orange juice

Imported OJ Cost Florida Citrus Growers This Season

Ernie NeffCitrus, Market

Apopka citrus grower Chip Henry of McGuire Groves says orange juice (OJ) imports cost him money this year and may have led to other growers being stuck with unharvested fruit. “As the season progressed, I began to realize that the pricing structure was subject to being weakened considerably by imports of orange juice from primarily Mexico,” Henry says. According to …

Fruit Markets: Then and Now

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves In the last three decades, world fruit production went from 338 to 865 million tons. CHANGES IN THE CITRUS SECTORCitrus represents 17 percent of fruit production but is growing at a slower rate (140 percent) than the 155 percent growth rate seen in the total category of all fruits. Within the citrus sector, oranges represented 67 …

new york times

May 4 Is National OJ Day

Tacy CalliesOrange Juice

Ray Royce of the Highlands County Citrus Growers Association reminds citrus industry members that this Saturday, May 4 is National OJ Day. “You are encouraged to think about how, even in a very small way, you can help assist in reminding your friends, neighbors and business associates that Americans have long had a love affair with orange juice,” says Royce. …

Sneak Peek: May 2019 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

The May issue of Citrus Industry magazine offers something for everyone. The diverse range of article topics in this issue is sure to be of interest to readers. First, growers will want to read the latest research on citrus tristeza virus (CTV). Although this is an old problem in Florida, it’s still a threat today — especially if you are …


What Will Come from Brazil?

Tacy CalliesCitrus, Global Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves On the supply side, Florida expects 77 million boxes of oranges this season. Valencias account for 46 million boxes, while non-Valencia represent 31 million boxes. With reports of smaller fruit, these figures may drop before the end of the processing season. SEASON STATUSIn general, the Florida weather has been favorable this season, allowing for a good …

Michaela McLean Crowned Miss Florida Citrus

Tacy CalliesAwards

The Florida citrus industry now has one of its own family members to serve as a spokesperson. Michaela McLean, sponsored by Pro Citrus Network, won the title of Miss Florida Citrus 2019 on March 23. Her family owns Uncle Matt’s Organic orange juice company, based in Clermont, Florida. “Uncle Matt is actually my uncle,” says McLean. “I’m on the back …

Free Download of New Citrus Book

Josh McGillGlobal Perspectives

Marcos Fava Neves, author of the Global Perspectives column in Citrus Industry magazine, has a new book available for free download. “Orange Juice Chain: Past, Present and Future” offers ways to combat global challenges to juice consumption, discusses trends in the juice processing industry, offers advice for orange producers, and includes much more. Neves is an international expert on global …


Growing 325 Boxes of Citrus per Acre

Ernie NeffCitrus

Grower Roy Petteway told fellow growers attending a recent grower roundtable meeting in Arcadia that his 400 acres of citrus groves in three counties are averaging production of 325 boxes per acre. That’s approximately double the production level of the average Florida citrus acre hammered by HLB, though far below pre-HLB production levels. Petteway grows fruit for processing in DeSoto, …

California Citrus Conference Calls Attention to Key Industry Issues

Tacy CalliesCalifornia Corner

By Len Wilcox The Citrus Research Board’s (CRB) annual California Citrus Conference took place in October in Visalia. This year’s event included a celebration of the organization’s 50th anniversary. The CRB is an important resource to California’s citrus industry. It awards more than $7 million each year to researchers throughout the state. Since 2008, CRB has focused much of its …

Opposite Production Situations This Season

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves When compared to last season’s output, expected orange production this season is dramatically different in both Florida and Brazil. FLORIDA UP The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s November forecast for Florida’s 2018–19 orange crop is 77 million boxes, 71 percent more than last season’s 45 million boxes. Of these 77 million boxes of oranges, 32 million boxes …

Putting Florida Citrus in the Public Spotlight

Tacy CalliesPublic Relations

The Edison & Ford Winter Estates Citrus Project will promote the value of the Florida citrus industry. By Jim Gravley The citrus industry has endured many setbacks this year and needs an across-the-board evaluation. As a grower first, I devote my extra time to helping assist the industry with current issues affecting production, research and the marketing of our product. …

Sneak Peek: September 2018 Citrus Industry Magazine

Tacy CalliesSneak Peek

Some fruit drop in citrus is a naturally occurring process, but other types of drop can and should be avoided. In the September issue of Citrus Industry magazine, University of Florida researchers discuss HLB-associated pre-harvest fruit drop and glyphosate-related fruit drop. Not only does HLB increase fruit drop, it also negatively impacts fruit flavor. Another research article in the September …

Lemons in Florida: Something New Under the Sun?

Tacy Callieslemons

By Fred Gmitter, Bill Castle and Jude Grosser King Solomon once pointed out that “there is nothing new under the sun,” meaning that what has happened before will happen again. Although the idea of growing lemons in Florida is viewed by some these days as a new thing, Florida actually has a fairly long history of lemon production. FLORIDA LEMON …

Global Perspectives

Brazil’s Citrus Forecast for 2018–19

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves The season’s first orange crop forecast is one of the most important numbers of the year for Brazil’s orange juice business. The citrus forecast for 2018–19 was published on May 9 by Fundecitrus, in cooperation with Markestrat, University of São Paulo and São Paulo State University. SIZE AND VARIETIES Brazil expects 288.29 million boxes of oranges …

Inside Spain’s Citrus Industry

Tacy CalliesProduction

By Steve Futch and Ariel Singerman Editor’s note: The authors share what they learned while touring Spain’s citrus industry in March of 2017. Spain is the leading citrus producer in the European Union (EU) with approximately 300,000 acres that yield about 21 million boxes. FOCUS ON FRESH Production is primarily focused on the fresh market, with much fruit exported to …


How a Processor Is Coping with HLB

Ernie NeffHLB Management

Everyone in the citrus business knows HLB has wreaked havoc on Florida citrus growers. But it has also caused severe problems for processors, said Bob Behr, CEO of Florida’s Natural Growers (FNG). FNG is one of the nation’s largest processors and marketers of orange juice. Behr told the audience at the recent Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference that low citrus …

Strong Finish for 2017–18 Brazilian Citrus Season

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves The last Fundecitrus announcement (April 10) of the season for the Brazilian citrus crop was 398.35 million boxes. This includes: 77.48 million boxes of Hamlin, Westin and Rubi 18.02 million boxes of Valencia Americana and Valencia Argentina 118.47 million boxes of Pera Rio 139.62 million boxes of Valencia 44.76 million boxes of Natal (Navel) SEASON SUMMARY …

orange juice

International OJ Market Sees Some Positives

Tacy CalliesGlobal Perspectives

By Marcos Fava Neves The third Fundecitrus estimate of the season for the Brazilian orange crop on Feb. 11 was just shy of 400 million boxes. It is 3.13 percent larger than the last estimate in December, and 9 percent larger than the initial estimate published in May. Fruits are bigger and heavier, reaching 247 fruits per box. This is …

International Citrus Business Conference Tackles Industry Issues

Ernie Neffbusiness

Approximately 350 members of the global citrus industry convened at the International Citrus Business Conference held this week in Daytona Beach. The event was presented by Morris Agribusiness Services and AgNet Media. Allen Morris of Morris Agribusiness Services says the conference was attended by nearly all segments of the international citrus industry. Growers, processors, brokers, byproducts and flavor companies and …

PIECES OF THE PAST: Now Hold On Just a Minute!

Tacy CalliesHistory, Pieces of the Past

By Brenda Eubanks Burnette I recently came across a postcard in my collection that featured the Orlando headquarters of the Minute Maid Corporation, which made me curious about how the company started. The back of the postcard reads: “National Headquarters of Minute Maid Corporation in Orlando, Fla. Located near the heart of Florida’s rolling citrus grove country, at the intersection …