsten S. Pelz-Stelinski and Lukasz L. Stelinski Managing Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) remains a consideration for growers because psyllids transmit the citrus greening disease pathogen, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), to newly planted trees. There are several tools that can reduce psyllid populations or mitigate the symptoms of HLB and improve the health of infected trees. However, additional methods that …
California Citrus Industry Follows in Florida’s Research Footsteps
By Danielle Leal During a recent trip to Washington, D.C., California Citrus Mutual (CCM) representatives visited with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and members of Congress to outline several citrus industry priorities and secure funding for research. CCM President and Chief Executive Officer Casey Creamer announced during the 2022 California Citrus Conference that the Citrus Research Board received funding from …
Hurricane Ian Damage Assessment Gets Underway
By Frank Giles There is no question Hurricane Ian will go down as a historic catastrophe in Florida. It’s impact on agriculture will likely be historic as well. While it is too early to know the full extent of damage, AgNet Media is reaching out to growers and various industry associations and agencies to learn the extent of damage to …
CUPS Update From the Citrus Research and Education Center
By Arnold Schumann, Laura Waldo, Chris Oswalt, Napoleon Mariner, Timothy Ebert, Perseveranca Mungofa, Shankar Shrestha and Laura Cano-Castro Florida grapefruit production for the 2021–22 season was 92% less than in 2003–04, which was prior to the arrival of huanglongbing (HLB) disease [Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Statistics Service, (USDA NASS)]. The decrease in Florida tangerine production for the …
Pest Incidence and Management in CUPS
By Jawwad A. Qureshi and Salman Al-Shami The citrus under protective screen (CUPS, Figure 1) system is designed so citrus can grow inside screened enclosures to protect it from huanglongbing (HLB) and the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Diaphorina citri). ACP is the primary vector of the pathogen responsible for causing HLB, known as citrus greening disease. This vector-pathogen combination is …
Entomologist at Helm of Invasion Science Research Initiative
The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) has appointed internationally acclaimed entomologist and ecologist Matthew Thomas as director of the new Invasion Science Research Initiative (ISRI). Thomas will establish the framework for ISRI, which will bring together more than 120 UF/IFAS scientists from more than 20 departments currently dedicated to the detection, diversion, tracking and control …
Deficit Irrigation Could Improve Fruit Quality in CUPS
By Fernando Alferez, Daniel Boakye, Susmita Gaire and Tim Gast Growing citrus under protective screen (CUPS) structures for fresh fruit production is effective in controlling HLB disease by completely excluding the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Diaphorina citri). After several years of research on CUPS to grow HLB-free trees in Florida, and with commercial growers increasingly adopting this technology, there is …
Fire Ant Control Aids Psyllid Management
Controlling fire ants in groves aids in the control of HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids (ACP), entomologist Lukasz Stelinski reported at the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo. Fire ant control was just one way that Stelinski suggested for growers to manage ACP while reducing costs. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences entomologist said ACP populations drop when …
California CRaFT Project Targets Psyllids
All commercial citrus producers in California are invited to apply for participation in the Citrus Research Board’s (CRB) California-focused Citrus Research and Field Trials (CA-CRaFT) project. The overarching goal of CA-CRaFT is to demonstrate the effects of additional mitigations on Asian citrus psyllid control within commercial citrus groves across the various citrus-growing regions in California. The project is supported by …
A Two-Pronged Approach to Suppress Psyllids
By Bryony C. Bonning and Lukasz L. Stelinski Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) transfer the pathogen that causes citrus greening from plant to plant as they feed. After confirmation of citrus greening in Florida in 2005, growers intensified their use of insecticides against ACP to try to stop disease spread. However, this method alone has yielded variable success and increased costs. …
Coordinated Psyllid Treatment Recommended in California
The San Joaquin Valley ACP (Asian citrus psyllid)/HLB Area-Wide Task Force in California is recommending growers participate in a coordinated treatment application in commercial citrus orchards. This recommendation is for orchards located east and south of Bakersfield and includes young, non-bearing trees. The recommendation comes as a result of higher than normal HLB-spreading ACP finds in traps earlier this summer. …
Second CLas-Positive Psyllid Sample Found in California Grove
An Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) sample confirmed positive for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) — the bacteria that causes huanglongbing (HLB) — was collected from a commercial citrus grove in the Pauma Valley area of California’s San Diego County. This confirmation marks the first CLas-positive ACP found in a commercial grove in San Diego County and only the second grove detection …
Combining IPCs and Brassinosteroids to Protect Young Citrus Trees
Research studies show that about 60% of Florida citrus trees are infected by HLB disease within six months of planting. By one year, 100% of citrus trees are infected. For that reason, the use of individual protective covers (IPCs) has become very popular to protect young citrus trees from the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). The covers have proven to be …