CRDF Approves Project to Enhance Breeding Efforts

Tacy CalliesBreeding, CRDF

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) convened for its July board of directors meeting with several projects under consideration. The board approved funding of a work program for the plant improvement teams of the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service and the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. The project is funded for three years. It …


Seeking a Partner for OTC

Daniel CooperHLB Management

Few would dispute that the approval of oxytetracycline (OTC) for use as a trunk-injection therapy to treat HLB is one of the biggest breakthroughs in the nearly two decades of fighting the disease. Most Florida citrus growers believe the therapy has been a net positive and they are committed to continuing the treatment. However, there’s a stipulation in the labels …

CRDF Puts a Bow on a Busy Year

Tacy CalliesCRDF

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) held its final board of directors meeting of the year on Dec. 12. According to Rick Dantzler, CRDF chief operating officer, it was a productive meeting. “We funded projects on plant breeding and evaluation,” Dantzler said. “We also approved research to look for ways to maximize the use of oxytetracycline (OTC) as a …


Snail Control and Research Update

Daniel CooperPests

Baits are currently the best tool for Bulimulus bonariensis snail management, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) entomologists reported recently. Assistant professors Lauren Diepenbrock and Nicole Quinn also provided an update on snail research. Diepenbrock works at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred. Quinn works at the Indian River Research and Education Center …


Fine-Tuning Trunk Injection

Josh McGillHLB Management

Growers have concluded their first round of injecting their citrus trees with oxytetracycline (OTC) and now are anxiously awaiting the results. So far, trees seem to be responding with larger leaves and fruit, but fruit retention will tell the story if the treatment is moving the needle against HLB. For many years, there was a perception among growers that if …

Research Update on Oxytetracycline Injection for HLB Management

Josh McGillHLB Management, Research

By Ute Albrecht The German scientist Paul Ehrlich pioneered the research for “magic bullets” — chemicals that could kill a microorganism but did not harm the patient. He also coined the term “chemotherapy” and paved the way for developing synthetic drugs. The first synthetic antibiotic (the first sulfa-type antibiotic) to successfully treat human bacterial diseases without major side effects was …

Optimize Zinc and Potassium Applications to Prevent Fruit Drop

Josh McGillFruit Drop, Nutrition, Tip of the Week

By Fernando Alferez, Daniel Boakye, Murillo De Sousa and Pablo Orozco After HLB was first detected in Florida, increase in disease-associated preharvest fruit drop in affected trees has significantly reduced grower returns. Fruit drop is normal in healthy citrus, accounting for 10% to 15% of the total crop. However, under endemic HLB conditions and depending on the variety, crop loss …


Transgenic Efforts Against HLB

Josh McGillBreeding, HLB Management, Research

Matthew Mattia recently provided an overview of work at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS) transgenic test site in Fort Pierce. Transgenic refers to an organism that contains genetic material into which DNA from an unrelated organism has been artificially introduced. Scientists at the Picos Farm screen transgenics for suppression of citrus Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), …

Doubling Down on CRISPR Research

Josh McGillBreeding

By Michael E. Rogers We have all been waiting (and waiting some more) for new varieties to be developed that are resistant to HLB. Ten years ago, researchers thought they were really close to having new HLB-resistant varieties developed using gene-editing CRISPR technology. But as science goes, the story was much more complicated than first believed. A single edit to …

CRDF Board Focused on HLB Treatments

Josh McGillCRDF, HLB Management, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors meeting in July focused largely on the use of oxytetracycline (OTC) as an HLB treatment in citrus. The board considered projects testing it in combination with other antimicrobial compounds or as a standalone treatment. Trunk injection of OTC has given the Florida citrus industry hope that it might be a …

Capitalize on Cooperative Research

Josh McGillResearch, Tip of the Week

By Larry Duncan The growers advising the Citrus Research and Development Foundation understand very well the importance of cooperative research projects between growers and scientists. Several years ago, they earmarked a portion of research funding, not for carefully managed laboratory experiments or small plot trials at state, federal or private research centers, but rather for grower-run trials testing potential HLB …

Highlights from the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference

Josh McGillEvents, Florida Citrus Mutual

Florida Citrus Mutual provided a summary of its Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference held in June: After a year full of challenges, the 2023 Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference once again offered an opportunity for more than 500 growers, allied members, family and friends to come together and focus on the highlights of the year and the promise of better …


Angle Calls for Faster Research Progress on HLB

Josh McGillEvents, HLB Management

Scott Angle, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) senior vice president for agriculture and natural resources, began the educational session during the Florida Citrus Industry Annual Conference with a message of urgency. He recognized the critical threat posed by HLB and said science could catch up to the problem. “Plant sciences are advancing globally at almost …

Update on Snail Management in Citrus

Josh McGillPests, Tip of the Week

By Lauren Diepenbrock Snail management is becoming a more common discussion in Florida citrus with the arrival of a newer species (Bulimulus bonariensis, previously referred to as Bulimulus sporadicus, Figure 1) in the Southeast. This snail is a new challenge for citrus growers. With funding from the Citrus Research and Development Foundation, the University of Florida Institute of Food and …

May CRDF Meeting Focuses on Money Matters


The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors attended to budgetary matters during its May meeting, as the end of the fiscal year nears. “We decided to transfer our remaining uncommitted funds from what we had budgeted for new research to the Citrus Research and Field Trial program to help growers treat mature trees with new therapies,” said …

Exploring Additional Antimicrobials for Citrus Injection

Josh McGillCRDF, HLB Management, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors invited six full proposals on combining other antimicrobials with oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCl) during its April meeting. “If growers are going to pay the labor costs for workers to crawl underneath a citrus tree to treat it with OTC-HCl, maybe there are other things that could be mixed with the injection,” …

Latest CRDF Funding Includes Oxytetracycline Hydrochloride Projects

Josh McGillCRDF, Research

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors convened its March meeting with a busy agenda, addressing fast-moving current events. Discussion focused on newly approved oxytetracycline hydrochloride (OTC-HCl) trunk-injection products currently being applied in groves. The board funded a project to measure the impact of OTC-HCI applications on the Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). Specifically, the study will determine …

CRDF Funds Project to Arrest HLB Bacteria

Josh McGillCRDF, Research

At the latest Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors meeting, funding was approved for a project by Robert Turgeon. He is a professor of plant biology at Cornell University. “Dr. Turgeon is considered by some to be the world’s foremost expert on phloem physiology. If his project succeeds, it could solve our problem with HLB,” CRDF chief …

The Advantage of Youth

Josh McGillCRDF

Morgan McKenna Porter brings new energy to the Citrus Research and Development Foundation. By Ernie Neff New Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board President Morgan McKenna Porter was born Feb. 29, 1992. There’s only a Feb. 29 every fourth year, a leap year. “So,” she quipped, “CRDF has a seven-year-old president if we go by my leap year age.” …

Sneak Peek: March 2023 Citrus Industry

Josh McGillCRDF, HLB Management, Sneak Peek

The March cover of Citrus Industry magazine features a fresh face in a key industry leadership role for Florida. Morgan McKenna Porter is bringing youthful energy to her new title as president of the Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) board of directors. In the cover story, learn about her background as well as her CRDF goals for helping growers …