
New HLB Find Is Likely Farthest North in Florida

Ernie NeffHLB Management

What is believed to be the most northern HLB find in Florida was made the first week of November in a backyard Satsuma tree in Tallahassee. A homeowner sent photos of the tree’s symptoms to Leon County Extension horticulture agent Mark Tancig, who collected samples that were confirmed as HLB. “I’ve told the homeowner he should remove it (the tree), …

Australia to Test UF’s HLB-Tolerant Rootstocks

Ernie NeffRootstocks

HLB-tolerant rootstock seeds from the University of Florida (UF) have arrived in Dareton and Bundaberg to be evaluated under Australian conditions. Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said it’s important that the rootstocks have arrived in Australia well before the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and the HLB it spreads. “We need to know if these rootstocks from Florida are going to …


Manage Psyllids at Reduced Cost

Ernie NeffHLB Management

At the 2021 Citrus Expo, entomologist Lukasz Stelinski suggested ways growers can manage HLB-spreading Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) while reducing costs. Some of the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences entomologist’s key points follow: Psyllid density is related to tree stress; more psyllids lead to higher damage, compromising tree health and yield. Spray for adults at bud …

Sneak Peek: November 2021 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The low initial U.S. citrus crop forecast for the 2021–22 season points to the need to plant more trees to sustain the country’s citrus industry. The November issue of Citrus Industry magazine features articles that will help growers take care of their young trees. Two articles help answer the question of what to plant. First, University of Florida’s (UF) Ute …

Protecting Citrus From Pests and Diseases

Ernie NeffPests

The federal Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) program summarized its efforts to protect the U.S. citrus industry from pests and diseases in a recent report about its fiscal year (FY) 2020 activities. PPQ is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. A summary of its citrus efforts follows. PPQ works with citrus growers to …


CUPS Pest Management Pointers

Ernie NeffCUPS, Pests

Citrus under protective screen (CUPS) systems in Florida provide trees significant protection from the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and the HLB it spreads. Several other pests are also significantly reduced in CUPS, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers reported. For instance, citrus leafminer (CLM) populations were reduced by more than 80%. Large predators such as …

Fungus Suppresses Asian Citrus Psyllids

Ernie NeffHLB Management

The citrus disease HLB, also known as citrus greening, has a formidable enemy in a fungal pathogen, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers reported. The fungus is Cordyceps javanica, strain Apopka, discovered by research scientist Lance Osborne in the mid-1980s. The fungus was isolated from dead insects on plants in a greenhouse at the UF/IFAS …


Citrus Leafminer Control: Timing Is Everything

Tacy CalliesPests, Tip of the Week

By Lukasz Stelinski The citrus leafminer (CLM) remains a major pest of citrus throughout Florida. The adults are small, white/silver colored moths about half the size of a typical mosquito (Figure 1). Adults are difficult to spot because of their small size and because they are active only in the evening (dusk) and early pre-dawn hours. CLM adults can be …


Psyllid Management Key for Georgia Growers

Tacy CalliesGeorgia, HLB Management

The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) is not yet well established in Georgia. University of Georgia (UGA) assistant professor and small fruits pathologist Jonathan Oliver wants to keep it that way. The ACP vectors citrus greening disease (HLB), which has decimated Florida’s citrus production. Oliver encourages producers to scout their groves regularly to avoid a similar fate happening in Georgia. “It’s …

Major HLB Discovery Announced

Ernie NeffHLB Management

A University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researcher recently determined how bacterium causes the devastating citrus disease HLB. Information about further research into ways the discovery can help growers reverse the effects of HLB and improve tree health will be presented this fall.   MORE DETAILS TO COMEUF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) Director Michael …

Update on Culturing of the Citrus Greening Bacterium

Tacy CalliesHLB Management, Research

By Nabil Killiny, Anders Omsland, Haluk Beyenal and David R. Gang The suspected causative agent of citrus greening disease, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), is one of many plant pathogens that has not been isolated and grown in pure culture. One major reason for this is its small genome size; it is missing the genes for several metabolic pathways critical for …

Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter Making a Comeback?

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner, Pests

The glassy-winged sharpshooter (GWSS) is a pest that made California headlines from the late 1980s until its suppression at the turn of the new century. Unfortunately, it made a fast comeback in 2020, probably due to unusually warm winter weather. A warm winter and spring caused populations in the southern San Joaquin Valley to surge. Kern County traps showed a …


HLB Control Has Been Costly for Growers

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, HLB Management

California’s efforts to keep huanglongbing (HLB) at bay have been largely successful. So far, the state’s huge citrus industry has avoided the devastating loss of trees that has occurred in Florida, South America and other commercial citrus-growing regions around the world. However, those efforts have come with a cost to citrus growers. Bruce Babcock, professor of public policy at University …

Brutal Honesty on HLB

Ernie NeffCRDF, HLB Management

Rick Dantzler did not follow normal protocol in providing an update about his organization’s efforts. Dantzler, chief operating officer of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), didn’t talk glowingly about CRDF’s accomplishments. Rather, he started off by telling how far the Florida citrus industry has declined since CRDF was formed in 2009 primarily to find a solution to HLB. …

Citrus Showcase

Keeping HLB out of California Groves

Ernie NeffCalifornia Corner, HLB Management

The recent annual report from California’s Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program (CPDPP) offered insights into ways the state’s citrus industry has kept HLB out of commercial groves. Jim Gorden, chair of the group’s Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Committee, stated that the California industry has “invested countless hours, leveraged millions of dollars and created dozens of innovative partnerships” in …

Citrus Australia Focuses on Biosecurity

Ernie NeffInternational

Citrus Australia recently applauded the federal government’s additional investment in national biosecurity and stated that it will seek an opportunity for additional dialogue on enhancing plant biosecurity. The government announced $400 million in funding to enhance biosecurity over a four-year period. According to Citrus Australia, citrus exports alone are worth $500 million to the national economy annually. A pest incursion …

Florida Grower Advises California on HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Pete Spyke, a Florida gift fruit citrus grower and shipper, recently offered some advice to California citrus growers for dealing with HLB. In a letter to California’s Citrus Pest & Disease Prevention Program, Spyke suggested that growers continue to detect and remove HLB-infected trees. Spyke’s letter follows: Dear California Citrus Growers, Based on my observations and discussions with growers and …

How Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance the Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesTechnology

By Yiannis Ampatzidis Artificial intelligence (AI) is a promising area in computer science, automation, robotics and agriculture. AI describes the capability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior and mimic cognitive functions such as learning and problem-solving. Machine learning, which is an application of AI, is based on the idea that a machine, such as a computer or microcontroller, …

How to Stay HLB-Free in North Florida Groves

Tacy CalliesHLB Management

As temperatures increase across Florida, so does the risk for huanglongbing (HLB) disease, known as citrus greening. While the southern and central portions of the state remain vulnerable to HLB and Asian citrus psyllids (ACP) that spread the disease, growers in North Florida and South Georgia have so far been spared. But Xavier Martini, University of Florida entomologist at the …

Asian Citrus Psyllid Anatomical Discoveries

Ernie NeffPsyllids

Scientists from the University of Granada (UGR) have made the first anatomical atlas of the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), which spreads HLB. The research group, led by Professor Susan J. Brown from Kansas State University, conducted a multidisciplinary project to study the psyllid, the bacteria it transmits, its effects and means of control. The U.S. research team approached Javier Alba-Tercedor …