Florida Orange Brix Levels Not So Sweet Yet

Josh McGillOrange Juice, Processing

Florida citrus growers and orange juice processors are reporting low Brix levels as the 2021–2022 harvest season continues. The Jan. 10 edition of the Market News Bulletin from Florida Citrus Mutual noted average Brix of 9.83. According to Bob Behr, chief executive officer of Florida’s Natural Growers, juice oranges being harvested now are running below average. “Citrus greening continues to …

Florida Citrus Nutrition Recommendations to Be Updated

Josh McGillFlorida, Nutrition

The Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference held in Savannah in early January included a session on citrus production to educate growers. Kelly Morgan, professor of soil fertility and water management with the University of Florida, spoke to attendees about newly updated production guides and their relationship to plant nutrition and HLB. Morgan noted that the third edition of the …

Paraquat Alternatives for Citrus Weed Control

Josh McGillHerbicides, Tip of the Week

By Ramdas Kanissery Paraquat is an herbicide labeled for various crops, including citrus, for post-emergent weed control. When applied during the early growth stage, paraquat controls many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds commonly found in Florida citrus. Additionally, paraquat typically offers relatively good crop safety in citrus due to its lack of translocation in the plant. This makes it the …

Developing a Management Plan for Lebbeck Mealybug

Josh McGillFlorida, IPM, Pests

By Lauren Diepenbrock Managing lebbeck mealybug has become an ongoing challenge in many citrus-growing areas of Florida. This pest expanded into 14 counties from 2019 to fall of 2021 and impacts both commercial and residential citrus. Damage includes distorted fruit and leaves, stem dieback and fruit drop. Loss of young trees can occur under extreme infestation scenarios. In addition to …

Smart Technology Cuts Spray Costs

Josh McGillPesticides, Technology

As they battle HLB, growers must control costs wherever possible, including by applying pesticides and fertilizer more efficiently. With that in mind, Yiannis Ampatzidis is engaging artificial intelligence (AI) to develop a low-cost, smart tree-crop sprayer that can automatically detect citrus trees, calculate their height and leaf density, and count fruit. That way, growers target their spray more efficiently, so …

Egypt to Remain Top Orange Exporter

Josh McGillExport, International

Egypt is expected to maintain its position as the world’s leading fresh orange exporter in 2021–22 despite production challenges, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. The country is expected to export 1.45 million metric tons (MMT), down from 1.67 MMT in 2020–21. The decrease in exports is attributed to lower production amid unfavorable climate conditions. Russia, …


How Fast is CLas? Scientists Now Know

Ernie NeffDiseases, Research

For the first time, scientists have been able to measure the speed of the Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) bacteria that causes HLB disease. CLas are injected into citrus trees by psyllids feeding on the trees’ sap. CLas relies on this sap to grow and spread throughout trees.    Using a new statistical modeling analysis and measurement approach, plant pathologists were …

Freeze Damage: Preparation and Recovery

Josh McGillTip of the Week

By Amir Rezazadeh Low temperatures can cause serious injury to leaf, wood and fruits of citrus trees. An extended freeze can kill a citrus tree. A rapid temperature decrease or a longer duration of freezing temperature can worsen the damage. Because preparation is paramount in protecting citrus trees, growers should use the Florida Automated Weather Network. The network provides information …

Pest Management: A New Approach to an Age-Old Challenge

Tacy CalliesPests

By Brad Turner From a family with deep Florida roots, I have over 40 years of experience in commercial citrus production. I learned the industry from the ground up by working in the family groves while studying citrus production at Florida Southern College. I have owned a citrus nursery, my own groves and a citrus caretaking business. I have also …

Making Sense of Biologicals: An Alternative to Managing Premature Fruit Drop

Tacy CalliesMSOB

One instance of fruit drop is expected and needed every growing season for Florida citrus producers. A second instance, however, is unexpected, unwanted and just what growers do not need right before harvest time. HLB WORSENS DROPBut that is a scenario Florida citrus growers encounter every year. This problem has only worsened in the era of citrus greening disease, also …

Attracting Students to the Citrus Industry

Ernie NeffEducation

Citrus Australia is preparing a program to improve education opportunities and employment pathways in the citrus industry, as well as in wider horticulture. Citrus Australia CEO Nathan Hancock said the industry is committed to forming a deeper partnership with education providers to ensure students are aware of the diverse career pathways in the citrus industry. “Currently there is a huge …

georgia citrus association

Georgia Citrus: Varieties and History

Ernie NeffGeorgia

University of Georgia (UGA) plant breeder Wayne Hanna released three seedless citrus trees in 2016. All carry the brand name “Frost” to identify them as UGA products. There is a tangerine (Sweet Frost), a lemon (Grand Frost) and a grapefruit (Pink Frost). Earlier this year, the trio became a quartet with the addition of a navel orange (Southern Frost). Hanna says …

Sneak Peek: January 2022 Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

With the new year, Citrus Industry debuts a new look in the January issue! The magazine has been refreshed with a redesign, but readers will still find the same great content they rely upon to produce the best citrus. The January issue features a focus on pest management, with four articles covering this topic. Two of these articles address biological …

Shining the Light on Tree Health

Tacy CalliesResearch

At a University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension citrus field day held earlier this month, plant pathologist Amit Levy talked with growers about ways to evaluate tree health. “A good evaluation should be correlated to the yield that the trees will produce,” explained Levy. “The evaluation should be concentrated on the tree health, and not on …

Nutrition Findings for Florida Citrus

Ernie NeffNutrition

Florida’s Citrus Nutrition Box Program that began in the fall of 2019 has shown that regional differences occur around the state with secondary macronutrients and micronutrients. It also showed that manganese and zinc are a concern for almost all areas. Jamie Burrow presented those findings, and numerous others, as part of Citrus Nutrition Day in October at the University of …

Recommended Citrus Reading

Tacy CalliesTip of the Week

By Ruth Borger The week between Christmas and New Year’s is a great time to think about reading, or rereading, a book about Florida citrus or trying out a tasty recipe featuring our favorite fruit. Here are some suggestions that might make it onto your bedside reading table for the new year. Oranges by John McPhee,1966, is considered a classic …


Mixed Forecast for Israel Citrus Varieties

Ernie NeffForecast, International

Production of oranges, grapefruit and lemons in Israel is forecast to climb in 2021-22, but mandarin/tangerine production is expected to decline, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). ORANGESFAS expects orange production to remain low and below average at 58,000 metric tons in 2021-22, up slightly from 57,000 metric tons in 2020-21. The bulk of Israeli …

Gibberellic Acid Label Concerns Allayed

Ernie NeffAll In For Citrus Podcast, HLB Management

University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers have found that gibberellic acid (GA) applications can improve productivity of HLB-affected Valencia trees. But some growers are concerned that the GA label may not allow that use. Citrus Research and Education Center Director (CREC) Michael Rogers allays that concern. Rogers says some are concerned “because the recommendations that …

The Case for Sugar Belle® in OJ

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

A pitch for potentially using the HLB-tolerant Sugar Belle® mandarin hybrid in orange juice (OJ) has been made by University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) researchers. A brief presentation titled, “Potential of Using HLB-Tolerant Sugar Belle® in Orange Juice Processing and Effects on Consumer Preference,” is available for viewing. Slides in the presentation indicate that a …

Flavor Summit Returns in February

Ernie NeffEvents

After a year’s postponement because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the University of Florida is hosting the 2022 Flavor Summit – Industry Perspectives on Feb. 22-24. Industry professionals are invited to attend and learn about the science behind flavor. The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) and the UF Center for Smell …