Flavonoids May Reduce Cognitive Decline

Ernie NeffResearch

A new study shows that people who eat a diet that includes at least half a serving per day of foods high in flavonoids — like oranges, strawberries, peppers and apples — may have a 20% lower risk of cognitive decline. The research is published in the July 28, 2021, online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American …


Alico Gets Higher Prices, Less Fruit

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release

Alico, Inc. received significantly higher prices for its citrus fruit in the 2020-21 harvest season, but had reduced box production and reduced average pound solids per box of fruit. The company’s average blended price for fruit was $2.45 per pound solids (PPS), up 31.7% from the $1.86 PPS it received the prior year. Alico cited “favorable industry supply dynamics” as …

Cutrale Achieves Sustainability Gold Score

Ernie NeffAwards

Cutrale recently announced it has achieved a gold score in sustainability for all its orange farms in Brazil and the United States. The award is from the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) – Farm Sustainability Assessment (FSA), a widely recognized sustainability standard. The FSA was developed by the SAI to enable food and beverage businesses from all crops and countries to …

OJ Consumption Aids Children’s Health

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Moderate consumption of 100% orange juice (OJ) should be encouraged in children due to its multiple health benefits and lack of negative impacts on body weight, numerous studies indicate. The studies have revealed that children who regularly drink 100% orange juice have higher intakes of key nutrients, higher quality diets, and may have healthier lifestyle habits than children who do …

functional beverage

Research Planned on OJ Health Benefits

Ernie NeffOrange Juice, Research

Rosa Walsh, director of scientific research at the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC), told the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) in June about the 2020-21 FDOC research plan. The plan includes two scientific research projects exploring health benefits of 100% orange juice (OJ). The projects, beginning in the new fiscal year, look at determining quantitative analysis of nutrient density in OJ …

Hesperidin and Good Health Linked

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus, Research

A new systematic review links hesperidin, a flavonoid found in oranges and 100% orange juice (OJ), to health benefits. However, more research is needed to further strengthen results.    The Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC)-funded review examined published studies relating to hesperidin in 100% OJ and its impact on several chronic conditions and other measurements. Those measurements included blood levels …

Morocco Developing New Citrus Varieties

Ernie NeffInternational

The National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Morocco is developing new early- and late-season harvest varieties to support a prolonged production season, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) reported. This will allow producers to supply markets for longer periods of time and help Morocco remain competitive in international markets.   In May, INRA launched a call …

EU Citrus Production on the Rise

Ernie NeffInternational

Citrus production in the European Union (EU) is expected to rise 10.4% in the 2020-21 season to 11.7 million metric tons, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). The FAS June report attributed the production increase to favorable weather conditions and rebound production mainly in Spain and Italy following a significant drop in 2019-20. “EU citrus …

Fruit Drop Is Biggest Grower Concern

Ernie NeffFruit Drop

Fruit drop “is probably the No. 1 concern” of the citrus growers he knows, says Ray Royce, executive director of Highlands County Citrus Growers Association (HCCGA). “Fruit drop and profitability are going hand in hand,” he adds. “There’s a tremendous struggle now to be profitable, given the relatively low harvest numbers,” Royce says. “I think growers believe that if they …

Study: Beverage Labels Confuse Parents

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus, Orange Juice, Research

Beverage labeling regulations appear to fall short of helping parents identify the ingredients of drinks they purchase for their children, a recent study published in Pediatric Obesity suggests. This has researchers calling for changes to labeling regulations to increase transparency and help consumers choose healthier beverages. The online study included more than 1,600 parents who had healthy 1- to 5-year-old …


FDOC Preliminary Budget Approved

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

The Florida Citrus Commission (FCC) approved the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) preliminary operating budget of $29.12 million, an increase of $9.75 million from last season. The FCC serves as the governing board for the FDOC. Steve Johnson, FCC chairman, said the increased budget is largely due to the receipt of $17 million in general revenue funding from the state …

Uncle Matt’s Launches Ultimate Shots

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

Uncle Matt’s Organic recently announced the launch of its Ultimate Shots line. Ultimate Shots are intended to aid specific functions such as immune support, digestion and energy. The shots are now available online and will be rolling out to select retailers nationwide over the next few months. The Ultimate Shots come from 100% organically grown fruit. The juice is blended with …

Varieties for the Indian River Region

Ashley RobinsonVarieties

In response to HLB, the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) citrus breeding program is focused on developing improved varieties and rootstocks for sustainable and profitable production. Rootstock and scion performance trials have been established throughout the state. UF/IFAS citrus breeder Fred Gmitter touched on some of the experimental trials being done in Florida’s Indian River …

orange juice

Suspension of OJ Brix Level Sought

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

For most months during the 2020-21 Florida citrus season, oranges did not meet the federal minimum standard of 10.5 degrees Brix for not-from-concentrate orange juice (OJ). According to a slide shown during Florida Citrus Mutual’s recent annual meeting, the average Brix level for oranges during the season was 10.45. Brix is a measure of the sugar content of juice. Consequently, …

marketing program

How OJ Sales Boomed in the Pandemic

Ernie NeffOrange Juice

The boom in OJ (orange juice) sales during the COVID-19 pandemic was highlighted during Marisa Zansler’s report to the Florida Citrus Commission in May. Zansler is the Florida Department of Citrus’ (FDOC) director of economic and market research.   Prior to the pandemic, orange juice sales had decreased annually by an average of 5.5.% each year, Zansler reported. She noted …

How the FDOC Will Use Extra Funding

Ernie NeffFlorida Department of Citrus

With Gov. Ron DeSantis’ recent approval, the Florida Department of Citrus (FDOC) has $12 million in state funding for the 2021-22 season.  With the additional funding, the FDOC plans to expand its programs, reaching more consumers in order to drive sales of Florida orange juice (OJ). The FDOC will also increase marketing programs for fresh grapefruit, oranges and tangerines, similar …

Florida Citrus Funding of $32.6 Million

Ernie NeffLegislative

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on June 2 approved all $32.6 million worth of citrus-related funding in the state budget, Florida Citrus Mutual (FCM) Executive Vice President/CEO Mike Sparks reported. The budget had been set earlier by the state Legislature. Sparks detailed the citrus appropriations: Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), $3 million Citrus Research and Field Trial (CRAFT) program, $5 …

How to Build Consumer Trust

Ashley RobinsonMarketing

Consumer trust in the food and beverage industry has decreased drastically, despite surging at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer: Trust and the Food and Beverage Sector uncovers a 12-point decline in trust globally, the largest of any sector measured, following a major surge last spring. “People had high hopes and had real connections with …

Growers Discuss Fruit Drop and More

Ernie NeffFruit Drop

Fruit drop, drought, fruit quality, production costs, deer and Diaprepes root weevil were among problems that bothered Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association (PRVCGA) members in the 2020-21 season. Those were the issues raised by panelists at a PRVCGA grower roundtable luncheon on May 4 in Hardee County, Florida.   “The fruit drop has been the biggest problem this year,” …

Alico Fruit Price Rises; Production Declines

Ernie NeffIndustry News Release

Alico, Inc. reported net income of approximately $8.7 million and earnings of $1.16 per share for the six-month period ending March 31, 2021. That’s about double the net income of approximately $4.4 million and earnings of 58 cents per share in the same period of the prior year. The increase in net income is primarily due to greater revenue generated from the Alico Citrus segment. The greater …