Dramatic Weather Events Disrupt the Orange Juice Market

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves The first 2017–18 U.S. Department of Agriculture forecast for Florida oranges — 54 million boxes — after Hurricane Irma was the lowest number in 70 years. Before the hurricane, we were all expecting that Florida would have more than 80 million boxes of oranges. This possible shortage of approximately 25 million boxes will dramatically affect not-from-concentrate …

International Citrus Business Conference Offers Rare Opportunity

Tacy CalliesIndustry News Release

The citrus industry has never been under such major threats to its survival as it is now. Citrus greening has drastically reduced Florida’s citrus crops. Orange juice and grapefruit juice consumption are dramatically down, and it’s not just due to higher prices. Consumers are switching to other beverages. Now more than ever, the citrus industry must gather its experts and …


Sponsored ContentA Simpler, Safer and More Effective Way to Fight HLBOctober 25, 20245 Facts About Fire Ants and How to Control ThemApril 30, 2024BRAZILIAN RESEARCH RESULTS IN A UNIQUE PRODUCT FOR HLB MANAGEMENTApril 1, 2024


Nursery Challenges Pot License ‘Preference’ for Citrus Industry

Daniel CooperCitrus, Industry News Release

A Sarasota nursery has filed a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of part of a new law that includes a preference for the citrus industry in the state’s awarding of potentially lucrative medical-marijuana licenses. The lawsuit, filed last week by TropiFlora, LLC in Leon County circuit court, is similar to a case filed in September that challenges another provision in the …

Addressing Claims of Herbicide in Orange Juice

Tacy CalliesFood Safety

By Kevin M. Folta A number of websites recently made claims about detection of the herbicide glyphosate in orange juice from several leading brands1-3. It is important to understand the claims, who is making them, and how to communicate the actual risk, which the science says approaches zero. WHAT IS THE CLAIM? Moms Across America (MAM) claims that it has …

Sneak Peek: November 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The November 2017 issue of Citrus Industry magazine features an in-depth article on the first citrus crop forecast of the season. The figure of 54 million boxes of Florida oranges that the USDA predicted was met with mixed reactions and caused some controversy. In the article, industry leaders and growers share their perspectives on the forecast. U.S. Department of Agriculture’s …

A Look Back at 100 Years of Citrus Innovation

Tacy CalliesHistory

By Beverly James, Alec Richman, Brad Buck, Samantha Grenrock and Tom Nordlie The year was 1917. In April, the United States entered World War I. Florida’s population was fast approaching 1 million, and agriculture was the state’s most important economic driver. Citrus cultivation, introduced to Florida 400 years earlier by Spanish explorers, had spawned an industry following the Civil War. …

Citrus Production in Argentina

Tacy Callieslemons

By Stephen H. Futch and Ariel Singerman In May of 2017, we visited the northwestern citrus production region of Argentina in the provinces of Jujuy, Salta and Tucumán. The purpose of the trip was to learn more about Argentina’s citrus industry and programs being developed to deal with both the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) and huanglongbing (HLB). Argentina has a …

California Agencies Moving to Further Restrict Chlorpyrifos

Len WilcoxCalifornia Corner, Regulation

Chlorpyrifos is being targeted again by environmental agencies. According to a press release from California Citrus Mutual (CCM), the California Environmental Protection Agency announced in mid-August that both California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment are pursuing new restrictions on chlorpyrifos. CCM says that chlorpyrifos is one of the most important and widely …

Ventura County Growers Tackle Troubles in Paradise

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner

By Len Wilcox Ventura County, California, is perhaps the prettiest place in the world to grow lemons. Nestled between the golden slopes of the coast range and the relaxing seaside and azure-blue ocean, it is just north of Los Angeles on the famous Pacific Coast Highway. In town, Ventura seems far too urban to be an agricultural center; it is …

orange juice

What Is Happening to the Orange Juice Market?

Tacy CalliesEconomics

A historical perspective and current conditions are key to understanding what will happen to the orange juice market in the future if HLB-resistant trees are introduced. By Allen Morris Between 2001–02 and 2016–17, the Nielsen-measured retail U.S. orange juice market declined by 50 percent, Florida orange production declined by 70 percent and retail orange juice prices increased by 53 percent …

Sneak Peek: September 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The next issue of Citrus Industry magazine takes a look at the status of citrus labor in Florida. A trio of articles offers insights on harvesting costs, using the H-2A program and keeping skilled workers. Also included in the September issue is coverage from the 2017 Citrus Expo held in Fort Myers, Florida, on August 16–17. An appearance by Secretary …

CRDF and Bayer Announce Partnership at Citrus Expo

Tacy CalliesCitrus, HLB Management, Industry News Release

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) and Bayer CropScience announced a new partnership at Citrus Expo. In an effort to discover new technologies to manage citrus greening disease, CRDF will invest $12 million with Bayer over a three-year period. Bayer will focus on product research and development of both biological and chemical controls. Adrian Percy, head of research and …

Citrus Expo Opens a Week from Today!

Abbey TaylorCitrus Expo

August 9, 2017 Citrus growers, vendors and industry professionals are looking forward to gathering on Wednesday, August 16 at 8:00 a.m. at the Lee Civic Center in North Fort Myers. That’s when the doors officially open to the 2017 Citrus Expo trade show, the biggest and best annual gathering of citrus industry members in the United States. There are only …

Citrus Leprosis: a Continuing Threat in Florida and North America

Tacy CalliesDiseases

By Richard F. Lee The old-timers called citrus leprosis “nailhead rust.” Prevalent in Florida in the early 1900s, the disease was first called leprosis in the 1920s by H.S. Fawcett. Although the disease was widespread in Florida at one time, it mysteriously disappeared in the mid-1960s. L.C. Knorr [University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Citrus Research and Education …

export expectations

Moroccan Citrus: Increased Production Brings Marketing Challenges

Tacy CalliesCitrus

By Hassan Farouk Ahmed Morocco’s citrus production reached 2.3 million metric tons (MT) in 2016–17, an increase of 15 percent over the previous marketing year. Orange production increased by 4 percent, to 962,250 MT, while tangerine and mandarin production increased 24 percent to 1,325,246 MT. Much of the increase in production was due to increases in the area harvested, as …

Final Figure for Brazil’s 2016–17 Crop

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves In May, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimated the Florida orange crop at only 68 million boxes. The final number for the Brazilian 2016–17 crop was released by Fundecitrus on April 10 and was 245.31 million boxes. It is relevant to note an important point for the orange juice chain participants in Florida and São …

AgNet Hosts ‘This Week in Agribusiness’ — An Epilogue

Abbey TaylorAgriculture

By Gary Cooper AgNet Media Founder and President I recently connected with Max Armstrong, host of the nationally syndicated “This Week in Agribusiness” television program, for a fast-paced rural area and farm tour in Central Florida. It turned out to be a great opportunity for all involved, especially for Florida, which deserves more and better national media attention as an …

AgNet Hosts ‘This Week in Agribusiness’ — A Prologue

Josh McGillCitrus

By Gary Cooper AgNet Media Founder and President During a fast-paced day and a half earlier this week, I connected with Max Armstrong, host and anchor of the national farm news television program “This Week in Agribusiness” to help him with a whirlwind newsgathering tour of Central Florida agriculture. The syndicated television program airs weekly on RFD-TV and approximately 100-plus …

Sneak Peek: May 2017 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesNutrition, Sneak Peek

The topic of nutrition takes center stage in the May issue of Citrus Industry magazine. Part two of an article co-authored by growers and a researcher presents case studies on how controlled-release fertilizer can boost the health of HLB trees. Also included in the May issue is an update on grower citrus nutrition trials being conducted by University of Florida. …